This will be kino but Sup Forums is too scared to admit it
tfw no /mlpol/
Die you fucking Barneyfag
...I want it to be good.
I'd be mad if it were 7 years ago.
Speaking of 7 years ago, isn't this a little too late?
Bronies love saying that they hate bronies
Barney is never good
animation looks really good actually
Wasn't there already a movie of this, based on the '80s cartoon? I saw it on the Disney Channel when I was a kid. Got bored and turned it off after like 5 seconds.
>Liev Schreiber
I'm gonna need you to sit your ass down
i hope it bombs
More like DA BOMB
Ponyfuckers out
>at all
>normies will finally be exposed to bronies
Go back to your containment board
someone post that greentext about that mother taking her daughter in that theater filled with neckbeard
Sup Forums BTFO
How delicious
>"the movie"
Nope anything MLP related stays on /mlp/ including movies.
This. On top of Barneyfags all needing to be executed.
We are altering the deal
Pray we do not alter it further
Don't think about it, Barneyfag.
You sir, are the proto Brony
MLP might as well be allowed on Sup Forums again since redwood and swaglord let everything else
mlp has been a thing for 7 years
Its been 7 years since Sup Forums was pony free
Sup Forums has a board still dedicated to 1 cartoon
>emily blunt
Well shit. Guess I'm a brony now
you aren't the real barneyfag
Seriously, what's wrong with having a civil discussion about MLP on this board? It's 2018! Grow the fuck up.
Post yfw Barneyfag does a theater shooting at the midnight premiere
MLP came out 7 years ago. There's absolutely no need to have GR15 anymore. The fandom is nowhere near as annoying as it was 7 (SEVEN) years ago, and to single out MLP:FIM when there are a lot more cancerous cartoons and fandoms is ridiculous.
If you hate on bronies and MLP after a better part of a decade then you probably hopped on the reddit "brony hate train" and are just regurgitating 7 year old memes because there's no way you've seen an actual brony irl
Praying it doesn't suck and that children would somehow not watch it.
It's Barneyshit.
it amazes me how many plebians on Sup Forums there are that worship capeshit empty snyder flicks, yet try to deny MLP is kino incarnate.
I can't tell if it's because they're autistic, or if they think any movie with a visual design besides "muted gray&blue with shitty-looking, ineffective explosions every 5 mintues where every character has a consant look of vague confusion, boredom, and contempt" is "totally gay"; so they bash true kino out of their own insecurities
How did this thing manage to survive after they gave the purple one wings?
All that theater semen.
I'm just saying at this point in Sup Forumss timeline theres no reason for you not to be allowed to post here since everyone else can apparently
You Barneyfags need to die
thank u
Delete this
It's kino and you know it
>Sup Forums has a board still dedicated to 1 cartoon
i know, it's fuckin weird. /vp/ has got to go.
Praying lots of 8-12 year old girls will see it and I'll get opportunities to sniff their seats&farts and take any strands of hair i can find.
Is this coming out in the summer? oh god, that would be perfect, all the sweat and preteens wearing short-shorts and tiny tank tops...
maybe one would drink too much water due to the heat, and accidently pee herself. I'd pretend to be a janitor and be like "scuze me folks just ignore me, I'm cleaning up this spill" and pretend to mop up the pee, and once im done take the bucket with pee and later empty it into a jar... or i could go in the girls bathroom pretending to be a janitor, that could be a (liquid) goldmine...
Also, movie will be 10/10 kinoperfection (MINIMUM) so long as EGQ is handled as the non-canon shitfest that it is
I'm so hungry for this film to come out.
>Your tip has been submitted
>Yfw it's better than Justice League
When is /mlpol/ coming back?
Delete this post then delete your life.
Why can't you Barneyfags fucking die?
I'm serious.
>user ignored the closet Brony's question, he didn't care
>"The death cannot die" he thinks to himself
Is this still just barneyfag or a bunch of people aping barneyfag
>lionsgate fucking up once again
Well, Barneyfags need to fucking die.
They already said never. Get over it.
Can I get a quick rundown on this meme?
This will get 95% on RT and Lee will be BTFO forever
>people that enjoy an animated franchise MUST ALSO enjoy an unrelated live-action franchise... and for that they must DIE!
>the only video content worth viewing is dark, mopey, and violent, like Suckerpunch or Suicide Squad!
You edgelords are literally facebook-tier. Calm down, cut down on the sugars, and take a nap before you make another post.
>mfw this movie will be about the new shitty OCs and the main ponies will have little to no dialogue at all
finally, they kino we've all been waiting for
Full trailer when?
Is MLP still a thing? I thought all the fans already died from horse-fucking related infections
Why the fuck do I have a boner reading this
As long as the containment board is still a thing, it will always exist.