The girl in the pic grabs your ass at the bar and tells that you two are going to fuck tonight...

The girl in the pic grabs your ass at the bar and tells that you two are going to fuck tonight, whether you want it or not.

What do you do?

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i dont race mix

Have sex, obviously.

she's not interested in you racial preferences obviously

As I'm told. Then beg for more.

Flex a ‘cep in return and spot each other doing squats.

Fuck her gently.

ask her if she has a penis

Use safety bars you degenerate
She's on a lot of gear and stage ready. Definitely has at least a clit-dick

Tell her why wait...

i accuse her of violating my trans identity (not trans but the judge wouldn't know) and send her to prison. make a fuckton of cash too

ask for weed

I’d ask her if she can paint herself green and talk like hulk while she fucks me

fpbp absolutely based and redpilled

Obviously she can't have sex with me in the bar itself. Play along, try to arrange a meeting with her later on at a fixed time and location, then shoot her and leave.

>Not helping her with her hip drive as she’s getting out of the hole.

I'm squatting nearly 400lbs regularly, never used a spotter or safety bars.

Makes me cringe every time I see people doing half-squats with too much weight and some other dude hugging them ass to crotch style.

I don't do (wo)men on gear
Also already made it- my squat breached 210kg this week, weee

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never tried a girl on roids but would definitely try. I hear they have massive sex drive from all that juice

I'm not into backne and hairy chests but to each their own mate

keep a glock'n if you don't wanna go a knock'n

we gonna smash cuz, and I'm gonna toss her ass around

Cry like a little bitch..