1 whole Bitcoin for anybody who can get a government official to take me seriously about alien activity and mind...

1 whole Bitcoin for anybody who can get a government official to take me seriously about alien activity and mind control. I'm in UK. Mi5 not interested. US or Russia preferably.

Attached: alien.gif (435x250, 867K)


what you got?

A lot
I'm not sure anyone will believe me. But the coin is real if I get someone to listen.

If anybody got more nightmares recently you'll be looking at this

Post btc address + sign message in electrum or fake and gay.

Post proof or GTFO faggot


your that idiot that spammed every governement department with that illuminati email last year around you. We all binned it btw.

Choice, chance, change. It's not fake but I understand.
I need Sup Forums's help with this.

I'm not. The reason I'm posting on Sup Forums is because they have the ability to hack data and all my other attempts to do this have failed.

You sure? Cos he went on about aliens as well. Not sure why he though the like of HMRC, DEFRA, NHS etc etc would be interested.... maybe you should spam them as well. it usually lifts everyones spirits and makes for good conversation at lunch.

I understand you think I'm spamming but if you'd had the 6 months I've had you would appreciate some help too. The gif is because that's how funny it is after getting your head fucked for that length of time.

And how do you know its your head thats been fucked with and not your head fucking with you?

Have you tried giving them a Bitcoin?

I guess the only response I have to that is... I've logged nearly everything.

That doesnt mean much unless you have tangible evidence to backup the events in said log. Someone with halucinations can still log those halucinations.

Why the fuck would anyone report aliens to the HMRC does he think they owe taxes or something?

1 whole Bitcoin for anybody who can get a government official to take me seriously about alien activity and mind control. I'm in UK. Mi5 not interested. US or Russia preferably.

This is my OP

If you cant even get Sup Forums to take you seriously why would a govfag?

You're right.

Thet aren't aliens. They are humans from the year 8100.

Although I'm going to keep doubling the reward until it happens.

You can double it until the cows come home you fucking toolbox

I got you, Post evidence and I'll tell my grandma about it. She's trump's side bitch. If she cant get him to take the ayylmao seriously no one will...

I can provide a phone number from someone working at the German ministry of defense. How do you pay and how do I contact you

Yeah! Elon Musky..you was all the time..

Attached: 9501570616173889.jpg (1394x1178, 108K)

Oh the guys was completely off the rails. going on about accension, body energies and wanting to help the human race blah blah blah. Most people felt sorry for the guy because he was clearly mentally ill.

This or OP is a LARPing faggot