This is your next President

This is your next President.

Attached: yang_gang.png (370x370, 71K)

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He's going the way of Beto...

Fuck off faggot

That doesn’t look like Elizabeth Warren.

we all gunna get fucked no matter whos in there i dont see a point of carring

No matter who wins in 2020, we all lose.

He's just the Ron Paul for Zoomers and Millennials.

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haha no

He has staying power, and he's relatable.

Biden is one more controversy away from being thrown in the trash. And, if he's not thrown in the trash, dems will lose again because they've canonized yet another establishment dem.

Warren will lose every argument as soon as anyone says "Pocahontas"

which are you?

fuck you

A millennial, but disillusioned and highly upset.

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Ron Paul is a right wing dipshit tho

>as anyone says "Pocahontas"
We'll beat your ass every time someone does

are you rich?

Uhm, he's right

"Hi folks, my name is Elizabeth Warren and I pretended to be a disenfranchised minority to further my career."

Sure sounds like a winner.

Certainly not. I just live in a very low-income area and purposely shop on the more affluent side of town on my ONE off-day to make myself feel 'worth' something again.

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you're both sheep


this is easy then. If you are not rich, you vote Democrat.

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*raises hand in support of free healthcare for all illegal immigrants*

Except that reads exactly like a Fox News lie.
Good job faggot.

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dumb poors voted for drumpf too

like that really matters. If Trump did something like that, you'd say he was smart for gaming the system. "bone spurs" lol

Democrats...Republicans...same handlers.

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that's exactly what wedge issues are designed to do. Fundamentally, the difference between the two parties is based on who they believe should carry the tax burden in this country.

No, just very realistic

Listen here, cuck. I'm not Fox News Pundit.

The cunt literally lied about her own heritage to get ahead in her career. She's fucking admitted to it on multiple occasions and had to apologize MULTIPLE times. Are you seriously just putting your head in the sand on this one?

For fuck sake, if we're going to fight Trump's lies with more lying fake-ass politicians, just fucking vote Trump.

#yanggang 2020 MATH

don't be gullible.

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fuck off with that shit. Elizabeth Warren told one lie that you are weighing equally to the THOUSANDS of lies that Trump has told to further his career in private and public life.

he literally raised his hand in support of it during the debates you blithering zilch

No he’s not, we do have a re-elected faggot PM tho

Just because I think Warren is a cretin, doesn't mean I'm a republican.

If we had a hierarchy of sheisty cunts, Trump would be a 10 and Warren would be around a 7.



no, he didn't

>The cunt literally lied about her own heritage to get ahead in her career.
This is literally debunked.

Are you a bot?

I'm on the yang train, not the trump dumpster fire.

If Trump is a 10 and you rank Warren as anything above a 2, you probably are a Republican cunt.

>The cunt
so you're just a sexist dipshit

irrelevant, you're making some seriously stupid comparisons.

Does debunked mean "I admitted to it and apologized for it, so it didn't happen?"

The absolute state of ideological cognitive dissonance.

I can call you a faggot without being a homophobe IRL you fucking faggot.

You know it's true; search your feelings. They might 'differ' on some non-issues (like same-sex marriage, abortion, etc), but they both can agree on which countries to bomb next, which lie to tell the public to abate the possibility of any insurrection, etc. They both serve the same banks, the same corporations, the same oligarchs, the same zionists...the same overall boss: capital.

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damn straight.


>tries to call people seeing the lies of the dem/rep sheep
>doesn't realize he's a sheep to the dem/rep.

Ignorance really is bliss, eh?

>just fucking vote Trump.
A vote for Yang is a vote for Trump
do the math on that lol

Truly clever

Thanks for admitting you wrong, bot. I appreciate you conceding your loss in this discussion.

You're positioning this as some great moral failing but there's no evidence that it helped her at all.

And there's also no proof she knew it was a lie and said it anyway. My wife always thought she was 3/32 Chippewa but it turns out she's twice that and we only uncovered that with DNA testing.

Damn dude, if you equal personal worth with superficiality and material possessions, you’re gonna be one sad motherfucker for the rest of your life

You can always turn shit around and even if you might come up with some bullshit excuse, believe me, you probably aren’t in a situation as bad as i am in and i almost ended up on the streets several times not to count the millions of bizarre shit that happens to me on a daily basis

Be a fucking warrior and pull yourself up


>falling for the wedge issues

Yang literally has 0% of getting the nomination. You should be putting your support towards one of the other front running candidates.


bring him on... doubt to be worse than what we ended up with this last time around....

how am I wrong? Declaring yourself the winner because you are sputtering doesn't make it true.

Warren has Native American blood. This is a witch hunt and she regrettably took the bait.
She won't do it again. We won't let her.

Yeah but strong willed women clearly trigger you, incel. No wonder you're fagging up with Yang.

