>His wife bitches all the time
>His children hate him
>His crew don't give him any respect
>He always get the worst jobs
>His existence is living hell
How did Bashir talk O'brien out of suicide again?
>His wife bitches all the time
>His children hate him
>His crew don't give him any respect
>He always get the worst jobs
>His existence is living hell
How did Bashir talk O'brien out of suicide again?
Other urls found in this thread:
O'Brien suffered pretty frequently, at least once a year he would go through some bullshit like spending 25 years in prison, or having to leave Molly stranded on an alien planet. Living with Keiko is soothing compared to shit like this.
O'brien lived for the sweet hum of working machinery and systems.
his only joy was hearing the sweet rev of a well maintained replicator across the room, knowing inside that their day waws made easier by his handiwork.
Also the blood of spoonhead children
Bashir is his genetic superior and simply told him to put down the phaser and go back to his shed
he showed him an genetically enhanced paddling technique on a kayak trip in the holosuite
He tried to kill himself when he realized his 50-year absence from Keiko was just an implanted fantasy.
Can you imagine thinking you'd got out of that only to realize you had decades left with her?
he's been conditioned to reset to his basic state after the very first MIIIIILLLLEEESSS
>How did Bashir talk O'brien out of suicide again?
OB realized that Bashir was double-strong double-sweet
There is an entire webcomic about how depressing it is to be O'Brian
Also I just finished DS9 last week. O'brian and Bashir were totally in love right? I mean it was the clearest homesexual relationship I've seen in a show without the two characters getting physical on screen.
Top kek, he probably missed prison after his first day with Keiko
Hey baby, whats your beef?
He knew some day he could reconnect with that Cardie qt who told him she was 'quite fertile'
Le suave rat-pack era self aware hologram, FUCKING WHY?!!
Although he got Odo and Kira together so that's good, shoulda been dropped after that
Its Only a Paper Moon is a fantastic episode though.
Should have kept him and fired Ezri. He was a way better counselor than she could ever dream of being.
Literally watching it right now, perhaps I was too quick to judge.
Also Ferengi are pretty GOAT in DS9 aren't they?
Ferengi and Klingon episodes are best
Vic seems like a dumb idea at first appearance but they actually use him in pretty smart and interesting ways so the character never becomes too stupid or silly. Its Only a Paper Moon is a good example of that.
And yeah, Quark is amazing, and Rom and Nog both have some of the best character arcs in DS9.
>Also Ferengi are pretty GOAT in DS9 aren't they?
Quark probably has the best character arc in the whole series, and some fantastic rants on top of it.
The Ferengi characters are all great except when the episodes are actually about them
>except when the episodes are actually about them
That's more the fault of other characters like the Grang Nagus and Moogi.
Moogi started out so good as well.
They got a new actress after her first appearance right or did I imagine that?
Would generally agree, although I enjoyed the episode where they attempt to do a prisoner transfer and they accidentally kill the Vorta they had as leverage
House of Quark is probably my favorite episode
Yes they did. I believe the first actress didn't care to sit through the make up process again.
Magnificent Ferengi was amazing, probably because the 7 Samurai template is so fun in itself.
Dukat, Garak or Damar?
You can choose only one.
fuck dukat
marry garak
kill damar
Damar, so i may drink some Kanar with him.
That time O'Brien was captured, stripped naked, and a tooth forcibly extracted would probably in the mid 50s on a list of horrible things that happened to him.
"Commander, tell me about your sexual organs."
You're still doing it wrong, you cheap unoriginal copycat.
Wtf I'm team vic now, paper moon was excellent
So I'm almost done with TNG. Which of the movies should I watch/avoid?
Watch none of them.
I can't stand Rom and Nog is insufferable until he starts to show interest in joining star fleet.
Watch First Contact, all others.
Family comes first, if you can't keep going for your spouse, do it for the children.
Don't avoid Star Trek: Nemesis it has ahhhhhh BIG mhmmmm GUY
I don't recommend you see any of the dullest entries in the Star Trek franchise's history. Seriously, each flick following Action Picard and his chad pals from Enterprises D&E as they fight revenge-seeking Khan-lites has been indistinguishable from the others. Aside from the gloomy imagery, those films’ only consistency has been their lack of excitement and ineffective use of special effects, all to make scifi into scifantasy, to deliver the franchise into the hands of JJ.
