uk thread. starting with ali m from cheltenham. any cheltenham/evesham as a bonus
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Anyone from Solihull know her?
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Chav slut Hannah from Nuneaton
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recognise her, from chelt? initials or name?
shes not the same girl as the blonde is she?!
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Yep I know her from Birmingham
oh, then is more suitable for you then
Sammmmeee FAGG
You know you are like the least clever cunt on this board.
You are contributing nothing to anything
Boring motherfucker
I think she went to uni there
the first post on this thread, ops post is Ali M yes
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ye i didnt reply to that one
sorry, that is Christina G from worcester
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nudes? and anymore chelt?
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i wish i had nudes. i know they exist along with sex tapes
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Sheffield, recognise her?
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>same fag
no shit
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unfortunately no more from Chelt though
Very edgy offended user. Head on back to reddÃt now ya hear?
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She should more than likely kill herself because she is going to die alone crying at how the world hates women