I'm not particularly sad or anything, I just now see my situation for what it really is (material, rather than idealistically) and see what I have to do. It's why I work more than everyone else at my workplace: 6 days instead of just 5. The sixth isn't mandatory, but I do it anyway; more pay.

Nah man, zionists. Imperialists operating under the banner of Judaism in order to avoid criticism (lest they call you an anti-semite).

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>both parties are the same/baaaaad
lol fucking sheep

truly a waste of quads you apathetic fuck

He's a faggot. Call him one.

>mfw libtards are fighting so passionately about who is going to lose to Trump
this is why we mock you. You can't assemble, you can't see the big picture, you can't focus on the prize. We threw with Trump because we saw that he had the best chance to beat Hillary and we were right. MAGA2020 faggots.

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I thought the same thing with Bush.

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I wish, no matter who gets in any good they do will be undone in time but you can't uninvent thorium reactors.

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Where do you live? If you’re in Canada and need someone to help you split bills, i really don’t care to move over and start over where you are
I mean, this might sound super sketchy given we’re anonymous but do what you will of this post

you must have me confused with someone else . I'm on team "whoever can beat Trump" and I don't think it's Yang.

it literally means nothing who the president is, when congress is packed with the same people cycle in, cycle out

The Democratic Party can be worked with and corporate members voted out.
Republicans not so much. And usually Democrats are stuck in the position of cleaning up Republicans' bad foreign policy, too. You Both Sides Bad types should be whipped in public for making such annoyingly false equivalence "arguments" .

The two best chances the dems have of winning in 2020 are Yang and Gabbard.

Yang isn't a morally bankrupt cunt and Gabbard is a fucking veteran who gives a flying fuck about regular people. Neither are playing the race-bait political game, and both are focusing on issues that actually matter.

I don't like Warren because she's a liar, like every other politician.

So for 40 years, she wholeheartedly believed she was a native american? Even though she didn't even know what fucking tribe she belong to? I sure hope you apply the same "ignorance is not guilt" logic to Trump then, otherwise you're just another morally bankrupt idealogue.

I swear I wish more of my fellow liberals knew what the fuck a categorical imperative was.

Apathetic people don't get quads

Haha that motherfucker must be some kind of Terry Davis type
That pic is fucking epic

I was replying to this postand you're still a sexist dipshit.

>yang and gabbard
Neither are polling for shit russia
>elizabeth warren is a liar
ok russia

Look here, cunt. I call everyone who's a fucking idiot a cunt.

Australians use cunt for everything, why the fuck can't I?

Trump's a cunt. Warren's a cunt, Biden's a cunt.

So fuck off ya cunt.

The one major power the POTAS holds is the ability to not declare war, this is why congress hates Trump.

lol only a right wing troll would equate Warren's native american thing with Trump's persistent prevarications. Begone.

>Where do you live?
Who sent you. Who sent you. WHO SENT YOU?!

But thanks...for now, my bills are manageable, but I just really want/need to leave where I am now. I can do so, materially, but I need to make sure I'm gone for good...

Democrats are spineless. They are the party of empty promises, which is why they've achieved next to nothing since the end of the Reagan administration.

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what did I say that was sexist?

>Warren's a cunt
she's not tho

Not who you replied to but i once asked two hot blonde haired strayan chicks on to call me a cunt

They kept asking me why and wouldn’t do it
You guys calling everyone cunts actually amuses me

The Democrats would deliver a lot more if apathetic idiots like you didn't keep sitting out elections.

OK if you're calling everyone a cunt never mind.

All good man, if you’re willing to reconsider just reply to this post and see where we can go from there
I wouldn’t leave overnight as i’m starting a new job tomorrow and i have to move away at the end of the month but for sure i will be saving as much as i can for next year
I’ve been wanting to leave my province for years but shit never really came together and i’m really considering to do something about it next year around my tax return

you're confusing me with someone else. But I can pile on, ya dumb cunt.

I'll believe that when they actually impeach 45 instead of telling us *every week* how
>majority of Americans now favor impeachment and removal

They're also just sitting on their hands about Climate Change, and I don't like that.

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Vote for Warren you fooking coont

I'll vote for whoever gets the nomination. I don't care, whoever can beat Trump.

The Democrats don't control the Senate. It isn't likely now Trump can be impeached. You can't blame that on them.
>Climate Change
user, we have prominent Democrats who sponsored the Green New Deal.
We need more Democrats elected who are in favor of it. And we can't do that if we're playing your snitty little "both sides are bad" nonsense."

ok, well I'm going to go meditate

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She used her fake heritage to get a job at Hahvahd.
Hahvahd listed her as a Native American, so they didn't need to hire a real member of a minority.

And her job loss pregnancy story is a lie.

fucking kek

School board president?

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I'm not American, so he can't be my president.

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there's no evidence the heritage claim secured the job. It's pretty obvious you're a magafag, why not go join the Sup Forums circlejerk?

OK Fox News.