Who knew that such a silly cartoon could be so wise?
how could a concept so retarded get as far as to be animated and voiced out? Was everyone too afraid to tell Seth this isnt how it works?
Yeah fuck religion
You have to be mentally handicapped to believe in a magical man in the sky
They forgot the part where without Christianity as a unifying flag, Europe is conquered by Muslims in the 11th century and the world never gets out of the dark ages.
tbqh Europe is being conquered by Muslims right now.
How about the part where them unified Christians sack Constantinople and slaughter other Christians causing it to eventually fall to Muslims?
How about the part where the Christian monks spending their lives transcribing ancient texts are the only reason those texts haven't been lost to us forever?
It's possible to not believe in religion but still respect the importance and significance it had in human history. That's one thing I don't get about most atheists.
>How about the part where the Christian monks spending their lives diddling 12 year old boys in the name of god
because they aren't Christian anymore
it's like Rock-Paper-Scissors
Christians are Rock
Atheists are Paper
Muslims are Scissors
Christians deus vult Muslims
Christians become atheists without anything to deus vult, but keep their Christian empathy
Muslims outbreed Atheists
Das bretty gud
It is no coincidence that the majority of Swedish citizens were nonreligious.
>Its another Sup Forums cant take a joke episode
>those digits
>talking shit about Christianity
If you're willing to take that kind of open-minded look at history, human culture and religion, you'll probably come to the conclusion that some kind of higher power or pattern exists. All major religions represent a past attempt to identify, illustrate & understand a concept that we STILL haven't wrapped our heads around today. They're not perfect, but they're trying.
Atheism (not agnosticism) is often just a case of sheer self-centered ignorance. They really NEED to believe they're at the top of the food chain, that there's nothing higher or smarter than a human being with a college degree.
If Christianity never existed we'd all be muslims still living in our own filth and raping goats.
>If you're willing to take that kind of open-minded look at history, human culture and religion, you'll probably come to the conclusion that some kind of higher power or pattern exists
>you'll probably come to the conclusion that some kind of higher power or pattern exists.
Don't have it saved but what you just said reminds me of a quote a physicist said.
It is retarded, but Shitslam wouldn't exist without Christianity.
>They really NEED to believe they're at the top of the food chain, that there's nothing higher or smarter than a human being with a college degree
Aliens can exist with much less need for asspulls to justify it than gods.
If that was the case the aliens would fill the role of gods. Unless the aliens answer to something even bigger.
It's a flat circle.
Or you know, no one answers to anyone since people with functional brains dont need to believe in a magical man in the sky
is this a BOG webm
>anyone since people with functional brains dont need to believe in a magical man in the sky
Good thing pretty much no one believes that there is a magical man in the sky, Christians included.
I think you just have a narrow understanding of what the word "God" could mean. Religions usually humanize God to provide an illustration for an abstract concept that none of us actually understand.
Belief in "God" is belief that our existence, the existence of life in general, serves a specific function as a small part of some larger organism. Think of a single white blood cell inside your own body. Does it understand what the "body" is? Does it have any awareness of the thoughts going through your mind? Does it know that you'd die if it stopped doing its job?
is this a rick and morty crossover? link please
use the webm meta-data next time
Nice try Satan
>lul dude middle ages were so dumb lmao
probably has to do with Christianity changing what most people think of as "God" from a simply higher being to something omnipotent, perfect and creator of the entire universe.
there are people in this thread that unironically try to defend religion
it's 2017 wake the fuck up
fuck religion embrace absurdism
There's little difference there except one will send me to Heaven where I can fuck ur mom.
Give me a quick rundown on absurdism.
Well that explains a lot, Lucifer.
well yeah, most modern religions basically work like an extended game of "telephone," passing the same piece of information around, translating the translation, missing the intention, for thousands of years.
I like a lot of things about the Bible, but I honestly don't think the original writers meant it all to be taken literally. There are a lot of stories in there that function PERFECTLY as fables or morality tales, but they're just stupid if you take them literally.
pretty shit conquest desu
Wow that's just about exactly what I believe at this point. Thanks for the image user.
It's not a joke if this is what MacFarlane really believes. So I'm pretty sure this is more like Propaganda.
>magical man in the sky
That's a pretty narrow interpretation of God, man. God if it exist is something beyond a mortal mind.
>God if it exist is something beyond a mortal mind.
If that was the case we wouldn't even be able to conceptualize god.
Yes but by that logic, Judaism would still exist and we'd all by collecting shekels by now.
>but I honestly don't think the original writers meant it all to be taken literally
Of course not! The Bible is a collection of law books, fables, prophetic books, and historic books. They aren't all meant to be taken and read the same way. There's a reason every time the Kingdoms of Judah and Israel get fucked in the ass they also mention that their king and people weren't worshipping Yahweh.
>fuck religion embrace absurdism
DFW was right. Irony and cynism is just going to end in nihilism and sterile life, which is the easy way.
Embrace the New sincerity instead.
nobody knows that for sure, except religion claims to
why do you put so much credence in what they say? It's valiant, for you want to fuck his mother, but it seems like you picked it for an easy answer instead of the true answer. what if you DIDN'T fuck his mother later? you'd have to come up with something better to say
Let me give you a secret my man. US has the highest muslim population in all the Western World.
