What is the worst thing Trump has done that's affected you personally?
What is the worst thing Trump has done that's affected you personally?
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Cue: silence. This is the hardest question you can ask a bleating liberal snowflake.
His administration has made getting visas harder. I have to fill out like 25 more questions when applying for a tourist visa/ESTA, and I had to decline a job in the US because my worker's visa was denied since I got caught with a prostitute 7 years ago.
He became the best president since Ronald Reagan and blew my fucking mind which made me believe that no matter how someone talks they can be a great and fantastic person... That's the worst thing he's done because of how much of a legend he is.
Writing the word "honor" as "honer" repeatedly.
He was good for the stock market, made money
What did you expect from a peta'Q without honor?
winnning too much
get fucked
he got rid of the home office deduction which raised my taxes by a lot.
My taxes went up.
Saddled the country with unprecedented debt that us poor folks will have to repay.
Allowed racists cunts to crawl out of the woodwork.
I am embarrassed to be an American around the international physicians I work with.
Lowered the collective IQ.
B-but that's what I did/paid for, and now I can't work in the US.
I got fucking deported, fuck the usa, mexico is the best! He ruined my life I got deported to mexico.
>mexico is the best
>getting deported to mexico ruined my life
this, all the way to the fucking bank.
>raised my taxes by a lot
not by much. same for me. I was not affected too badly.
Also made it virtually impossible to bring in qualified medical students from many different countries.
Our ER's are bleeding money again because 80% of new jobs are service sector with no insurance and the ACA was gutted.
Insurance companies are raping us on reimbursements even harder because they can.
We lose alot of money treating poor elderly with insulin.
Can I get he-is-risen1.jpg and any other strek memes you may have?
he made a dumb tweet and I had to hide in my safe space
made me more crippled maybe
Exacerbated the user base of places I frequent and now they never shut the fuck up about politics.
raise the middle classes tax to pay for billionaires tax cut. but yeah, TrUmP iS gReAt.
He is risen1 is just shrek, but sure have some more star trek memes.
80% are minimum wage service sector at that.
oh, you know my personal finances better than I do apparently. I said the words
>by a lot
cut off federal funding to chesapeake bay cleanup
Removed tax deductions to where I ended up paying more
Having e to see his bloated face and useless family every single day is more than taxing.
Not a thing, im canadian
Nope. I wish it were bait.
I was already a fucking retard. He actually made me a better man.
Please tell us how he has made one single thing better. Just one.
our family gross income is $86,000 and out federal tax burden increases by $900 for TY 2019. It's worth it to pay for the wall tho.
he said farage could read tea leaves which is an image that will never leave my mind
You probly did something, came here illegally, or came here and did something illegal.
It's not going to be built
Congress raised taxes, not the President.
wait there are boats near the sewage outlet pipes them beaners are stealing our shit
This, considering he was supposed to start a nuclear war and put all non-whites in concentration camps very little of note has changed. Baiting them to defend genuinely criminal migrants was always a trap, they won't even let us deport murderers half the time and it makes them look terrible and stirs up simple people against them because it looks very much like the left cares more about non-Americans than Americans. Trump himself is a trap for the left anyway, he hasn't done anything wrong, that's is the big final trick he has up his sleeve. So they can either deal with him or cheat to get rid of him and it's already pretty clear which path they've chosen. The sixth party system will end when the Democrats shoot themselves in the foot at the end of this hilarious saga. They've allied themselves with the intelligence community and think that means they effectively rule the world, but such extreme internationalism is entirely similar to the extreme jingoism that defined the intelligence community when it was still controlled by conservatives. It really just can't work out.
If you are self-employed, no great change has happened to you.
If you are an employee who "works" from home Itemized Deductions has been culled.
This was done due to abusers who have a home office(any room within the house as per previous law) with a 5k xerox machine 5k "work" computer filled with gaming tech, a business line from their isp(which your employer will help paying the bill for) along with a laundry list of pseudo-made up shit. They would them claim it all as a necessary affects for work.
OK, but I legit work from home as a W-2 employee who does not own my own business.
So I get fucked. Thanks for clarifying what I already know.
Raised my taxes and made it less safe when I travel abroad.
It all adds up. He is a shit President who needs to be booted out of office.
told me to eat pizza crust first...
