Be 20 year old uneducated child

>be 20 year old uneducated child
>forcibly join to the army because it is compulsory
>your commander orders you to go to the bridge
>you can do nothing but obey order
>you realize it is a fuckin failed coup
>angry mobs are shouting at you
>you commander order you to surrender
>angry mob cuts your throat

Your country is shit what do you expect

be president of a country, enemy funds rebels who catch and shove gun barrels up your ass and kill you.
>no trial
>this is war

Nice shoes

>americans bringing nothing to the thread besides ebin memes
Americans and canadians is what makes Sup Forums shit.

Sudacas are just as bad to be fair

samsung gettin free advertising.

>you can do nothing but obey order


>hues bring nothing but meta complaining and zika

>t. monkey defending roach

War, war never changes

Yeah that's what makes Sup Forums shit

shouldn't have fired into the crowd then

Tbqh even I didn't think you was middle east-tier, komshu


Did someone just say Straya?

Wonder what Pokemon that guy was catching.

i feel awkward when south americans post on Sup Forums because it's weird to have a posting session with some guy living in a shanty town made out of scrap metal

>hue hue hue br? br? br?

Sup Forums is an extension of the USA. Don't like it? Get the fuck out.

This is exactly what went through my mind, the grunts are always fucked.

fuck off monkey man a world without disease ridden monkeys and annoying roaches would be a better place

underrated post

does this mean we have to give the slightest shit about turkey? well played turk

How are those unfinished Olympic buildings and zika virus? Think the country will ever recover from being a tourist flop? Sure we had SARS but at least one concert brought us back on top baby.

Americans created this website.

But when you in hell thank the Lord .. you followed orders right OK .. Lad

While some soldiers may have not known what they were participating in, i assume the vast majority did, since running over people in tanks, destroying govt buildings, shooting at civilians, and taking over state news at gunpoint are all clearly actions with malicious intent, you would be a bit retarded to think that it is just an order from your commander.

americans stole the idea for this website from the based japs though

they didnt arsehole .. an low qual b8 ..

don't forget to fap and watch anime on their names since they no longer can

Americans literally copied a Japanese website to create this shithole

seculars delirmek hahahahahahahahahaha eat shit hain

they didnt even wasted those "civilians" aka ISIS hadjis. deserved desu.
>soldier surrendering to civilian monkeys
disgrace, they could easily machine gun hundreds of them

this trying hard .. to B8 .. ban mods please ..

Oh! NOW (((they))) are Americans. I see how this works.

This is really tired bait roach. And hopefully soon, we will have pics of our soldiers standing around dead roaches shortly.

maybe turkey should open more walmarts and wendys and stop trying to be so fucking muslim.

we only care about humans on this board

You either obey or you risk of being tried and executed/sent to prison. A soldier obeys. Here in finland a soldier is allowed to disobey an order if it's completely ridiculous/ or something like "kill those civilians" but i don't know how it is in a country like Turkey.


>Roach goes out in the open
>gets stomped

Turkey bosters as much military might as a sub Saharan African bushmans tribe, only shittier.

and improved it 9fold

you forgot : " your commander tells you to shoot into the fucking croud ...

This. Is why I never post here.

If my commander ordered me to kill civvies i think i would have to think it over don't you think?

how is it b8?

>I disagree, so you need to be banned

They think it's funny, until it isn't.

Top Kek

Muh dick

Sauce me

>shanty town made out of scrap metal

my city is better than yours

ITT boys who don't have military experience

Do Muslim armies ever do anything else?

I'm sorry Mehmet RoƧ Bey. This coup attempt is so tragic for its meaningless deaths because the media is celebrating "democracy won" and forgetting the young who followed orders straight into a democratic lynch mob. :(

retarded question that has nothing to do with my point

Turkish bastards !!!!



>you realize it is a fuckin failed coup
>lay down your weapons and quietly accept execution

Am I supposed to feel bad?

Pol makes pol shit
everysingle one of you is a try hard all talk no show pussy cuckmunching faggot

>surrender against some unarmed roachmob

shameful display

Such is life in a country full of blood thirsty sand cultists. You had a chance to change that but now it's over and you're stuck with fundamentalismi for next hundred years.

LEPANTO Arab pork...

It is weird to argue with a chink living in a hut in the woods. How is your maple syrup, Wang Trudeau?

My daddy has a bigger cock than your daddy
what are you 12 ?
Does your mum know your on the internet where there is bad language ?

Your country is an enemy of humanity just like Daesh. And you, the people, are together with your throatcutting muslim dictator, slaying soldiers fighting for freedom and democracy.
Turkey is an enemy for all the people of the world. Every single turkroach MUST die.

nigga pls, this is Sup Forums everybody is 10-18 or 45-999 years old.

very well said


Turkish motherfuckers

That's what happens, man. They gave up to a mob of Islamists.

Motherfucker, you NEVER give up to a mob of chanting violent Islamists.

You shoot until you catch a bullet in the dome, run out of ammo or your gas block blows. Whichever comes first.

>roaches killing roaches

this an coup deaths as Prof soldier .. an his on nation ..
I want Putin to annexxe this nation ..
an make it secular .. Brilliant ..

this tBh.

The girl is florencia provenzano
No idea who the pussy belongs to. It's a shoop.

Nobody cares about dead sand monkeys. Especially not Americans.

Try not to trip and fall in your village's designated shitting ditch, Dunston.

>Not mentioning insane crime rate, corruption, gang problems, or how it isn't safe to go out at night

Yeah okay.

Video please


Which country are you again? You pretty irrelevant in the world.

>No idea who the pussy belongs to

Living in the richest country on earth, does not make you important.
I'd rather be a middle class and living in this bad country, than being a irrelevant poorfuck american, projecting himself on the internet, thank you very much

Doomguy refused to shoot civilians, and he got sent to Phobos, the butt-end of space.

Meanwhile Brazil has created nothing but a losing soccer team, crime on astronomical level, and a parody version of the olympics.

>get deployed
>survey the situation on site
>wait for an opportune moment
>make a run for it
>waste your squadmates / CO if they notice
>drag random civilian into a quiet secluded alley
>take his clothes and burn your uniform
>disassemble service rifle and dump the parts where they won't be found
>keep sidearm just in case
>head towards nearest porous border

Only a cuck dies for ZOG.


This, I'd be cashier'd before I surrender to a civillian.

>taking proud of something that you didn't do

good shit

Do not pretend you are that naive, please.
Also sage

wonder if people keep their shoes after stepping in all that shit.

So the reason for high death count is because civilians killed soldiers who did not want to shot them ?

You have that too,in case you've forgotten.

>implying "illegal order" is not a thing

OP is probably a pussy who didnt even served in military. Otherwise he would know that you dont have to follow illegal orders such as firing at innocent civilians. Those low rank soldiers would use some brain and surrender asap so they could keep their head above their shoulders

Kek. We don't have empathy for non-humans.

I know that this was considered a historic footage (also the photo) but what's the story behind this? Was he a spy or something?


I was thinking the same thing last night when I heard about the vents - it's pretty sad.

> Said the HUE

Well your country is shit what do you expect