Why the fuck was Obi-Wan here? Turn around you fucking slut

>Why the fuck was Obi-Wan here? Turn around you fucking slut

Holy shit, that came out of nowhere. How did this get past the censors?

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Lucas was way ahead of his time

>you brought him here to cuck me
Where the fuck did lucas even learned of this fetish?

because its a powerful line that shows anakin's true side

Did Lucas change that for the Blu-Ray release? I could have sworn he called her a whoreling

>Anakin what have you done!?
>*puffs a joint* Kek *snigger* 'been killing... YUENGLINGS. LMAO!

Seriously Jewcas?

>From my point of view the Jews are evil
Wtf Lucas

At that moment, the jews knew they had to do something about this outrageous man.

Wow, just wow, Lucas

>Anakin, I was right! The Jews are taking over!

Lucas was on to something here.

Whoa, was Lucas collaborating with Riami on this movie?

The fact that Obi-Wan was hanging out in Padme's apartment while Anakin wasn't there should have been a much bigger deal. Might have been a plausible way to split Anakin and Obi-Wan (the only Jedi that Anakin actually likes). It's mentioned once and then never brought up again.

is that a boney m reference i spy?

What are you talking about?
It's what sparks the whole hatred for Obi-Wan and why they fight.
Him on the ship was just icing on the ice cream.

In lucas' original 4.5 hour cut of the movie Obi wan and Padme actually did bang and it ends up in a twisted love triangle. That's why anakin is so pissed when he sees obiwan on must afar because he found out.

>It's what sparks the whole hatred for Obi-Wan and why they fight.

Not really. His resentment of Obi-Wan went bac to episode II. And like I said, this storyline is literally never brought up again. Not a word. No "what were you doing in Padme's apartment", no "how often has Obi-Wan been coming here", no manipulation by Palpatine to make Anakin think an affair was going on, nothing.

It's like Lucas had the idea but forgot to actually go anywhere with it. He probably cut it so he had room for the 4-armed robot lightsaber fight.

Jawas, not Jews. They were already in the story.

Obi-Wan banging Padme would've totally ruined everything. Obi-Wan has to be the "good" guy who thinks he's doing the right thing. If he just full blown fucked up Anakin's life that would've been too obvious and boring.


>your butt is mine, gonna take you riiight
>just show Ya face...in broad daylight

Wasn't the Anakin thinking he's getting cucked plot line elaborated more in the ROTS novelisation?

Also in the film wasn't that whole "You're with him!" supposed to imply he thought that.

Imagine being so red pilled that you help topple a republic and install a dictatorship that you aren't even the leader of

Worst meme



Poor Annie, that whore didn't deserve him.