What are some kinos about hypocrite pieces of shit?
What are some kinos about hypocrite pieces of shit?
Obama wasn't that bad of a president.
>travel ban 1 failed
>travel ban 2 failed
>keystone pipeline using american steel failed
>couldn't repeal obamacare, even though the republicans literally control congress
>signed a bill overturning FCC regulations protecting your privacy online
>getting mexico to pay for wall failed
>defeating isis in 30 days failed
>drain the swamp was a lie
>lock her up was a lie
>no cuts to medicare was a lie
>even breitbart is acknowledging the russian shills in trump's cabinet- flynn just got denied immunity
>kills clean power plan. wants to destroy the environment
>about to start WW3 with Russia over Syria
I'm tired of winning xD Daddy Trump will stop the nukes with meme magic praise le kek #maga
The ass pain is glorious. Trump just put his middle fingers up to Russia and China, while he was meeting with THE PRESIDENT OF CHINA.
Cry all you want. Assad and Syria were always small fish. This erases the Trump-Russia bullshit forever, and Trump tells other super powers to go fuck themselves, do not fuck with us.
He's making America great again. Just because you don't understand 5D Backgammon doesn't mean it isn't real.
Correct: he was worse.
Now prepare for the US to get rekt.
This. We keep winning and the left keeps crying lmao
>le 5D backgammon
>"He's just p-pretending to fuck up literally every single thing that he does, y-you'll see eventually!
will the Sup Forumscucks finally realize they've been bamboozled?
I can't wait until half of you shitposters and autists die in Syria. Kek.
you fucking americans made your bed, now lie in it.
"lol i jus want to disrupt the system!!!!1!!11"
congratulations fuckwits, you've secured the collapse of your country as the global superpower
Desperate copypasta is desperate.
What are some movies about tricking the retarded masses?
wtf I hate drumpf now
me rn
fake news
Not defending him on obamacare here but anyone who thought they could waltz into fucking Washington DC and repeal and replace Obamacare were fooling themselves.
Same shit the the old Tea Party or whatever the fuck they call themselves now.
Most of who voted for Trump in key states are poor whites that probably benefit in some way from the state and obamacare. Failing as it might be their suggestions will never work. You can't half ass this with those people. They'd gut everything if it was their choice.
Hardline republicans are IMPOSSIBLE to deal with. They won't give. Not an inch. Now all Democrats are hardline.
The American voters did this to themselves. They voted people in who won't budge. Who won't play politics. Who won't even try to work on any fucking thing period outside of state politics.
Yes, this destroys the bullshit Russia narrative that anyone with a brain already knew was fake, but it's also yet another fucking war in the Middle East that nobody in the country except for Hillary and her cronies wanted.
Reported, go back to r/politics
>This erases the Trump-Russia bullshit forever
>was given clearance by Russia for the attack
>Russian officials evacuated before attack
yeah totally.
Oh and I mean by poor whites in Republican states voting for Trump and repeal and replace I mean by that they wanted him to go in and "make deals."
My point is that you CAN'T "make deals" with a lot of the Republican Senate and especially House members they voted across the board for in the same fucking election.
This is what happens when you didn't pay attention in a basic fucking government course in middle school.
>suspend the Constiution
>declare Martial Law
Liberals really are this retarded.
Says the cuck sucking dick right now
Are you saying that it would have been reasonable to NOT tell the Russians about this and bomb their people in a surprise attack?
>heh fuck drumpf now right
>heh, its not the kikes, hehe go back to Sup Forums
Why is the board so liberal/cucked? I'm pretty sure its a meme but if its not then holy shit you guys are sjw fucking degenerates
It's shitposting, you don't really think we all hate Rick and Morty and boycotted Episode 1, do you?
>calls someone a cuck
>liked obama
Ah yes, Trump is not a Russian plant :^)
no, it doesn't. the Russia narrative was that Russians agents tried recruiting American assets in the Trump campaign as well as using cyber warfare tactics against the Clinton campaign. they did. it worked. anyone who cannot see that the Russians assisted the Trump campaign gain the presidency is either blind, in denial, or a dunce.
bombing Syria doesn't mean shit. the money is in reconstruction, anyway. nations can be at odds with one another in certain regards and completely in cahoots in others. same way you can hold two conflicting thoughts. well, maybe not you.
haha yeah dude they should have just bombed them and not say anything, that wouldn't aggravate anyone
This isn't funny.
Why? Trump's behavior will end with him being the worst president of the past hundred years, but faggots will get him elected to a second term.
He's going to shit on everything, but I can guarantee you that the Republicans will win the primaries and that Trump will be president through 2024.
And while everything goes to absolute shit and we become a third world country, Trumptards will exuberantly proclaim how awesome our country has become.
>ITT: Let's repost threads and posts on Sup Forums
Why do you keep spamming this same post over and over?
Isn't that exactly what he should do if he somehow hopes to attack Syria without pissing off Russia?
So he didn't even betray his core to do something from Hillary's platform to quiet the Russia-Trump narrative....based Trump
I wish I was in your alternate dimension where there was a legitimate option other than Trump and Hillary.
Russia said they could do the attack, how does this is anyway disprove the Trump-Russia narrative?
Okay Hillary, why don't you post some proof of that, then? Why do you care at this point, anyway? You got the war with Syria that you wanted.
>criticizing the leader of the free world for making rather large fuck ups in the first 100 days in office
>this makes the entire board your choice of buzzword insults
Okay, Mr. Cuckenstein. I have a great idea though. There's this whole board dedicated to what you like. Right over there. Close to quests and just right of our Origami board.