Perhaps the die was cast when Berman vetoed the idea of Frakes directing Nemesis; he made sure the cast's final entry would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody, just ridiculously profitable milking of geekdom's sacred cow. The TNG movies might be anti-Roddenberry (or not), but they're certainly the anti-TOS movies in their refusal of wonder, beauty and excitement. No one wants to face that fact. Now, thankfully, they no longer have to.
>a-at least the TNG books were good though
The writing is dreadful; the books are terrible. As I read one, I noticed that every time the author ran out of ideas, they wrote instead another character from another series crossing over to bail them out.
I began marking on the back of an envelope every time that a character from a different series appeared in a novel for TNG. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope over forty-seven times. I was incredulous. The minds of TNG novel authors are so governed by cliches and dead metaphors that they have no other style of writing. Later, I read a lavish, loving review of one such TNG novel by the StarTrek.com official website. They wrote something to the effect of, "If you're still hungry for even more Next Generation, then check out Star Trek/Doctor Who: Assimilation^2, available now at a local LCS store near you." And they were quite right. They were not being ironic. When you read shitty TNG fanfic books, you are, in fact, trained to read shitty TNG fanfic comics.
Nog is a babby quark (not rom) and is really good at trading. The problem with him is his association with Jake who is an insufferable cunt on his own.
Rom is also a secret badass, which is always fun.
>Rigging a vorta corpse for remote control
>two adult men have a strong friendship
>they were homos rite guys?
guess how i know you're autistic?
Obrien hated Bashir til the day he died. He just put up with him more than everyone else except Worf.
>rewatching TNG
>get to youtube.com
What the heck? I could have sworn this scene was from TOS.
>mfw this thread.
I'm not doing anything wrong, idiot. Latest iOS changed filename handling, you dumb ignoramus.
Is DS9 worth watching if you're not a niggerloving faggot?
DS9 has some of the best episodes of any star trek.... they're just few and far between. There's a lot of great characters and a lot of bad characters that you have to deal with til they get better.
Mobile-posting is a universally-recognized form of shitposting, you dumb shitposter.
Post from a real computer, not a toy.
>I invent the original meme via mobilepost
>I propagate it via mobile phone using mobile alert system
>dumb ignoramus idiot accuses me of copycating when iOS upgrade rolls in
>he keeps doing it in every thread even though I'm legitimately the original poster
You're a big dummy and you should be ashamed of your stupidity.
Only if you actually hate Star Trek and want to act superior to other fans, otherwise skip it
>want to act superior to other fans
You're describing yourself, to be honest.
So you admit to being a shit-posting mobile-poster AND you can't even get it right. Sorry, no, you're a worthless fraud.
I have only became this way after years of constant shitposting and aggressive behavior by DS9 fans
also I only feel superior to them, not to other fans
You're retarded. Anyone posting "image.jpg" is the one not doing it right, because iOS has changed.
I am the originator of the Soren meme (3 Soren memes, actually), I exclusively mobilepost, and this is what the meme looks like with the latest iOS, MORON.
if you like nonhumans, then its great
DS9 has some really great episodes scattered throughout a lot of mediocrity and bad acting.
The characters overall aren't as likeable or interesting as in TOS or TNG, and Sisko's acting is hammy as hell, but its still a good series if you're a Trek fan. At least its better than Voyager but that's not really an accomplishment.
Sisko does some things well, has the ability to be most macho of all captains besting even kirk. Him and Dukat also are really great together. Have to wait like 6 seasons for that to get good though.
>I have only became this way after years of constant shitposting and aggressive behavior by DS9 fans
You're describing yourself, to be honest.
In every /trek/ thread, you're always the one instigating the aggression. This thread is no exception. Nobody else was attacking entire segments of the fandom before you came in.
Don't mind if I do!
it has some of the best episodes of the entire franchise but also some ridiculous lows.
The character relations are like TNG but on steroids and it seems like the people actually become friends.
also there's the start of overarching plots in television which is probably a part of television history.
