I'm Hungry! Are You Hungry? I'm going to McDonald's to pick up my favorite food

I'm Hungry! Are You Hungry? I'm going to McDonald's to pick up my favorite food.

>towering 100% beef Big Mac
>crispy french fries
>ice cold refreshing coca cola

Can I get you anything from McDonalds while I'm out? Anything under $5 and I got you.

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yea i guess grab me a double cheese and a jr chicken if ur hittin it anyway

Apple pie because it's the only vegan item

Thanks user, but I just made a homemade apple pie.

no thanks

2 egg McMuffins without cheese

how much do they pay you for posting this weak-ass ad, considering it's free to post on 4chin?

A fucking big mac meal now costs $9.00
what the fuck, Ronald

where the fuck are you that a big mac meal costs $9?

what a faggot. let me find you and murder you.

2 apples pies, 2 McDoubles thanks user... seriously thank you. I'm very close to committing suicide and this last meal will be my last token of good faith in humanity kek

Is this grounds for a report?i don't want to get banned for a false report, but this is straight up unpayed advertising.

Where does it cost where you live? Am I getting ripped off? Its like $8.20 and you add sales tax and its about $9.00+


>answers a question with 2 questions
with tax, under $7.50

go advertise elsewhere
call you out and that's your only response?
pathetic and weak

5 dollar menu cheeseburgers with big mac sauce please
No I'm not fat, skinny as fuck, just like to clog my arteries real good when I do go to macdolands

go be british somewhere else you statist zilch

even delivered by doordash, it's under $9

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>with tax, under $7.50
Shit, dude, what state. Still, I remember when a #1 meal cost $2.95. Fucking jews and the devaluation of money.

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have sex.

It's not vegan.
The dough contains eggs

go figure the fat american picks mcdonalds

Ask a Pepsi merchandiser anything. I work in the South LA/Central LA/ Paramount /Downey area, I drive my car all over the area, and I work 70+ hrs a week, drive a Corolla, and eat at Alberto's

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who the fuck puts egg in an apple pie? these retards whine about wanting 15 bucks an hour and cant even make an apple pie right

Why do they always sneak acetlsulfame and nutrasweet in pop that has sugar?

Dough is supposed to have eggs, especially pastry dough


What do fat Eurofags pick?

Get me a large pudding


too large

says the one supporting a multinational/international corporation making our health in the US objectively worse.
stop advocating mediocrity slave. be better and support something less degenerate, please.


I've never actually seen a McDonalds meal look like that.

I've come close, but never again.

It's in the pastry you retard