What went wrong?
What went wrong?
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no squid
Zack didn't understand the source material neither its co-creator
Same thing as The Spirit: People went into it thinking they would be 300, not dramas that just happen to be based on comics. With Watchmen he tried to hedge his bets and involve a few action scenes to placate the plebs and angered the diehards even more.
Like GitS, it was a property not meant for mass consumption in a vapid sense. They are better when only those that understood its aim consumed it.
Why does he wear the mask?
No squid & no cigarettes on Mars.
Who wouldn't wear a mask that can change its layout constantly?
OR it could be the fact the story ending is insanely gay and makes no sense.
I like this movie as an appendix for the comic, its almost worth watching just for that dr manhattan genesis.
But if thats all you know about watchmen it sucks
It includes the most Kino comic book movie scene of all time
Not enough people saw it.
this desu senpai
>You haven't idealized mankind. You've mutilated it!
this bit wasn't in the comic yet it fits perfectly with Ozymandias...I think Snyder understood this characters
>Squid squid squid squid
>Zach didn't understand the comic book
Does this cover the pleb opinions .
Becuase he was an angsty edgy 13-year-old trapped in a grown man's body. The fact that so many people list Rorschach as their favorite/one of their favorite characters is one of those things that shows what's wrong with the world desu.
It could have been much worse and they actually managed to put it into a coherent movie, which is good. But the overly stylized visuals and over the top tone does not fit the material at all, everything that was good about the movie is good because the source material is good, and they followed it very closely.
If anything it should have been a character driven TV show.
Needed bigger bluer dongs.
Squid literally didn't make any sense though. In the real world it might've unified the nations against a perceived extra terrestrial threat but in the watchmen world everyone would just assume it was a failed US experiment to create another Dr Manhattan after the first one went away.
Let's be honest.... a giant CGI squid would have looked fucking stupid. I would say the explosion rewrite was a good decision. I used to fucking love this movie when I was about 15, now it's just embarrassing. The dialogue is actually laughable a lot of the time, trying to be pretentious but failing.
I'm not big into Synder. Hated Scuker punch, MoS and BvS but I wouldn't call Watchmen a bad movie. It's one case where I feel that the film being split into two volumes would have worked to it's advantage.
The comics featured a lot of exposition and foreshadowing on that matter, so it did not felt retarded or out of place. I understand why they went with explosions, the movie was long as fuck as it is and it worked so who cares.
You're ignoring a lot that went into making the squid there man.
care to elaborate?
It IS a bad movie - it's poorly shot, poorly blocked, poorly cast, poorly acted and good lord. The musical choices. It's literally Snyder's iPod playlist.
it ended ;_;
Unnecessary ultraviolence that elevates each character to idiotic levels of prowess and undermines the brutality of Comedian and Rorschach, an overbearing score that dictates down to sequences as opposed to improving them, and some genuinely terrible acting (original silk spectre sticks out as a particularly bad one)
And while I'm not the biggest proponent of the squid, they managed to choose a worse option that only gets dumber the longer you look at it.
Nothing. One of the best if not the very best comic book movies alongside Spiderman 2 and Batman '89.
Snyder is a genius
The majority of the cast was good. I did not like the casting choice for Ozzy just because he's like a totally different guy in the movie, but I can't say he was bad.
The only actor I remember hating is that random chick that played young Silk Spectre.
Watchman is a great movie. I don't expect lower plebians to understand, nor do i seek to enlighten them.
Greatest super hero movie ever made, with Dark knight (very pleb movie but still excellent) on the second place.
>people will unironically bash the squid while at the same time defend marvel post 9/11.
Malin Akerman spent so much time sucking and fucking her way onto the cast she didn't have any time to learn how to act.
I didn't like the ending. The way everyone hates and leaves Ozymandias.
The book ending where he's contemplating if he's done the right thing is far better.
Otherwise It's alright.
Comedian was implied to approve, best character. Rorschach and Owldude were the little babby tier anyway.
>Unnecessary ultraviolence that elevates each character to idiotic levels of prowess and undermines the brutality of Comedian and Rorschach
This was my only real problem with the movie.
>nite owl and silk spectre brutally kills a bunch gang members instead of just knocking them out and letting the police take over like in the book
>"wow that was FUN"
>you just don't get it
There, every Snyderfag argument ever made.
Just because you understand characters doesnt mean you understand plot, style or tone.
Which is what snyder sucks at.
Sure he may be able to cast these charcters and understand them on a surface level
It takes someone who isnt just directing a movie to push technology further
The slow motion fighting parts were gay
Everything that wasn't lifted straight from the book.
