We SEE YOU big tobacco

we SEE YOU big tobacco

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>tfw white people can't even have tobacco addictions anymore

>im angry about profiling for the sake of profiling even if blacks make up a large margin of our consumer basis how dare fucking whitey assume anything about blacks en masse
Fuck this angry bitch

Maybe stop smoking menthol cigarettes then.

anyone else think these commercials are made to make you want to smoke

who is this triggered niggered?

I want a pack out of spite tbqh


>he doesn't already smoke

Anti smoking ads make me want to light on up

Isnt forcing this on packets against thr free market?


>free market

Yes, and we don't live in a free market.

she isn't an angry bitch she's an actress reading a script

Something I noticed with this commercial is that during the day it changes to "low income neighborhoods". But if I see this at night they explicitly say "black people".

Mind fuckery at its best.

Of course they target blacks. Niggers on welfare spend their last money on Newports and will smoke nothing else. That's basically the most expensive pack of smokes there is. Not because they're good but because they know niggers will pay whatever for them.


I'm pretty sure they're funded by some tobacco company and are subliminal commercials for cigarettes. The meme truth ads are cringey to the point of making young people want to smoke out of defiance. These ones have the superficial message of "It's unfair that tobacco companies target the black community" but the subliminal message to all the young white viewers "Smoke any of these brands of cigarettes flashing on the screen (KOOL, Camel, etc) and you can be just like the cool black people on TV!"

>cant market dynamite and cigarettes as a food on a street corner to kids.

>Doesn´t smoke cigarettes
Were you bullied in school, retarded or perhaps both?

>I-It kills you!
Yes, and? Was life a competition about who lives the longest?

>Y-You get addicted on them!
No you don't, expect if you are underage and incapable of smoking in moderation.

>I-Its expensive!!!
Who forced you to buy a pack a day, you fucking peat-gavel?

what cigarettes are the most kino

It's like that episode of south park where rob reiner comes to give an anti smoking speech and the kids start smoking because they don't want to be a massive faggot like him

lucky strike

>smoking cigarettes
>being poor

these ads suck. niggas buy swishers solely to empty them out and refill with weed
t. nigga

I fucking despise this commercial. This bitch is so annoying and she's barely even black. Why the fuck is she on this fucking soapbox preaching about cigarettes anyways? Fucking annoying cunt.

Lucky Strikes obviously, it's toasted after all

And he anger makes no sense. She's upset that the cigarette companies have more ads in low income black neighborhoods, even though low income blacks are the people who use cigarettes the most.


>advertising involves profiling


Shes mad that whitey makes an assumption based on race. Dont ya know that libtards frown on any assumption en masse about a race, even if facts back it up?

She's actually a comedian, and we're expected to recognize her because they flash her fucking name at the beginning of the commercial like she's famous.

>White people discussing OUR cigarette culture

This is how a typical nonsmoker looks like

You're a big tobacco

i've noticed the different phrasings as well. didn't realize that it only had to do with time of day, i'll have to pay better attention to confirm.

haven't had a lucky since college, can't find them easily where i live now. unfortunate.

>I'm pretty sure they're funded by some tobacco

They are:

>he Tobacco Master Settlement Agreement (MSA) was entered in November 1998, originally between the four largest United States tobacco companies and the attorneys general of 46 states.

>The companies agreed to fund a new anti-smoking advocacy group, called the American Legacy Foundation, that is responsible for such campaigns as The Truth.



Holy shit you're right. This is what they consider a celebrity endorsement. I have never ever heard of this woman in my life.

You LITERALLY have the power to just not start smoking lol.

What is this shit? Link?





American Spirits.

t. a certified real-life professional patrician

i bought a pack of parliaments once, smoked 2 of them, and then threw the pack away.


aww man I love Derrick Lewis.

Kools. It's the official cig of the fedora black.

