Why do you use Sup Forums?

Why do you use Sup Forums?
Also, why Sup Forums?

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to make fun and laugh at these (((people))).

Sup Forums has kindest people
/ b / has smartest people

to supplement /s/

Niggers tounge my anus that’s why

I just get banned everywhere else.

board is browsable when you hide and filter the daily nigger cuck tranny instafuck trap porn newfag pedo threads

because reddit is the biggest shithole I ever saw

I hate people and want to tell them how much I do. can't really do that face to face without getting fired or punched or even killed. here I get to insult people as a venting strategy. I also laugh at people getting insulted here especially me. it's the only thing that really makes me laugh anymore. I like when people unload on me to too. that makes me laugh and smile a lot too.

I have a severe porn addiction.


I just come here every blue moon to see if it’s gotten any better; it hasn’t got any better even a little bit. LOG BTW


Weeb Avatarfag who uses /waifu/

Other than that I just comment about how gay traps are.

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escape and therapy. look for circlejerks

>Sup Forums
For A shit ton of Keks
>Sup Forums
Learning the Etiquette of Sup Forums because I'm a newfag

I don't even know tbh

it's the only place i can safely be an angry retard

>Why do you use Sup Forums?
Because the FBI took all the other boards.
>Also, why Sup Forums?
Because I want to be able to say whatever the fuck I want, and Sup Forums is the closest thing we have to free speech.

Because I can set the color scheme to black, which enables me to be entertained without giving off too much light while waiting for my two year old to fall asleep.
And why Sup Forums? One of lifes big questions.

because I got ban on twitter and reddit.

Attached: reddit-zombie.jpg (399x600, 77K)

At this point? Habit I guess.

No filter
Can say what i please
Interesting in the real way
Criticism and a standard upheld by the majority of posters keeps me sharp

SOmetimes I just wanna post without the tie of a username to me irl
Also, I'm on Sup Forums because it's faster than any other board I frequent; fuck Sup Forums, fuck politics

to filter quality jpegs from Sup Forums

To shitpost and call people niggers.

when i was about 9, my brothers neckbeard roommate showed my brother a picture of 3 dicks forming a triforce in a womans vagina that i sneaked a fat peek at. started looking here for that image then, 21 now, still can't find it

I post here to remind alt right fartwads that they're pathetic and need to go back to school.

My fake facebook profile has a 30 day ban. I normally use it for making fun of hypocrites and scum, and I do it in a way that on the surface isn't too harsh, but underneath is pretty Sup Forumsesque.

It's not so much for the sick sense of humor, but the sublimely silly stuff in particular. The taste for it is a bit of mystery, but it's just as true that the steadily increasing percentage of Sup Forumstards who have some sort of anti-social personality disorder or other happen to be oblivious to it, and to much else that takes a sense of proportion to get.
I don't, but only because it's like engaging a piece of machinery, and I come here to play, not work: I've had pretty much everything in life I wanted, except personality. There is no such thing as too much of that.

they come here because they think they will find you here dumbfuck and they want to put you down. do you see the irony??? just leave assfuck.

To collect memes

Please tell me you're joking.


I hope you are joking. here's another mind blower if you are really that dumb. frogposters are the smartest posters here.