Everyone's trying to add layers on why it sucks but the real reason is simple:
Source material: 4-6 hrs enjoyment
Movie: 2-3 hours
add to the fact that the reader dictates the pace set and not an editor, it's the real cause of why any adaptation that tries to be faithful is doomed to fail
Watchmen tried to do Moore justice, but you can't take a masterpiece like Watchmen and condense it without losing something in process.
also comic book fight scenes in real life look too goofy
It wasn't a cheap prop man. Ozymandias hired people from a wide variety of backgrounds to craft images of a fictionally native world that would be unleashed in a psychic blast upon the arrival/death of the squid in NY (I seem to recall it involving Ozy diseccting, studying, recreating, and hooking up in series the minds of "psychically sensitive" individuals). Theres a specific line about the psychological fallout reaching much further than the literal explosion of the squid's arrival. Not to mention the fact that top scientests were pulled to create something with a completley unique genetic footprint. He made an alien, through and through.
Snyder should never be allowed anywhere near slow motion.
He should never be allowed to direct anything.
So your complaint isn't with THIS adaptation as such, but with adaptations as a whole?
Squid was meant to be a symbol of everyones perception of what a doomsday scenario would be.
Everyone would panic and work together.
If dr. Manhattan attacks new york, it wouldnt bring people together, it would just make the world fear dr. Manhattan more than it already did.
sounds more like Moore trying to salvage a plot point he deep down knows doesn't make much sense
>the adaptation is bad so the blames lies with the source
>psychics are real for some stupid reason in Watchmen even though Moore goes out of his way to make Dr.Manhattan the only unrealistic character
haahahhahaahah WHAT A FUCKING HACK
The only casting choice that I didn't like was Ozymandias. Everything else was top notch except him. Way too young actor choice.
>source material is about regular humans being superheroes
>make inhuman fighting scenes anyway
Dr.Manhattan was the doomsday scenario. Also I'd point out, in the movie Ozy's plan worked just as well as his plan in the comic book.
So he was right.
>bbbbuutttt it wouldn't work in my imagination
literally no one cares.
Manhatten is just not a viable fallguy if we're talking about world peace.
If it was a larger indication of the failure of Veidt's plan [as was inferred in the comics], they didn't do a fucking thing to ensure that.
Otherwise, I was okay with it. I like Snyder's plainness in directing. He's really not as bad as people say he is, especially when he has a cast this talented to direct.
A fair point but can a shot for shot remake of a comic really be called directing?
Yes, because having somebody condense plot points carefully laid throughout twelve issues into four lines on a message board gives you an accurate sense of the story.
He clearly took his own artistic license. Whether it was good or bad is up to the interpreter, but he did do his own thing.
And I mean, the frames in the comic are really fucking good, and hard to improve on.
Manhatten is the ideal fall guy, literally everyone wants him gone and he's perfectly okay with it too.
>idiot pleb opinion
muh comic, muh squid
>real Cinephiles opinion
its too stylized which detracts from the films attempt at realism
solid 7/10 movie, possibly 8/10 if you're predisposed to enjoy SuperHero flicks.
Snyder. It doesn't matter if the source material is good or not, it's an adaptation. If you get a director with vision it will be great. If you get Snyder...
it's not a fault of itself, but just the biggest obstacle. It's an obvious choice: either make a good movie or make a good adaptation. I feel like Watchmen tried to make a good adaptation 70% of the time but when the producers saw it they added in 30% of what makes a good movie and it just didn't feel right.
but yeah, the law sticks. Look at the shinings for example. Kubrick goes off the rails, takes liberties, and his focus is making HIS movie, and it's a classic- but someone makes a nine-chapter line for line TV show and it blows.
Harry Potter, too. Even though I hated it because they cut out plot-essential points, they made a successful movie by cutting out the chaff and making their own creation.
Watchmen just felt too bloated at times- and it was obvious that certain things the executives wouldn't allow. And, the fight choreography was too ninja/wires
nigga i didn't say that
Why didn't Dr. Manhattan wear undies?
>>Moore goes out of his way to make Dr.Manhattan the only unrealistic character
I'd disagree with that. Characters can react realistically despite being "unrealistic". I'd argue all of them are unrealistic in that they're fucking superheroes, but act and react in a human enough fashion to be relatable within the premise.
they are humans who just wear silly costumes though. Moore writes them that they are basically mentally ill for doing so.
I really don't know. Manhattan is essentially the greatest tool the human race has ever come in contact with, so while it is true that he was an inconvenience, he was only so because he stopped working with Earthlings.
It's easy for the layman to accept the attack, based on all the news they've been fed, but leaders of the world didn't get there by being oblivious.
>comic book is a meta-commentary about how capeshit was propaganda-tier until it became an old capitalist whore hell-bent on outliving its purpose
>film adaptation glorifies superhero idolatry and is greedily spun out into numerous garbage cross-promoted merchandise
Nothing. Nothing went wrong at all.
I know a lot of people that prefer the TV show actually. Odd.
