What if Germany won?

>no communism anywhere
>the end of the political ideology known as "zionism"
>no Israel and therefore no middle east crisis
>no fictitious 'war on terror'
>a ban on usury and privately owned central banks
>abolishment of freeemasonry
>no depraved Hollywood movie industry
>no "political correctness"
>an emphasis on traditional family life
>no cultural marxism or liberalism and their devastating consequenses: drugs, abortion, pornography, open homosexuality, radical feminist movement etc etc
>no multiculturalism and the policy of forced third world migration

I can't hold these feels

Other urls found in this thread:


> moon and mars colonies


´´no drugs´´ bruh

>no anime
it was wotrth a shot atleast.
and yes pic related has some problems, i will fix them in the future.

Moon, probably yes.
Mars... naaa.

>no slavic culture because slavs would have been either eradicated or germanized
>scientific stagnation because freedom of thougt would've been prohibited and Einsteins theories where branded "Jewish physics"
>rest of europe would be extremly butthurt because german dominance would cause resentment among the french and brits -->guarantee for future conflict

not saying that your points aren't valid but not everything would be sunshine and roses as stormweenies would believe

>a ban on usury and privatley owned central banks
TOOOOP KEK. The Reichstag central bank was privately owned.


it could have been a great european reich if only we had listened...

Then why was Nazi Germany in debt if they could issue their own money?

actually their trade agreements forced them into debt.
Their foreign trade was aiming for a trade balance by actually forcing importers to buy up as much goods as they had imported in the reich and at a certain point the war was using up too much resources so they gave bonds in exchange of imported goods.

Why not just pay the other countries with cash?

what european reich?

germanics destroyed the roman empire, took everything from them

how can they call themselve european?
germanics must be exterminated, all germanics, they are a plague

because that was their foreign trade policy.
Before the war the trade agreements aimed to turn the balkans into a nazi colony if you will, we give them our raw materials, they give us their machines.
As they started to give out bonds instead of goods they supercharged their economy. Not giving marks means that no extra money circulates in the world so either you dont have to print more marks or you dont have to drain money out of the economy. Basically you eliminate the risk of inflation due to more people wanting to spend their reichsmarks.

But you will eventually have to pay off those bonds.

learn to hold those feels the same way your girlfriend holds mohammed's cock you fucking cuck

Learn more please.



t. american


the plan was to pay debt after war when the factories will be building cars and tractors and not tanks.
We gladly took those bonds and experienced a rapid economic development. It was basically a bubble because after the war ended all the debt had to be forgiven because when USSR imposed nationalization on us they also required all debt to the germans to be forgiven. (they also denied us access to the Marshal plan)
Yea the german barbarians wrecked glorious rome, sad.
The otoman barbarians wrecked glorious byzantium
The soviet russian savages wrecked eastern europe and brought the red plague into asia.
The eternal anglo with his schemes and plots...
And the spanish and portuguese wiped out the glorious indigenous empires of south america

"The heaviest blow that ever struck humanity was the coming of Christianity. Bolshevism is Christianity's illegitimate child. Both are inventions of the Jew. The deliberate lie in the matter of religion was introduced into the world by Christianity. Bolshevism practises a lie of the same nature, when it claims to bring liberty to men, whereas in reality it seeks only to enslave them. In the ancient world, the relations between men and gods were founded on an instinctive respect. It was a world enlightened by the idea of tolerance. Christianity was the first creed in the world to exterminate its adversaries in the name of love. Its key-note is intolerance. Without Christianity, we should not have had Islam. The Roman Empire, under Germanic influence, would have developed in the direction of world-domination, and humanity would not have extinguished fifteen centuries of civilisation at a single stroke " - Adolf Hitler

The "ZI" in Nazi stands for zionism. Hitler wanted jews to have their own country.

Lies. It comes from Sozialist->sozi

Scientific stagnation? Can you really be that ignorant? The Me-262 jet aircraft, Ho-229 stealth aircraft, V-2 rockets, and hydraulic artillery in France capable of hitting England are just some of the technological advancements they created. If they hadn't exiled kike scientists like einstein, they would of had the nukes also.


You forgot

>no non-whites
>no faggots
>a planetary Europe

No internet

But this would be a good thing because the internet is degenerate

Anime probably would exist in some form. Only loli and hentai wouldn't

>no communism

What about in China?

There's nothing else to do tho

Why do you think so? Nazi Germany was more technologically advanced than other countries in most fields. We would likely have already begun the colonization of the solar system.


Because they were nationalists and wouldn't allow the internet.

I don't follow your reasoning.

they didn't allow Germans to communicate with non-Germans.

This explains a whole lot of their allied tactics, poor Italy.

This wouldn't be a problem, as there wouldn't be any non-Germans left by now. All non-whites would have been exterminated and all non-German Europeans who were worthy would have been "Germanized".

Sicilian here I would never germanize myself I am too busy eating Italian foods, shitting on the Canadian flag because of racism, and watching mafia movies.

the nazi bastards were very disciplined when they arrived here to solve the mess in greece. Polite people, paid for their shit, didnt start troubles, didnt drink and rape (unlike one particularly nasty "liberation" army that came around '45).
The krauts were tolerable.

I'm a Slav and wouldn't have particularly cared to be Germanized of ovened either, but that's how it would have turned out. Hitler was a Germanic nationalist, not a white nationalist.

The fuck that scum.