He's empowered the racists in DHS. Now I don't cross the border anymore. And I've lived on both sides of the border for half a century.
I hope that fat turd gets spit-roasted in prison.
He needs to become homeless and eat rats for sustenance.
Should have gotten laid the normal way illegals do. Rape.
Then why are the leftists trying to overthrow him instead of letting the voters decide?
Build a fucking wall
>why is my post this autistic
convinced my best friend that since I don't agree with everything Trump says I must be a raging salty liberal.
i don't even like the liberals, but now because of Trump many of my old friends won't talk to me because I don't agree with 100% of the things trump says. Oh well. I made new friends..
oh and raising my taxes that was fucked
oh and fucked the ACA up so now I have to pay for my own insurance.. whatever only a few hundred a month..
still probably better than hillary would have been though lol
so this, this fucks me off. im not a liberal - fuck the dem party its corrupt as fuck. but since trump everybody is always calling me a liberal. like fuck off im not a lib just because i don't like your boy.
If someone at your workplace is doing a shit job and endangers others, do you have to wait until their contract comes up for renewal or just remove them and get someone else to do their job?
He's the one who kept Guantanamo Bay open.
he has made swing trading easier with his "new deal / no deal" shit haha
>visa worker
>dems are corrupt
Yeah having Joe Biden investigated
totally not corrupt
>still probably better than hillary would have been though lol
please stop telling me this. my taxes went up significantly AND i have to pay for my own healthcare now. no, im not blaming him, its my problem I get that, but stop saying taxes and expenses didn't go up because they sure as fuck did.
still better than hillary tho
If you're serious, I import parts that nobody in the US makes. I've had to pay thousands in additional taxes to a government that is deeper in deficit than ever.
user this is literally 8th grade level in terms of presentation/quality
not really Democrats have moved so far left
the classical liberal values are now a conservative position
Not condemning Israel
Totally relatable bro.
>strong willed women trigger me
The voters have already decided that Florida Man has been in violation of the Constitution. For that, you don't wait for another election. You impeach his corrupt ass.
If that jew cunt doesn't build the goddam wall I'm out
>still better than hillary tho
Please stop telling me this.
Fucked up Obamacare worse than it was already fucked up so my health insurance is way more expensive. Fuck him and Obama.
>the classical liberal values are now a conservative position
Good. Most of them are stupid and outdated socially/economically and arguably caused/exacerbated climate damage
fucking nazi
You were out in 2016, then.
less for me
and less for 80% of Americans
regardless if they realize it or not
It's the only way his flat pee pee sticks up.
At least you'll survive when GEOTUS calls for his own Jonestown.
he actually helped Canadians. the TPP was going to make more american laws apply in canada and take away some Canadian freedoms (similar to how free trade forced many Canadian crown corps to privatise raising fees and lowering quality)
he also made it harder to get VISAs for people so big techs like Microsoft and Amazon significantly expanded their offices in Canada.
the trade war has also benifited Canada. some canadian companies are working with chinese companies to circumvent the tarrifs by moving their products through canada. no, not technically legal, but when has that ever stopped anybody?
tl;dr Trump is good for Canada
>blaming Obama for corporate greed
>climate hoax BS
>no u
lol frogfag
lol flat earther
Was born.
he fucked up visas
> not blaming Obama for what is his fault
>convinced my best friend that since I don't agree with everything Trump says I must be a raging salty liberal.
Yeah. Hating Trump doesn't necessarily turn someone who was a Republican into a liberal Democrat. Neither Trump supporters nor the Democrats seem to understand that. I'm still a conservative but I think Trump is a fucking moronic asshole.
never go full retard
stop calling the dems left. they're central. right when compared to global parties.
>tl;dr Trump is good for Canada
Good. Maybe you frostbacks can fuck up and elect an obese fascist snowflake manlet of your very own.
good fuck you
>It's Obama's fault companies decided to be greedy
lol trumpturd
The capital of India could be choked out by smog and become ground zero for a superbug, but some people will still claim that there's some climate hoax.
Are you by any chance interested in buying a house near the coast? It's prime real estate.
impossible to say for sure, but you need to understand top level politics are so fucking corrupt right now. hillary is the face of the system. yah trump has caused until issues that will have ramifications for years, but it was an important "fuck you" to the system.