>Theres a specific line about the psychological fallout reaching much further than the literal explosion of the squid's arrival.
Why the FUCK don't people go into this? Oh so some squid squished a couple of $2b buildings and killed maybe 2000 people.
Big fucking deal? It's infrastructure you rebuild in a day. The idea, the very CRUX, of Earth being attacked by something that shouldn't exist...
That's so much better.
But Dr. Manhatten shouldn't exist.
It would also make the Soviets launch every remaining nuke they had.
>but New York
The second they thought America's walking bomb attacked them, missiles would be flying.
He was made by miracle, but also by human means.
nah. You're really reaching on this one. They generally seemed as lame as they were in the comics
>inb4 stylized fights
>it's implied that Ozymandis' whole mastermind plan will be undone because of one madman's written down ramblings
that was so fucking stupid. even without Rorschach's diary there would still be hundreds of conspiracy theorists that would point the finger at Ozymandis, as well as hundreds who would point the finger at Soviet, aliens, Dr Manhattan, fluoride, video games and Elvis to being the real cause behind it all
Not a lot. It's pretty faithful, you faggot just hate synder.
so if Ozy has the power to affect people's minds why don't he just make all the world leaders nice and friendly instead of destroying a city?
they didn't though. In the movie the plan worked. Try watching the film you're bitching about.
Its not like Soviet Union and America becomes best pals after WW2. They went right back to hating each other. Every country would have just have started building more nukes, especially after no other aliens showed up.
That's totally not what that means.
Also that wouldn't work.
never heard of people thinking Snyder is too intellectual.
If anything every movie he does is the exact same story, the only one he understands
>hundreds more crazy conspiracy theories
>vs the personal journal of of the people closest to Ozy, complete with meticulous description of what actually happened
Even if he did write it like a rambling madman, his reputation alone would mean people would at least humor his diary for a bit. He's not just some crazy dude, he's one of the Watchmen
Because there's a difference between brain surgery and hitting someone in the head with a bat.
Ozy's solution is clumsy and crude because that's what you get when you're on the cutting edge of psuedoscience and the clock is running against you. The world would've ended in a nuclear fireball if he takes the time to develop things to a level of complexity you're talking about.
This is true, and obviously there's hard data to support it.
A properly funded and properly intellectual investigation would tear Veidt's plan apart.
> Every country would have just have started building more nukes, especially after no other aliens showed up.
and that's exactly what Manhattan was trying to tell Ozy in the comic. It wasn't going to last.
The point is that his plan in the movie shouldn't have worked for that same reason, but Snyder just assumed no one would retaliate after their hated enemy's living weapon leveled their cities.
I don't get what you're getting at here.
>>just wear silly costumes
And go around beating the shit out of people, taking the law into their own hands, risking their fucking lives every night, what have you. Lets not downplay the fact that there's more to this than just putting on tights.
>>Mentally ill for doing so.
Yes, that's kind of the point. There's a reason we don't have people like this in real life user.
And as an aside, I think Moore writes some as relatively normal, all things considered. Both NiteOwl's are civil, sane men, Captain Metropolis seemed fine (although he was a bit dense) and Dollar Bill was normal enough (though he got shot before he could go off the rails). I think it's a case where either the job draws in crazies, but also drives you crazy if you do it long enough.
>implied to approve
>sobbing like a babb at moloch
When did he approve?
When he went to MOLOCH instead of telling anyone who could do anything with the information. In the film, when he gave up mid-fight.
>too young actor choice
I thought that was the point? Everyone was implied to be late mid/late 40s but Ozzy was the pinnacle of physical perfection so he appeared much younger.
I mean, he didn't like that he approved but seriously knew Ozzy was right.
>tfw too intelligent for clothing
As far as everyone knows, manhattan deleted an entire room of reporters and civilians jus bc he was too crowded.
If he approved then why did ozzy kill him?
revenge for killing the pregnant asian chick who was secretly Ozy's girl(boy)friend
He already got drunk and blabbed to Moloch. Can't have an emotional lapse getting in the way of a good plan.
Even Comedian wasn't surprised he was getting killed off.
Wasn't there a frame where they're standing there wondering wtf?
Christ I don't even have it anymore, it's been so long.
Silk Spectre was miscast, but otherwise, nothing went wrong. It's one of my favorite movies and a perfect adaptation.
>tfw 6.5 but still self conscious about the size even seeing many dicks when was showering in boxing club and in the gym and pool bathrooms with other faggots knowing its pretty normal size
but still
I unironically sit around naked all day, it rules
me too
the moment I come home clothes come off
it's amazing how longer I can go without doing underwear laundry by doing this
>it's amazing how longer I can go without doing underwear laundry by doing this
you underwear must smell like shit your poor gf/wife
>Tfw Tom Cruise was attached to play Ozymandias at one point