Well lads Dune is officially Doomed
Well lads Dune is officially Doomed
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I just sat to myself saying Dune Doomed over and over. It's fun.
Dune was always doomed because to make a modern blockbuster syfy movie out of it they alwayswere going to cut it to pieces.
has he ever written anything remotely sci-fi/fantasy before? just because a movie you wrote about a retarded guy won an oscar doesnt mean you specialize in any topic other than the mentally challenged
>also penned Munich and The Insider
Yeah he also did Benjamin Button but that was boring because of Fincher.
We'll see if Eric uses the current Syrian refugee issues as a means to convey the same shit here.
I just want Sean Bean as Leto.
Pen Denis
Someone posted this a while ago. Thought it was pretty spot on.
lerman is a retarded choice for paul and screams "i cant think of any other male actors in this age group so ill pick the one everyones heard of"
actually the entirety of the picks for house atreides are pretty bad.
whoever that girl is cast as irulan looks perfect tho
I'll admit Logan is a lame choice for Paul. I personally prefer that Ender's Game kid.
And Aquaman is too buff for Duncan.
As for that I like the choices for Hawat and Halleck. And Leto and Lady Jessica are amazing choices that could help bring the movie some mainstream appeal.
That is exactly what I imagine Count Fenring looking like.
the accents here are all over the fucking place
i feel very strongly about weiszfu as jessica
zero blacks
what fantasy world do you live in
screencap this
we're going to get that fuckhead miles teller as paul
>implying Forrest Gump is bad
the fremen are all middle easterners
>implying forest gump is anywhere close to dune in scope, subject matter, or theme
Put me in the role of Paul and I like it.
eric roth is a zionist monster and a commercial hack
the sony leaks give ample insight to his venomous ways
If that's the case, one that sounds pretty violence-free.
Too much whitewashing.
remind me again how many schools ugly friendless white boys have shot up
This is probably the worst fucking casting I've ever seen
It's like some pleb reddit shit where faggots only watch capeshit and cable tv
I don't see anything in this list that makes me think he would be capable of pulling this off