Does Sup Forums approve of Rick and Morty?
Does Sup Forums approve of Rick and Morty?
quite a bit of Sup Forums doesn't like it because it started to get popular on reddit and "if it's popular on reddit, it must be shit"
Personally, there are a few funny moments but overall I'm a bit ambivalent towards it
yeah that sounds like Sup Forums's reaction to Rick and Morty
what did they mean by this
Sorry about the D, i thought we are trying to spell reddit.
OH MY GOSH this show is just to die for. I watch it with my buddies on the cartoon web board on Sup Forums
Come check out
The fuck is a reddit?
yes, but nu Sup Forums doesn't
A disease
You mean le rick and le morty
Oh look. Another thread on this and people will falsely accuse each other of being Reddit in a massive witch hunt. Lovely. /s
Maybe you should fuck off to Reddit if it bothers you so much.
>things that trigger Sup Forums to the point you relate it to some sjw being triggered by abortion conversations
otherwise known as Sup Forums
>im bothered shitposters are shitting my board
>"Maybe you should go to reddit"
Why are you talking about nu/tv/ when you are part of nu/tv/?
Were you even here when the board turned on community??