Burgers literally force this meme to make themselves feel better.
>In reality the dark ages where actually where medicine and studies grew the most, with Christianity spreading Universities across europe.
>we wouldn't even be able to conceptualize god.
Which the true God may be. For a human is like an ant trying to understand what is happening in the mind of a human.
>Go study at Jesus U and learn about christ.
Sounds like fun
No, either Paganism would have stayed Europe's main region, or some other shit would have come up.
The kikes were pretty much universally hated until they invented Christianity to get good goys to shill for them. They would likely be even fewer in number than they are today without Christians.
Quit playing an idiot. You are surrounded by nature all the time, plants & animals that feed each other and maintain balance. You can look up in the sky and see other stars & planets off in the distance. You are surrounded at all times by the architecture of something larger, that we didn't create, that fits together and functions in a pattern.
So far, we've only been able to see such a small part of it that we don't understand what we're looking at. But there can't really be any question that we are a part of something large and incomprehensible. That is "God." The whole point of science is to explore and comprehend our environment.
This is some good green-text. Saved
Your definition of "God" is literally just a synonym for the universe. There is no point in saying god instead of just calling it the universe.
The importance of the historical accuracy of the Bible is far outweighed by the importance of its philosophical elements anyway. Whether or not the shit happened is such a dumb thing to get hung up on to me regardless of what side of the religion you fall on.
>joke isn't funny
>joke isn't insightful
does seth realize the only people who enjoy this kind of shit are fedoracores? most people either roll their eyes or groan over the lack of subtlty or cleverness
>You are surrounded by nature all the time, plants & animals that feed each other and maintain balance.
Why are you taking the humans out of this equation? Because we don't maintain balance and thus your argument falls flat on its face?
mutually exclusive concepts, reprobates are damned by God
so basically you're shitty agnostics
le family guy man admits that all the development of humanity was made by christians (WHITES)
>we don't maintain balance
Don't we?
Lmao I love this; when idiots try and argue about God and prove they are literally incapable of wrapping their head around the concept. I'm an atheist and you are completely stupid, you would be the dirty peasant worshiping a teeny wooden cross in his shit hole in the middle ages, instead your just a dirty peasant worshiping a teeny computer screen in your shithole in the modern age. No matter what time you were born in you'd still be a dumb ass and a sheep.
But then what force stopped Islam form crushing Europe?
>because the year is the year truth is false
I do not understand your logic, truth is timeless
Reminder, Seth wrote an episode "disproving" the existence of God because the character meg is ugly while her mom isn't
The type of person the joke appeals to legitimately believes that Islam doesn't have a history of conquest and has only ever resorted to violence, begrudgingly, in response to Christian aggression.
The type of person who unironically believes Christians are the only ones who sacked the Library of Alexandria when they were neither the only nor the last to do so.
They transcribed what mattered for their ideology. You forgot the part where they were taught because of the need to propagate christians ideology first. It wasn't litterate people who became christians, it was mostly christians who kept the privilege of being litterate.
>Islam doesn't have a history of conquest and has only ever resorted to violence, begrudgingly, in response to Christian aggression
>it's a it's okay to glorify and worship conquerors to larping extremes but islam was for some reason too mean episode
>Who knew a cartoon could be so brainlet
Ftfy. Its okay though, I remember what it was like being an angsty teenager.
>christianity was ever necessary to cultural advancement
Implying any litteral knowledge wouldn't exist without christcucks
"Ibn al-Haytham is widely considered to be one of the first theoretical physicists, and an early proponent of the concept that a hypothesis must be proved by experiments based on confirmable procedures or mathematical evidence—hence understanding the scientific method 200 years before Renaissance scientists."
The lesson here is that no matter the religion that dominated whatever part of the world, only intellectuals were actively necessary to the betterment of humanity
Yes and fortunately thanks to Aquinas, Augustine and others what mattered for their ideology were the texts of people like Aristotle and Plato.
But christians don't believe that god created men above the animals ?
Yeah but a bactery doesn't create bullshit fairytales to believe it has some kind of bigger purpose than the one they have directly.
What kind of stupid fucks understand nihilism as an abstraction of any forms of meanings ? It is actually to search a meaning other than a god in the passions and arts of humanity.The answers of atheistic existentialism fits better the understanding of nihilism
Religious people suck. I wish they'd all go away.
More importantly the part that were the inspirations for the bible like the ideas of the planes of existence of the material and the ideal world translated into paradise that fitted into the christians ideology. They didn't transcript those philosophe, they used what they understood of these ancient to justify their religion.
Bacteria have demonstrated altruistic suicide, meaning that a cell in the colony will kill itself to preserve the others. I'm sure if bacteria could think about it in higher order terms they would think of that the same way we do.
You forgot the part where they edited the text to conform to their retarded ideology
What? Aquinas is famous for passing Christianity through the lens of Aristotleian thought to justify Christianity.
>the dark ages of scientific repression
but this never happened.
family guy is the #1 reason why white Christian girls fuck big black men
You know, I actually have to hand it to family guy for doing segments like conway twitty, giant chicken, and the whole scraped knee bit
They don't have to write any jokes for a few minutes and their audience will eat that shit up, its genius. They literally just fill in some time for the episode without any effort.
Its not funny, but still 14 year olds that watch it will think its funny