Fucking kek, it's amazing someone can be so obnoxious that they actually make me want to root for something objectively bad like smoking to "win out" over her.

That's how all of the ads work. They're so obnoxious that they drive you towards cigarettes. You got worked.

anti-smoking ads being so obnoxious they make you want to smoke is not a new thing. South Park did a whole ep about it years ago

In the 90s/early 2000s it was about being hip and street and x-treme. Now kids are into SJW stuff so it's about that

Cigaretz iz raziz

"It's Profiling!" she screamed in her urban anti smoking ad filled with black colloquialisms and hip hop music playing in the background

>how dare tobacco advertise in the densest cities, which happen to be populated by black people because they can only afford rent control in dense cities

God tier Kino cigarettes coming through

American Legacy Foundation is such a scam. I mean it's brilliant, hats off to the lawyers who came up with it. They got a billion dollars from that settlement and rather than spend it all on anti tobacco stuff, they invested it all and only spend a tiny fraction each year like a private foundation. But because they got money pursuant to the settlement they're considered a 501(c)(3) charity by the IRS. The president of the foundation had a salary of $570,000 (plus benefits) per year in 2008. They make all sorts of grants and contributions to shit that has nothing to do with smoking. You could almost make a Thank You For Smoking 2 about it.

>Most expensive
get this underage off my board

Kek, this

There was one particular smoking cat, a boy, from... yes, Indiana, a boy named Ernie Barguckle, who became a thorn in the side of the tobacco companies for a couple of years... He did more than tattle to his parents; he and his family took legal action, and they eventually received a huge settlement payout...

But that name is too similar... Ernie Barguckle...

Jon Arbuckle.

Jim Davis must have used this.

There's more here. Ernie Barguckle spent nearly half of that settlement money on experimental medical procedures to cure his... impotence. He was impotent.

These commercials are funded by "big tobacco" and are intended to make you want to smoke. They do this because they're not allowed to advertise their products on TV the normal way.

>people realizing they target groups of people when marketing
they literally teach these things in marketing classes what exactly is the point here?

To get people so worked up that they need a smoke.

A commercial that shows a bunch of tobacco ads where the woman at one point literally points to a Kool logo and says the brand name out loud. Anybody who thinks that this is anything less than a glorified cigarette commercial disguised as an anti-smoking commercial is blind.

>low income areas = black people

Yeah because only black people live in low income areas. I grew up in a trailer park and the roads were paved with gold and everyone drove brand new BMWs.

Gotta love being white people poor.

It's hilarious because tobacco companies are involved in those anti-tobacco PSAs

Cheaper than Marlboro Reds but taste the same. Only gripe is how soft and squishy the filters are.

>being poor AND white

you deserve to be poor then, you had more advantages than any other race and your family was living a trailer park, you're worse than niggers.

They do a great job then.


Fuck off.

>more advantages

Like what?

you're the "superior race" you tell me

Go back to Tumblr with your racist bullshit.

Marlboro 83. Rare, but a lot of 711's and gas stations in my area carry them. They're literally Marlboro Reds, just with more tobacco per cigarette.

Also the most kino of any cigarette packing.

>BIG tobacco is bad!
>BIG government is good!

What did liberals mean by this?

They want you to give your dollars to BIG government rather than BIG tobacco. The FDA directly profits from anti-tobacco propaganda by selling smoking cessation products. Said products "work" by delivering nicotine to your system. They provide you with just enough nicotine to temporarily relieve your urge to smoke, but keep you addicted. You're trading one addiction for another.

Another way they profit is by using anti-smoking sentiment to get voters on board with raising government taxes on tobacco products.


>You're trading one addiction for another.

Actually, I just reread this and realized that you're not trading one addiction for another because you're addicted to nicotine either way. You're just changing the way it's delivered and changing who you're giving your money to to feed the addiction.

