$53 million


And the weekend's not even half over!!! HHAHAHAHHAHAHAH

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Yes! The Jewish billionaire producers showed you! Thats what you get Sup Forums! They get richer and you lose!

>Turkey is exploding
>French people getting fucked over
>Trump VP
Who the honest fuck cares about a fucking irrelevant movie.

With enough marketing any movie gets millions, just look at that awful Smurfs movie

The movie's budget was like 140 million dollars and they spent 100 million dollars shilling for it. 53 million dollars is nothing.

Is it weird that I would bang the blonde haired one?

it cost roughly $250,000,000 to make and advertise

opening week for movies usually account for 50-75% of the money it will make total, add on another 25-30 million for overseas sales and This new ghostbusters will make roughly 125-150

which is the bigger number Quebecer, 150 million made or 250 to make it


Thats seriously really fucking bad. I expected bad, but not like that.

That's the Jew.

>140 million
>mfw I looked it up and its real

How can people spend so much money and make a movie looking that bad?

not if it's a degrading bang, hatefuck, std-spreading, rape or snuff

Just what are you laughing about? Do you really like the movie or something?

[citation required]

Where are you getting 53 million?
>$17.2 million

the world is now /feminism/

all the SJWs went out last night in attempt to save it


Tax deductions, money laundering user.

53 million is the prediction of the weekend, you moron.

Also, that still puts it in flop territory.

The producer. They want to be oppressed. They need to. It's like the star war.

Weekend estimate

really shitty really expensive CGI

also they shot it in Jew York, every business and vendor in the city probably jewed them on everything they bought. Hell i would too

>Hotdog vendor: so thats 1 hotdog with mustard and one bottle of water? thatll be $42 goy!

One of those women will die today.

Kek wills it.

>$53 million

so a financial flop.


>not getting money from chinese market
dead on arrival


Hahaha you faggot.

Get ready for all female Avengers, Star Wars, X-men, Justice League, Bill & Ted reboot, Clerks reboot, Wayne's World reboot, and Walking Dead movie.

Yeah, so OP is lying.

Please do kill yourself if you are too dumb to even fact check with a simple google search.

>$114 million budget
>$17.2 million taken (source: boxofficemojo.com/movies/?id=ghostbusters2016.htm)

>17.2-144 = -126.8 million

So suppose that it makes double that this over the whole weekend:
>~34.4 - 144 = -109.6 million

And that's just it's production budget.

What the fuck are you on about?

Superman III has 80 million but people don't care about that movie in 2016.
That shitty movie will be the same.
Also, doesn't Ghostbuster was arround 200 million?

>simultaneous international release
>estimate for the whole weekend is something like 10% of the total budget

This kills the career

It needs to make over 144 million to pay for its budget... And it won't.

Did this movie not cost in the region of 500 million to produce and market?

Failing to see the politics though.

3rd girl is best girl

All those franchises are pure shit. They can take them for all I care.

Gross is not the same as profit. Studios do not get 100% of ticket sales.


17 Million so far. Mojo doesn't lie.

How has anyone been btfo?
The film was shit but you need only look at the transformers series to see that a films quality doesn't reflect its success.

Its actually the projection off the weekend. Considering that this is like 60-75% off money made on a movie (first weekend and week) the estimate is grim. It costed a ton to make the movie.

Its really stupid how they spend the budget. If they got 4 good actors and a good director they would've easily been able to make a similar movie with like 50 million + 40 million in advertising that would've earned them more. They just had to cut out a lot of overly expensive cgi, its obvious the budget did not go to the actors or director which are the most important in the entire movie, but they screwed up with that.

Don't forget the $100 million they spent on promotion/advertising and general shilling.
They dun goofed

>Turkey exploding
>God Emperor announces Race Bannon as VP
>Hillary in free fall

lets talk about Dickbusters!!!!
fuck off slide thread shill

>3rd girl is the only girl

thats the entire forecast for the weekend you fucktard leaf, do you not know how to read a box office report?


Please leave and never come back

This shit is important, nigger. This is a culture war and culture > bodies defines a civilization. Culture is everything. The rest is details.

>doesn't Ghostbuster was arround 200 million?



Lurk more.

Literally this.. they're going to maybe break even after everything.

with a 154mil budget that isnt good.

It needs over 240 million since of advertising cost.

boxoffice mojo says only 17mil


as of this post

They spent $144 million to make it.

The special effects look pretty fucking cutting edge though.

Making that nigger look so fucking big like that.

Got me fooled.

>$53 million
it cost $144 million to make you leaf cunt

That's true, still that puts it in a worse position.

