Andy Milonakis Gets His ID Turned Down

This man is 41
F O U R T Y . O N E

How does he look so fucking young? Doesn't look or sound a day older than 15

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genetic disorder

I figured a F.A.S.tard like yourself would understand this.

He is a surprisingly decent rapper

>Milonakis has growth hormone deficiency, which makes him look and sound like an adolescent boy despite the fact that he is a fully adult man.[7][8]

Could have looked it up yourself on wiki but instead you had to make a thread.

>look forever young and still age like milk
poor dude

Oh my god I wish I had this genetic mutation so fucking bad.

Only if I was a cute girl though

why didnt he show her just a wiki article on him or something

>Wanting to be that much of a diva over a pack of gum

Does his genetic disorder make him have a stupid haircut, glasses and clothes?

For someone sounding like that with an out of state ID and nothing else I don't think it's really bizarre to turn it down. They just have a lot more to lose than gain by taking that risk actually giving him something

it's nicorette gum, not like he was buying alcohol or a gun

If he had ever, at any point, just said "I have a genetic disorder called whatever the fuck it is called" she would have immediately sold him it

considering it is a form of tumor in his brain, yes

We Greeks agre like fine wine.

Too bad some of us like Andy don't take care of our bodies and look like giant cubby14 year olds.

Depending on if a store has any history with not checking ID's they could run the risk of losing their license to actually sell it. I don't know off the top of my head how that extends to nicorette gum, but if it's grouped with all that shit it really doesn't matter

>looking young forever
>still looking like shit
Loses some of its luster, eh? Like some kind of twilight zone wish that can never work out.

more like monkey's paw

Nah it looks super weird on women too. I know a 50 year old woman that looks young except for the wrinkles around her face and it looks super creepy.

:rage: im mad now :rage:
thumbs up if you get this meme

Pogchamp i got it trihard

Do people with this disorder live longer?

this is what i want to know

if he was balding this wouldnt have happened

If we're posting andy milonakis stream clips, this fucking needs to be posted

>Andy Milonakis
has growth hormone deficiency
have you heard of google user?

he'll be dead within 5 years


That's not how it would b

The organs still collect wear and tear

u mad?


this dumbass could have done the justin bieber thing and be drowning in puss his entire life, but instead he's a fat fuck getting denied nicorrette gum at CVS

No, but they do have micropenises



wow i actually thought all ice poseidon viewers were from Sup Forums

growth hormone deficiency

it seems mad that before that happened, people were watching him sit around and do nothing

pleb taste user

That's fucking weird man

he creeps me out for some reason

couldn't they just have given him HGH when he was a teenager and he wouldn't look like a fat 14 year old his entire life. what a miserable existence that must be.

i guess he's kind of famous so he can still get laid but he probably has a 14 year old sized penis too.

nu-rap is fucking trash. The mid 80s - mid 90s was truly the golden era.

most 14 year-olds have been through puberty so its probably normal

love watching these two fuck with reddit meal time

i remember there was an episode of SVU where there was an adult woman that had this disorder and she looked like a young girl and everyone thought the guy that was dating her was a pedophile.

shouldn't pedophiles be seeking these women out? it's the best of both worlds for them. completely legal but the body of a young girl and will look that way indefinitely. imagine being a troll and purposely making out with your 30 year old gf in public when she looks like she's 12.

DRAKE SONGS is the best one tho

my dick sure as hell wasn't done growing when i was 14. don't know about you.

and this one of course

There's a dude that tried to abduct him with a lollipop, can't be bothered to post link, funny shit though

Someone already did. Fucking weirdo

did they really fucking sample that shit

>The mid 80s - mid 90s was truly the golden era.
nope. it was dumb nigger music then too

the tippist toppest

How is somebody like this even allowed to exist

who's that slut on his stream rn
always got a new bitch
also some guys just gave him a cigar

hahahahah i fuckin love this guy.

if u guys havent seen his no jumper interview, get on it

They usually suffer some horrible medical issues. Just look at the glasses he's wearing. He's nearly blind. Also, Gary Coleman was only a year older than Milonakis when he died.

Fat unappealing mildly famous people get girls from tinder and stuff all the time on streams. It is a fame whore thing.

I'm not sure if I'm surprised or not Sup Forums likes three loco

everyone likes 3 loco

>those thumbnail titties

CVS's tend to be pretty shitty about accepting anything but the state ID for anything that requires an ID. I have some friends who are foreign students, and CVS won't sell them wine with their passports and official IDs from their home countries. They tell them that they will only accept IDs from this state. One was rejected because her state ID had expired a month before. It didn't matter that she had other forms of ID that corroborated her identity and date of birth.

I get that Andy's appearance was one of the main reasons why they hassled him so much here, but they also kept insisting on asking for a California state ID. I suspect that their other concern was that they generally don't want to accept out of state IDs, especially in a sketchy case like this.

he should do porn

Wonder how young he would look if he wasnt so fate
seems like he never went through puberty

>One was rejected because her state ID had expired a month before

That's what they're supposed to do. Expired IDs can't be accepted. The rest of your post is dumb on CVS's end though.

i bet at least 100 pedophiles have jacked it to andy milonakis

Yes, and the boys got in trouble for it.

That my nigga Andy?

its a genetic condition that has a side-effect of room temperature IQ

I don't think this guy is a pedo, just psychotic

pay debnts

TriHard Cx

I find his streams pretty comfy and I imagine that is what it is like to have friends and hang out with them to some extent.

I'm completely guessing but I would guess it makes you live a lot shorter.


he's got those destructive jewish genes obviously

sad, would be dope if his voice wasnt a 12 year olds.

poorfag only has one pair of sunglasses!?!?

Glad commiefornia lets anyone buy antismoking aids. I was buying nicorette at 19 to quit

>white people can't ra-

this video is in LA

Then the clerks are stupid, it's legal for anyone to buy antismoking aids in california whether it be patches or gum.

>tfw 18
>people think I'm 25+
>only 5'7

it actually kinda sucks