What the fuck is her name again?

What the fuck is her name again?

Attached: 1.jpg (960x712, 50K)

Greta Van Fleet

Imelda "you stole my youth" Carracas

She is a brave and fierce Viking warrior princess

Grotty Turdburglar

Soros Clone #58

Gretel Thornburger

Butta Faceberg

Grendel Iceberg

Grankle Thornbush

Gretaberg Downystein

Aldo Baglio

Robert Paulsen

Conor Mcgregor

Gratin Tunaburger

This is the 3rd Greta post on the front page.
You know, when I don't like someone, I just ignore them.
I don't know what crawled up the ass of you fags.

Grittle Thunderburger

Lefty McSwindleson

kinda like you ignored this thread that you don't like?

Are you guys RETARDED?! It is Greta Thunberg you sad cucks.

Gestalta Thunkbird

Said someone, a thread is something listen before opening your dick suckers

Gouda Thalmor

Feta Alcohol Synberg


Grute burntherg