They'd love to have you there.
Maybe he should just not attack Syria at all, considering that was Hillary's platform and he opposed it.
>Contrarian faggots on Sup Forums meme for Obama and get him elected because lel palin and mccain
>Contrarian faggots realize they're bored of being liberals and turn full stormfront and meme the monorail guy from the simpsons as president
>Once they realize how they fuck up, they pivot back towards being redditors again.
Oh you sad miserable cucks. Just fucking pull the trigger already.
>le everyone who doesn't agree with every single thing trump does is a cuck!
no you are the cuck my friend, you'd support trump if you caught him banging your wife.
plen here, what makes chemical attacks be considered particularly terrible compared to regular slaughter and pillaging?
>Shills like a good goy
>Likes sucking Neocon dick
Holy shit it's almost like a large group of people have differing opinions over time and those opinions evolve and shape as events occur around them.
What a fucking scoop! You've got quite the sharp wit don't you? Regular Sherlock over here.
Yeah, it's crazy how the creator of that comic strip literally thinks the world is going to be taken over by cyborg billionaires. Libtards sure are stupid doo doo heads :^)
>w-well, he's an industrious American hero, and I get to fuck the same puss he's been in, lmao MAGA
You are wrong because CNN told me the elections couldn't be hacked
But he is doing what he promised.
More like you're all a bunch of fucking lemmings who will say or do anything to be edgy without giving a single thought to long term consequences.
Proof of what? Manafort's collusion? Flynn's? Tillerson's? Guccifer 2.0? Russioan fake news bots? Dude, come on. Do a little research for yourself. You can't be this dumb.
Why do I care about what? That the nation I live in was compromised by a foreign government? Jeez, I don't know, maybe because I'm a fucking patriot? Plus, who the fuck said I want war with anyone? Fuck, what am I even doing arguing with a halfwit here? Foiled a-fucking-gain.
No shit, but it should be obvious that the president doesn't get to make that decision.
Immediately doing what you campaigned against is a bit rich.
link to proof that Sup Forums got Obama elected
Trump promised to bomb Syria and called for regime change? Where?
That's the fucking internet. That's fucking society. That's the classroom you're currently in.
That's human nature.
>The U.S military uses a lottery system to select workers, and those between the ages of 18 and 26 are drafted first. Although specific age requirements are set for enlisting and retiring soldiers, men with specialty skills are drafted up to the maximum age limit of 45 years old.
This isn't fair, I just wanted memes.
How fucking embarrassing is it that the liberals were right? Colbert, Stewart, fuckin Samantha Bee, Louis Cuck, all those rainbow-haired obese landwhales and lanklet skeleton thick-rimmed glasses numales comparing the election to Star Wars and Harry Potter, THOSE are the people who were right all along? How fucking embarrassing is it?
fake news: the post
>talking with ambassadors is colluding with their government
wew lad nice to see liberals still don't understand how diplomacy works
Neocon shill working for free: the post
>people who supported Hillary
You can leave now tourist.
Huh? Who needs to hack an election when there's plenty of un- and under-educated Americans you can hack and deliver an abundance of fake and exaggerated news via bots to sway their underdeveloped critical thinking skills your way? the simple fact that Donald Trump was elected president tells you all you need to know about American education and how really, really stupid we can be sometimes/most of the time.
Wow! I didn't know the viable options were.
-Undercover ZOG puppet
-Outright ZOG puppet
Third Guy Who Exists
fake news
>Let's accept mediocrity in life
Nope. I say we try to be better. Every faggot that voted for Trump should dive headfirst into rush hour traffic just to do humanity a favor by removing themselves from the gene pool.
>goes on and on about how bad it is to bomb syria
>bombs syria
the absolute madman
most of the people he's describing sound more like Bernouts
What about Sanders?
Also if you actually believe the ZOG exists, you are a fucking retard.
keep crying faggot, see you in 4 years
every point that cuck made is either completely made up or taken completely out of context. Trump is doing a great job and the only reason anyone thinks otherwise is because of
get triggered more, faggot
except all of those celebrities supported Hillary
Your post is probably the most ironic thing I've ever read.
Fucking this. I can't blame a single fucking Trump voter. She was a pure cancer candidate and the establishment wanted her.
We got Trump because the Democrats like to close ranks and fuck up potentials like Sanders who could have quite easily won. Nobody wanted Hillary.
So, the Democrats as a whole got the deserved beating they needed. The Republicans get a clown in office and at the end of they day we might get better choices next time around.
That or we'll all be fucking dead by then. Whatever.
hi bernie
kek. drumpcuccs BTFO
Trump promised quite a few times to get out of the Middle East and let Russia handle it.
He's now bombed Syrian regime targets thus putting us in conflict with Russian interests.
When he's trying to be friends with Russia.
It makes no sense.
Yeah, the type of person calling for mass suicide is definitely someone we should emulate.
Is this the things that will be forgotten in 2 weeks thread?
it seems like every president that promises to end conflict can't help but start, or fail to fufill the promise. For christ sakes just let the entire middle east rot.
i'm not saying you're incorrect, but honestly, what does it feel like to drink the koolaid? emperor trump gives you a new phrase and parrot it like a retard.
So will you disavow Drumpf now, Sup Forumstards?
what did you do?
having opinions is not "drinking the koolaid". you can't trust the media, you should know this.
I thought it was alternative facts now.
they're not even up to date on their programming
>No casualties
Who's the real triggered faggot here?
>tfw shitposting at the Sup Forums meltdown
>accusing everyone of being a shill