What are some movies where the good guy stood up against all odds and won?
What are some movies where the good guy stood up against all odds and won?
Thats not Hillary
real life my dude
pic unrelated
>good guy
good goy
What are some movies where the "good guy" was a liar all along?
Why does Sup Forums worship an Israeli puppet, I thought they hated Jews
>inb4 Israelis are the good guys
>rich family
>literally has never known a day where he wasn't swimming in cash or surrounded by some of the most powerful people in the world
Yeah he's a real underdog. Now a minority raised by a single mother in poverty rising to become president, there might be something there.
Sup Forums aren't the brightest bunch, didn't even take a year of propaganda to make them love the zionist cock.
Sup Forums was overrun during the election by normie conservatives from reddit
>implying nothing was gained from this
laughing at you're life
>not a guy
>had all the odds
But user that's the complete opposite
trumplets still talk about the election because it's literally the only thing that's gone right for trump in in the last 6 months
You mean Orange Obama
Not all that bright, are you?
>and your enemies closer
It tickles me pink that there are STILL people who don't know this. Do you not know that Israel and the Rothschild Family are the final boss? You laughable, little simpleton. Donald Trump keeps them close because right now, they aren't the primary concern. They're the final concern. You don't want to fight them while other threats are hitting you from all sides, do you?
Silly child. Learn a few things about life and get back to us.
>It's a simpleton thinks he's a rebel because he voted for a Republican episode
you all seem to have gotten lost
>got elected most powerful position on earth
jeeze pretty difficult
Sorry sweetie, I was looking for movie recommendations. IDK why you brought politics into it...
Because Sup Forums is nothing but larpers and a smattering of stormfag raiders.
if you sort through the sea of shit enough there are some good redpills that are hard to come by, connect the dots and see how deep it goes
>he lost
She won the popular vote
I guess irony can be pretty ironic sometimes
twitter was a mistake
Happy birthday to this future president.
You mean Hitler?
Yes convince yourself it's the ole keep your enemy's closer tactic while they slip it in your ass from 10 different ways.
At least look them in the eye when your getting fucked and see the truth, they're on the same side.
>H-he's not a s-shill!
>Trump nods respectfully towards Israel
>H-he's got a secret plan, just you wait!!
>Trump gets on his knees and bows to Israel
>J-just you wait! Any day now he'll show his true intentions!
>Trump crawls to Israel and begins proforming oral sex on it
>Haha! Dumb l-libcuck! MAGA!
It's not Sup Forums it's r/thedonald faggots.
They chased everyone else out of Sup Forums a while back.
Sup Forums has been pushing back recently. The /mlpol/ merger started it, and Trump's actions against Syria today accelerated it. The board is in complete chaos. Redditors are calling Sup Forums posters shills and Sup Forums posters are calling the r/the_donald faggots Trumpshills.
Basically. The Trump general is all reddit fags and the only true pol users left either want nuclear war or larp as shareblue shills.
>he knows nothing of Diebolds corrupting Ohio elections since 2000
you want to lick the sweat from his fat old man tits
Trump General is the most cancerous thread in all of Sup Forums. You actually get called out as a "divide and conquer shill" for "reddit shaming" in there, because r/the_donald has completely taken it over.
Feels great knowing this cunt will never, ever take office. No more Clinton cancer.
Exactly that's why most Sup Forums users eventually welcomed the /mpol/ merger because it cleared the scum out for a little while.
So it's the same as it always was? That's what happens when your "movement" is comprised of hate-driven ideologue retards. When all of your beliefs are propaganda, there's nothing to differentiate who's right. It's like satire how everyone there is saying it's Israel even though it literally doesn't benefit Israel. It's a board where neo-nazi shills are taken seriously.
You could had voted for a third party. You didn't listen. Ron Paul warned you niggers. You rallied behind a Soro's Globalist Shill and a Spoil Rich Man.
Why is Sup Forums so inconsistent in their views, do they even have political ideology or do they just make shit up on the fly
>Meet the new cancer
>Same as the old cancer
>Lost to Donald Trump
Yep, better than another Clinton. Oh, before you kneejerk like a good Shillary drone. Crying MUH TYRUMPET I voted third party, and not Trump.
Because Sup Forums isn't one person user.
They're both completely evil. Trump won because the globalists prefered him. Only Soros backed Hillary. The kikes who have real power like Netanyahu LOVE Trump, they always did. He is a complete kike shill.
It was a choice between Soros or Israel. That was obvious long before the election.
tumtards, and shilldrones don't realize that. Libtards are special int he head.
>itt the white trash who will die in Donalds wars
>Sup Forums was overrun during the election by normie conservatives from reddit
I hate to break it to you user but they always were normie conservatives, just too dumb to understand dogwhistle coded language
You just keep on believing that the red team and the blue team aren't on the same side and that things would have been any different.
Sup Forums has liked Assad for a long time. r/the_donald doesn't understand that, so they call anyone expressing disappointment in Trump a shill.
