The 8ball is all knowing

the 8ball is all knowing

Attached: 8ball.jpg (595x806, 83K)

Does she like me?

Should I take more selfies?

Need to do it tonight?

Am I in love with her?

Is it wise to post space-themed pictures on my social media account?


Will I get a girlfriend this year?

two 3's in a row, woow.

goddammit, are you doing this just to spite me?

Should I put the money in the bank?

Will I be able to leave my body tonight?

will i do well on the national exams?

seriously why do i keep getting 3's

Will I be granted a financial aid from la DG Personnes handicapées.

the song I am listening to is really good, yes?


THE SOng I am listening to is good, please?

Should you fuck off?

my fucking god, how likely am i to get so many 3's?

Does NB (the nice one in my science class, not the other bitch) like me?

will I sleep well tonite

does anyone love me

will I die tonight?

Should I take my own morphine before my surgery so I get super high?

Do we have to have this stupid fucking thread multiple times every day?

Will i crash my new car?

Will my team win the league