This is thievery. Change my mind

This is thievery. Change my mind
>inb4 go buy it somewhere else
>inb4 muh free market
>inb4 my grandson said it's rare
>inb4 it's so fun tho

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So don't buy it then? If you think you can get a better price somewhere else, do it, but otherwise, shut the fuck up and move on. That's how things work. If something is rare and no longer produced, the price will be high. That's just how things work.

No one is forcing you to buy it dipshit.

shhh I'm sure there are still thousands of copies out in the wild sweetie, try again.

Like I said, buy it somewhere else then, retard. You're clearly just butthurt that you might have to get off your lazy ass and look around a bit for it. Stupid cunt.

Supply and demand retard. Your a child throwing a tantrum because your not being catered too. Grow up.

>This is thievery.
the action of stealing another person's property.

Fuck off retarded commie.

>supply and demand
where's the demand though?.

I dont really understand your argument at all.
In what way is this thievery?

You can't just list off inb4s without refuting them; those inb4s are your answer.

Like, I cant make a thread saying, "Guys, what is 2+6? And DONT tell me its 8, I know its not 8!!! (inb4 people say its 8 anyway)"

This is equally retarded as youre being.

If it’s in pristine condition and has barely been opened/played with then by all means it’s a collector
A collector usually takes value with time and condition

Ffs, there’s a guy who has a shitload of holographic 1st edition Charizards from different series
Some goes up to 6k

Nobody is telling you to buy those crap
Just live your life and fucking mind your business, it’s the guy’s problem if he end up not selling

The argument should be quite clear: Nobody seems to be able to prove it's worth that much and thus, those who do buy it are getting ripped off.

>If it’s in pristine condition and has barely been opened/played with then by all means it’s a collector
absolutely, but then it should be labeled as such up front. this particular copy is nowhere near what some would call pristine.

>Nobody seems to be able to prove it's worth that much

You're actually retarded, aren't you?

Do you understand the concept of a FREE MARKET?
Do you know what that means retarded commie?

Nothing has a "set worth". Anything is worth what someone else is willing to pay.

I swear the commies just get more and more retarded.

How uncommon is this game?

Just emulate it lmao

I know some people will be stupid and buy things at meme prices. That's why the market is fucked up. Its unfair for the folks that want to buy at a reasonable price to play it and use it as it was intended for.

you do realise the famicon version goes for over a grand in this condition

It's not the same. Silly normies like you dont understand that it is much better playing the games how they should be played, on original console.

i wana buy something rare with my pocket change

so than you do understand why its that price stupid

Summer is over, kid. Go to bed

WAH I WANT IT MY WAY !!!!!!!!!!!!! >:(

Does anyone know if these companies ever kept records on the number of copies made of a specific game?.

You ok mate?

This is retarded.
If someone bought it at a 'meme price' then it WASNT a meme price. If there are people willing to spend that much on a product, that product is worth that much. Just because you dont have that kind of money or dont want to spend that kind of money on it does NOT mean it is not worth that much.

This is IN NO WAY 'unfair'. The people who buy it at that high price arent stupid, they simply value this product more than you, and THAT is why they own it and you do not.

Who the hell are you to tell them what the intended use of a product is? If they get enjoyment from just owning and looking at this cartridge they have every fucking right to do that. You have no right to tell someone how to enjoy something they have purchased. You wanting to enjoy the game by playing it DOES NOT take priotiy over them wanting to enjoy it but not play it.
You dont think its worth it? Guess what, that other guy who isnt playing it but buying it anyway? He DOES this its worth it.

tldr; you being poor doesnt mean other people arent allowed to enjoy things the way they want to enjoy them just because how they enjoy it is different from how you enjoy it

it's a discontinued item in pristine condition, of course it's valuable.
if you want to play the game, just grab the ROM

It's not in pristine condition, faggot. clean the cum out of your eyes and then say it's worth that much without using it's appearance as a value point.

>it's unfair
Someone has something to sell. You want it and are willing to pay what you believe is a reasonable price for it. Someone else wants it and is willing to pay what he believes is a reasonable price for it. If that guy is willing to pay more than you, then he's going to get it. There is nothing unfair about this.

Especially when considering the fact that if you just want to play the game you can get the ROM for free. You want the *luxury* of playing a physical copy but don't want to have to outbid people for it. You want the world to bend over and give you what you want for a price you think is fair, entirely on your own terms. THAT is unfair.


Sage is a store that sells it cheaper

someone's projecting very, very bigly.

Dude, download the rom you fucking cuck. That's free and you can still enjoy it. Plus you'll get zero latency like you would playing this on a modern TV.

Want to play it on the original hardware like a virgin retard but don't want to spend that much money. Fine! Go buy the bootleg version from china. It's like less than 20$. They play fine on The snes.

This is like bitching a meal at a restaurant is expensive and you can make it for cheaper at home. No shit stupid.

>this entire thread

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>play a Chinese bootleg they work fine
no, actually they don't. I bought a copy of Super Double Dragon only to find out that it was a fake and kept freezing on the second stage. you're a moron.

