Look at my new cat! It might have audism, but thats okay

Look at my new cat! It might have audism, but thats okay.
Post pictures of your autistic pets in this thread.

Attached: cute cate.png (402x403, 241K)

that's a squirrel

its a cat. it just has autism. Dont shame him, you fucking retard.

I don't know man, kinda looks like a hamster to me.

Nice turtle

Cats and hamsters are slmost the same. I guess thats why unintelligent people cant tell the difference.

I would best the fuck out of you for animal abuse. I guarantee that squirrel isn't having fun

i do apologize for the misspelling of "almost".
I am kinda of retarded.

Attached: slingshot tjannel.jpg (1227x681, 388K)

Nice idubbbz screencap gay retard

Look at his face! He is enjoying it very much! He loves his new hat

shut up nigger faggot

Not OP but it seems like he's enjoying his new hat.

its a girl. dont asume its gender, you cis gendered fuck

Fuck off you sjw tranny

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had a pet bird for a while, but it ran away

Attached: birb.jpg (1200x900, 428K)

Fucking idiot, that's a gopher with a Plantain on its head.

Attached: 1420674539119.jpg (611x613, 42K)

Suck my dick, you dumb cunt. I'll beat you up in your sleep. I know its you H. I know your fucking memes

Gophers dont exist.

Not into chicks with dicks but thanks for the offer though.

Attached: received_1442478872571516.jpg (720x714, 32K)

you even stole that one from me, you degenerate piece of shit.

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Attached: trollface.jpg (640x640, 46K)

i've never seen one, so i'll take your word on it.