>$53 million
Domestic: $17,200,000

SATURDAY AM UPDATE: Friday estimates have come in and Ghostbusters is right on track to match Mojo's expectations with an estimated $17.2 million Friday, pushing toward a weekend right around $46 million.
Ghostbusters will slide into second place for the weekend, giving way to last weekend's number one opener, The Secret Life of Pets, which brought in an estimated $15 million on Friday and is looking at a $50+ million sophomore session.

It's really, really bad actually.

It's bombing.

boxoffice mojo has no purpose to lie either.

fuck you justice league is the shit

Is it true it got banned in China?

They were expecting to get 30-40 million. For the whole weekend. It's not even saturday night yet and they've broken 50 million. They'll clear a LOT more tonight and tomorrow afternoon. And then another two weeks worth of revenue plus the global markets. They're going to make lots of profit and theyr'e going to make sequels. /Pol...BLOWN...THE...FUCK...OUT.

Women are funny

Get over it

53 million is terrible for a blockbuster opening

Considering hotdog vendors pay six figures for government fees to legally operate good on them if they Jew the Jews to pay other Jews jewing them

It's already over. Star Trek is in theaters next week and it barely took that Pet movie on it's second weekend.

I was talking about the original and the sequel not 2016

They haven't broken 50 million imbecile. That's their estimate for the end of the weekend, and it's also a very hopeful estimate that won't come true.

>like 140 million dollars
*144 million dollars

But whats the point of having a culture if everyone is dead?

She's a lesbian dude

Some countries spend trillions at jet fighters and they are full of technical issues.

plus 200-300 million to market this steaming pile

There's more to it. There are more desirable movies coming out next week and no one is going to see "Sex and the City: Rise of the Abortions" when there is something better.

It's funny because the original was mostly cheap but really well done practical effects done sparingly. Also the bulk of the film was about how great the chemistry between the characters was.

Yes, check out some Youtube videos, basically they have a wide angle camera shot and 80-90% of that single frame gets replaced by graphics, almost all modern movies are mostly made on green screens.

the sky is always redone, the skyline is completely cleaned up, large crowds are put in frame, lighting is adjust on every object. It's an enormous task to create these movies on thousands of computers.

>theres zero competition
>schools out
>only a few million

>Wayne's World

You shut your filthy lying whore mouth.

GTA V a game where you shoot niggers in head, fuck whores then stuck a knife in their head to get your money back.

You also play a negro and you steal cars, kill people, do gangsta shit in the hood three days after release had surpassed one billion dollars in sales

You being a faggot. A misinformed one at that.

>They're going to make lots of profit
They have to bank well over $150 million domestically. Not to mention there's no China release for this p.o.s.

>and theyr'e going to make sequels.
Not if it doesn't pull a profit.

>Women are funny
No, they're not you cucked out cunt.

says online the movie only made 15m over the weekend? where did this other 45m come from? also I saw the new indepoendence day movie and checked the theater for ghosbusters and it was literally empty except 2 people.

In one day.

The movie will make a tidy profit. It wont be a major blockbuster, but it wont be a flop either

>be me
>totally browse pol and support Trump
>work in finance in same area of NYC that media big wigs that call all the shots work
>regularly associate with them at power lunches
>know for a stone cold fact that we all knew this movie was shit and would bomb months before its release
>feminazis and libshits were ridden for every dime of "support"


>American television

pick one.


>They were expecting to get 30-40 million. For the whole weekend. It's not even saturday night yet and they've broken 50 million.
Unless you have a source, no. They made $17 Million.

Nope, stay mad Panama. Movie won't even hit 50 million weekend

They shot it in Bostin.

Do you have point?

Pol could remove flags from ID'S and we'd still be able to tell the fucking leaf shit posts


Literally this.

>a gorilla
>a lesbian
>a fat slob
>a real woman

it won't play in China because spooky ghosts are banned from being shown

>It's not even saturday night yet and they've broken 50 million.
[citation needed]

... I think we are all assuming the other one is a faggot supporting the movie, while in reality we all hate it.

Is there a single person who likes the movie here? If not, what are we doing in this thread?


Why is it ALWAYS a Canadian who is a C UCK?


Are you guys born without balls, or do they get removed at an early age?


>100 replies in a few minutes

The shilling is real.


Nice photoshop


>In one day.
>The movie will make a tidy profit.
$17 Million for a major hollywood movie released in summer is really really bad. It's making as much as mediocre films with low budgets. $17 million might be "big bucks" in Canada with your shit population size but it's nothing in America.