So quit being a mobile-poster then. Mobile-posting is an activity exclusively for shit-posters. It's not my fault that you're too incompetent to post the meme (which you copied from someone else, because you're an unoriginal hack) correctly.
t. came here past 2010
well duh, they basically drew off all the other fans and now they can chill since the only ones left either don't care or are DS9 fans too
You were BTFO in this argument, user. Fuck you, you lost.
>DS9 has some good episodes and DS9 has some bad episodes
So it's literally like every other Star Trek then.
So someone hurt your feelings in 2010, and you've spent the last 7 years lashing out at half of the fandom in retaliation.
Do you really feel that this is an acceptable way for you to live your life? Isn't 7 years long enough for you to instigate fights while claiming to be the victim? Aren't you ready to move on yet?
Ehh there's quite a lot of bad eps and the early seasons are pretty weak before the characters/writers hit their flow. It has some really just amazing eps though. I really do like the premise more than TNG/TOS, too. Politicsy plots don't work well when you don't have recurring characters.
>Ehh there's quite a lot of bad eps
So it's like every other Star Trek then.
>and the early seasons are pretty weak before the characters/writers hit their flow.
So it's like every other non-TOS Star Trek then.
The highs get as high as it gets for star trek...beyond DS9 the lows get stupidly low and the highs are basically just memories of old shows.
The lows in DS9 don't get as bad as that reverse evolution episode of TNG...
DS9 taught me that is never enough and that you should always pursue personal vendettas
>ridiculous lows
How bad are the worst episodes compared to the worst of TNG?
I just finished TNG for the first time yesterday and I'm two episodes into DS9, wondering what I'm in for.
Are the worst episodes just boring or is there anything laughably, inexplicably awful like Sub Rosa?
Mostly just boring, the laughably awful episodes tend to be pretty hilarious and good. They had a much better sense of comedy on ds9 from my recollection.
>is there anything laughably, inexplicably awful like Sub Rosa?
Let us know how you feel after you finish season 1's Move Along Home.
Most people think of that as the lowpoint of early DS9. After that the quality should be going uphill, and you won't have something with that level of ridiculous awfulness until... season 6's Profit and Lace.
>hating Sub Rosa
Oh boy, another memer
Even Sisko made his peace with Eddington. It's not too late for you to make your peace with the rest of the fandom.
I remember there being a string of really terrible episodes in one of the later seasons but they're at least funnier than Sub Rosa.
oy fuck off the only thing wrong with Sub Rosa is that they killed the scottish guy too quickly, other than that it was like TOS
>admits to being a mobile-poster
>understands that mobile-posting is shit-posting
>claims to """win""" while admitting to being a shit-poster
Stop posting the meme incorrectly and I'll stop calling you out as the fraud that you are. Get a real computer, not a toy.
DS9 starts really slow, and to be honest i needed to take a break after I finished TNG to get those characters out of my head. I tried to start DS9 right after but it just didn't happen for me.
Once i got TNG out of my head I was able to accept DS9.
Odo is really great, Sisko's relationship with his son is great to watch unfold. You're really in for something great when you decide to really watch it.
>pretending that Sub Rosa isn't deeply flawed
Oh boy, another memer.
Sisko was an "enlightened" future man and he didn't have to deal with DS9 fans
But in the past 7 years, DS9 fans have been behaving themselves, and you've been the one attacking them. It's time to move on.
I actually found it thorougly entertaining, I was laughing my ass off almost the entire time.
It's like they took the best parts of the Ghost Realtor segment from Nathan For You and made them into a Star Trek episode.
>people liking things I don't is enough for me to complain about it nonstop on the internet
makes me ponder
How was Sub Rosa flawed? Any argument other than "it's stupid!!!" ?
It had great settings, good directing, good acting and was very reminiscent of TOS.
>this loser still defending the worst TNG episode ever written besides the clip show
>people shitposting and making troll images for years ruining any discussion until they are the only ones left is enough for me to complain
okay faggot now tell me what's wrong with it then
Bashir and Garak is the true homosexual pairing
>3 Soren memes, actually
>no argument
>ad populum
>for years
But as you admitted earlier, the past 7 years have been filled with (You) shitposting and ruining discussions, not them.
its terrible. The plot was more retarded than some TOS episodes. Stop being a contrarian faggot.
itza komedy
I only said they toned it down because they are the majority, they still start shit all the time
not even Babylon 5 threads are safe from them