>targeting advertisement should be illegal

really makes you think

cant wait to demand tampon commercials for men

Bukowski smoked lucky stripes.I prefer to roll my own master race

I smoke Marlboro 27s or Southern Cuts when watching television shows

I smoke Camel Turkish Royals or Golds when watching film

what about you guys?

>all these retarded children smoking
This generation is truly lost. Literally dead on arrival

This alarmist shit about smoking probably makes people smoke more. I just don't know why they can't be remotely straight with people.
Japan has one of the biggest smoking habits on the planet but also one of the longest average life span. There are clearly responsible ways to enjoy an adult product, why not educate people on that? This is as stupid as abstinence only sexual education.

It's literally all about money and control.

what's hilarious is most are just shifting to smoking weed instead of tobacco. with the push to make it legal in 20 years cancer from weed smoking is going to make the tobacco cancer look like a small joke

>make the tobacco cancer look like a small joke

That won't be difficult since less than 10% of tobacco users actually develop cancer.

Wow that's amazing. Playing russian roulette seems pretty safe now.

Modern living raises your risk of cancer and heart disease. You play russian roulette every time you step outside. Your monitor is slowly blinding you. Your food is raising your chances of all kinds of diseases. Your water supply is full of xenoestrogens. I could go on.

>poors and niggers only think 2 hours ahead and buy single beers and cigerettes on ice from gas stations and sleep under bridges
>gas stations are built to serve these faggots

Would going back to the caveman days be any better?

There's no helping you if that's the only thing you got out of my post. I know that you're a good boy and want to make your parents and teachers proud, but sometimes you have to think logically rather than emotionally and look at the actual facts and statistics despite what they tell you.

>Shit, our meme ads aren't working, how do we get the kids back?
>I know, let's demonize everything as being racially motivated! That'll win them over!
What did the truth campaign mean by this?

>tfw quit just before the advice animal meme commercials started showing up
>tfw really tempted to go back to smoking because of how stupid the vomiting cartoon unicorn shit is
Really cannot tell if it's some prosmoking meta-ironic joke commercial series, or otherwise it's true normie teenagers are so bottom of the barrel intellectually as to be convinced not to smoke because of archaic memes.

Yup! Probably the only one they could get who was dumb enough to think "Shit if I do this I'll be on the road to stardom!"

>companies advertising in areas where people buy their product the most is somehow bad


>No you don't,

Yes, you do.

Fuck off, shilling faggot.

I don't smoke because I know its super unhealthy, and I don't really see any upside to it.
But what the fuck. If people want to smoke let them smoke.
It's insane that cigarette companies have to put this shit on their packages. It's like if McDonalds had to show pictures of cholesterol clogged arteries on their bags.
People know its unhealthy, let them enjoy it.

You know how marketing agencies and corporations only catch on to what's "cool" or "hip" only after it has just stopped being relevant? Like, trying to appeal to kids by using the memes of yesteryear?

I think "irony" has finally become their new weapon of choice, in a scarily effective and covert way.

We're getting better and better at recognizing, tuning-out, and ignoring ads, but marketers are getting better at fighting through/around our defenses, either blatantly cramming ads into our senses before we realize it, or sneaking them around our senses, leaving ads in unusual places like our doubt, or spite, or jealousy, where they remain and flourish for months before we even realize how often our thoughts return to an ad.

>I hate Coca-cola! Don't you hate Coca-cola? Fuck COKE! I even just order a soda in some backwater shit-holes and they ask me what flavor Coke I want! Those thieving, greedy, corporate monsters and their "cool", "delicious", "refreshing" beverages! THAT'S JUST A TRICK TO MAKE YOU WANT A COLD BOTTLE OF COCA-COLA! Wake up sheeple! Coca-cola is the devil! And Hitler! Never drink a coke. Never guzzle back that sweet fizzy goodness. Don't even think about a tall, frosty glass of Coca-cola with a slim white bendy straw with red vertical stripes. Never drink coke forever.
Please hire me, Coca-cola.