What part of 'download the rom' did you not understand fuckhead?
Youre an idiot for buying a copy.


>you're an idiot for buying a copy
>if you don't like the price go somewhere else
pick one nigger.

Why buy any of this stupid shit? Get a fucking flash cart. I used to collect snes and nes games when they where like 5$ each. Then the prices whent nuts. Sold my whole collection for 5K I spent like 400$ on everything back in the day. Yard sales, pawn shops, ebay...ect..ect. You know What I did with that money? I built a retro pie! it was like 100$. I put down 3K on a kick ass entertainment room. New tv, surround sound.ect...ect.. And invested the rest in a some stocks.

Inb4ing all the valid arguments against your post doesn't suddenly make them wrong.

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You got scammed by someone selling a shitty copy of a game. You could have bought a good copy. Don't be mad at me because youre too retarded to verify the source youre buying from is reliable.

I just asked for someone to change my mind, nothing more but I can see that's nearly impossible to do without using the usual excuses.

>too retarded to verify the source
I don't know, eBay said the seller was pretty credible and had nothing but five stars across the board. That's besides the point, though.

it's worth that much because some idiot will pay that much.

So then they're being dishonest and that makes it ok, got it. This is probably more retarded than anything listed in the op's post.

That is not besides the point. If this is true you should be able to contact the seller, return the product, and they should either give you a refund or another copy of the game.

Wtf are you talking about nigger?
Who is being dishonest? Its not marked for $15 then you check the bill and they charged you $150.
Upfront they are telling you its $150, no one is being dishonest. Any one who buys it at that price thinks it is worth that price; WHICH MAKES IT WORTH THAT PRICE.

*Worth it subjective*
You seem to have a very hard time understanding this.

Now you're going way beyond the point of all of this.

You sound mad, did someone hurt you?

See, you could have posted nothing.
Instead you posted this.
Meaning, youre aware you have no argument left.
You know you are wrong.

Mudslinging is always the last resort of a man who knows hes lost an argument and is trying to avoid looking like an idiot himself.

ok, if someone spray painted a lump of shit with gold spray paint and told you it was a gold nugget and you buy it only to find out it's a lump of feces, would you not think you were ripped off? you must be the idiot that would buy this type of shit.

it's ok, user, let him have his tantrum. I'm sure he'll run out of steam, soon.

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Lost? I wasnt even arguing with you kek you are so dumb and wasted your time with that post.

Gay. Play it on your phone instead of a 1992 TV.

All you got to do is adjust settings on the flat screen WA-LA! idiot, who wants to play on a phone screen?

As a flipper of all things, I love watching nigger faggots whine about it.

Normal people.

Normie sheeple, yeah. Enjoy your neck problems in the future from being slouched all the time faggot.

>mfw the bubble pops on collectorfags

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You sound like a nigger.
I'm surprised you haven't stole it.

Yeah. Fucking sheep. With their phones and such.

How do you steal from a phone screen?

It's not thievery, it seems to be the going rate. See attached image.

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The demand is people wanting old rare games. Whether it is that one in particular or just old rarities in general. Jesus, how little brain power does someone gotta have to ask a question this stupid?

He owns the item and no one has to buy it you dumbfuck.

Where the fuck would I even go to look for it, idiot?.

>old rarities
still not an argument if you can't prove it's rare.
>that one in particular
what about it? looks like your average every day SNES cart.

But my picture guys

I don't keep up with SNES games, aside to be able to say Hagane is a $500 dollar game.

Buy a flash cart, retard.


you want it you pay up. greed is good

things are worth what someone is willing to pay

move on

buy it for asking price then


Just because it's legal doesn't make it moral.

Viva Capitalism

nice try faggot

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Your anti capitalism argument involves an old video game.

that makes sense to me because it was a blockbuster exclusive, but something like soulblazer costing almost two hundred bucks is just retarded.

Well it's not as if they're just coming off the presses, add on top of it copies being lost or destroyed, with the rising popularity of the third game in the series, and I dunno how many were sold here but probably better to bet conservatively, and you've got what is probably a rarer game, that isn't being offered through vitual stores, and a rising demand.

No I fucking get that, these games will be getting more expensive in the future guaranteed, but as of right NOW, we have no solid proof people are going crazy for it and that there are so few copies left in existence.

If you were looking for people to affirm your own opinions you came to the wrong place

Well I just told you that the third game in that franchise is gaining rising popularity, as it was never sold in the States. Called Terranigma. As for getting proof of the number of copies left in existence, it would take months if not years of work tracking down copies I'd think, and then you gotta compare those numbers to the total sold, and who knows if Enix even keeps info nowadays of product it moved years ago. The proof you're asking for is work that's not gonna get done.

Terranigma was sold in the United States. I didn't know it was the third in the series though. Surely one of these companies kept some kind of record on how many copies were sold.

nevermind it wasn't sold here.


Sorry user, phone posting, it should’ve just be a regular reply to the thread