>dog whistle
What a retarded conspiracy theory.
Implying the libtard shill drones swooning over Bernie (White Guilt) Sanders or Shillary drones are not as dumb.
>against attacking syria
>in favor of assmad gassing little kids
edgy kid, edgy
inb4 a Sup Forumstard claims that it was a false flag
Yeah, anyone with less than a billion in the bank that thinks any of these people are for them or support their interests is a complete fucking moron.
>trump flexes his huge orange balls
>libshits on suicide watch
They follow their intellectual leaders Cernovich, Watson and Alex Jones.
Gassing women, and children are reasons for strikes. Chemical weapons is against Geneva convention ever since WWI, and the rest of the world agrees.
>and the rest of the world agrees.
why would an isolationist care?
He's doing the same war for Israel that Clinton would have done, or the other GOP candidates would have done. Just another puppet.
Can't wait to see the look on pol's face when the electoral college switches to Hillary.
makes no difference at this point
It's not a war for Israel, you won't even admit you were wrong when a war doesn't happen. You'll just claim the next event sort of geographically near Israel is caused by Israel, and continue on and on, continually forgetting you were literally never right, that you never had evidence to begin with.
You Nazi shills are so retarded, you shouldn't be allowed to breathe.
Okay goy have it your way. Everyone paying any attention to the real world knows you're wrong so who cares.
of course it's influenced by Israel, you have to be a complete moron to deny that.
Holy shit, Trump is being praised by American allies over seas.
How is it related to Israel? I mean apart from both of you being 70ish I Q sub-humans from Sup Forums, for whom everything is about Jews and Israel because you were conditioned like dogs to think that way. What's the connection?
you're a complete retard , not going to spell it out for you.
>why would an isolationist care?
Fresh meme kiddo. Fascist run out of steam?
I think you're just angry because you know you're wrong.
>trump didn't appeal directly to isolationists
You can't spell it out because you're a Sup Forums shitposting SJW cunt with the approximate intelligence of a chimp and slightly more education than that. Israel benefits from a stable Syria, not a destabilized one. Your logic is exactly the same as it always is:
>Something happened in the world, do I like it? No? Shill against Jews!
So has Sup Forums turned against trump right now
How will Trumpets spin this to make it look like everything's fine?
So you're saying the UK was behind it?
Oh shit, wait, it was France behind it
My fault, it was actually Italy.
>how is it related to Israel
>Israel benefits from a stable Syria
you're contradicting yourself idiot
I was just over there and it's a bloodbath. I wish I had time to shitpost there tonight but I have a test tomorrow.
Basically conversation is:
>But stuff like this is why we voted against Hillary
>I just don't support wars for Israel
rinse and repeat
the hardcore trump supporters are in too deep to admit any mistake, it's sort of like the gambler's fallacy, only with opinion instead of money.
Its not, just shills still biter that KEK predicted everything. The "bloodbath" is nothing but the same old same old shilling by the blue team against red team.
Literally a nothing.
Hey man if you wanna be stupid you just go right ahead. Your stupidity has no bearing on the real world. Just go on about your merry way. Everyone else can clearly see what's happening, it's blatantly obvious.
Went to one the generals and the meltdowns are hilarious
>trump is the most pro Israeli president ever
>anyone that disagrees with him is a Jewish shill
The cognitive dissonance is amazing
>hurr what does fighting israel neighbor have anything to do with israel.
>use chemical weapons on civilians
>not use military force
You retards are worse than Sup Forums
But I thought Sup Forums was about redpills.
But why does Sup Forums pretend to care about Syrian civilians all of a sudden. What happened to hating all "shitskins" and wanting them dead, didn't they always love Assad and call him "based"
You're representing at least 3 different Sup Forums viewpoints in your post fyi.
>Sup Forums is one person
Look, I know retards like you are know to Sup Forums, but we have this thing called ANONYMITY. So it might be hard for you idiot to fathom that a board is not made up of 1 fucking person, nor is it a hivemind.
>that logic
Yes, they bombed Syria not because Syria just gassed a bunch of babies, but because Syria is next to Israel. And this is totally impartial logic and not standard neo-nazi shilling. We totally don't see this exact neo-nazi shilling every single time something, anything occurs within a several thousand mile wide radius of Israel.
>Yes, they bombed Syria not because Syria just gassed a bunch of babies, but because Syria is next to Israel
That isn't implausible.
What is exactly is happening? Israel's master plan is what now? What do they gain from any of it?
>make friends with them and marry your daughters to your enemy, this is how you win
Hi Trudeau, have you legalized weed yet?
Back to your containment board
>all the people in this thread that only care about sticking it to Sup Forums
It's sad that no one cares about all the civilians that have died during this entire mess. I feel really bad for all the citizens and country. I've been to Syria(half Syrian) before the war started and it used to be a beautiful country with a rich ancient history. It's awful what's happened to it since then
If you cared about the civilians you wouldn't want ISIS and other radical islamist groups to gain control of the country which they inhabit.