Republican Convention Happenings

Black Lives Matter is already protesting in Cleveland, by the time the convention starts they'll have a full horde ready for battle. Early reports say that business downtown are telling their employees to work from home this week, and BLM has announced they will not honor the protesting laws.

So what do you guys think will happen? Will they break the police barricades? Will shit hit the fan?

Other urls found in this thread:

BLM leaders chanting "Are you ready?"

"It's gonna be a long week"

These niggers think of themselves as militants, yet they don't know shit of military doctrine or tactics.
In a formation, that close together, is easy pickings for anyone with a semi-auto weapon.

National Guard spotted

After decades of insulting military and police, do they expect them to side with them if the civil war breaks out?Its gonna be armed whites+most army+half police against libtards and minoritites, it will be faceroll.

This is just the early marches to get them riled up, New Black Panthers will be coming with guns and body armor once the convention starts.

Who fucking cares? Europe is on the brink war and the turkey is burnt. BLM is now a sideshow.

Why is the world so high energy right now

Because its 2016

I know, man. Shit has me tense as hell.

holy shit niggers are so disgusting looking im glad there's barely any here

Embrace the happenings.

Either a magical world awaits us or everything becomes ash.

Either way, I'm ready.

We need a world war soon, it has been too long people are getting uppity and restless.

I just want to kill niggers. Please start a race war.

There's a serious difference in how violence is viewed in white and black/brown cultures. In black cultures violence is a low level everyday thing you use to express social dominance, in white cultures it's a much more serious thing which is seen as a last resort when other options have failed. The best example of this is the Trayvon case, Trayvon slugged a person and to blacks that's okay, it's their equivalent of flipping someone the bird. To white people slugging someone in the face and then continuing the attack while they're downed is considered enough provocation to employ lethal force. That's what we could be seeing on a massive scale, blacks don't actually want a war, they just want to show that they're "in charge."

Also here's another pic from near the protests

>Mfw i get to watch the world burn while Leader Macri kills all local nogs

Emulation is close enough for them. They won't even know what hit them they're so stupid.

^ this.

The nation is dealing with legit threats such as isis and our traitor in chief. If every uppity dindu is wasted - no one is going to even bat an eye

I want to see some anti-protesters. Why we do not see those?

>Black people get killed by the cops under a Democrat government
>BLM protests at the Republican convention
Dindu logic at its finest

Trump's support is going to skyrocket soon.
>DNC bringing Treyvon's shitty mom
>and an illegal alien
>RNC bringing mother of someone who was murdered by an illegal
>niggers cause chaos and show everyone how fucking stupid they are and cause people to gravitate to the "racist" candidate
Can't wait.

Because people actually have to work during the week.

God I hope they finally go overboard and get what they all deserve.
And that with the new war in Turkey, nobody even notices except us.


Nig with body armor is still a nig.

Why do dindus hate Trump so much? I can at least understand Hispanics and Muslims since Trump's said some incendiary things about those groups. But, what has he ever said or done to the black community that would cause this visceral hatred?

Do they just buy the lazy "Trump is a racist" narrative hook, line, and sinker?

I got nothing going for me. I WANT the world to go into chaos. Everyone will be on equa footing, a leveling of the playing field if you will.

The fact that all those pretentious fucks who went to college and thought they're better than me will have wasted their time for a career that isn't happening.

When the nukes start landing I will leap with joy knowing some of them will die, and I will end up victorious over their ashen bodies. All those women that refused to sleep with me will have their comuppence, their chads won't be able to save them. With Lord Trump we will begin a new and build up America to its former glory.

^ this

I have shit to do. Like goto work. If these mother fuckers want a war. Fine. We can suspend all aid services and stop all welfare for 6 months. These Assholes need to understand who OWNS them.

Because they are owned.

Seems like a good time to take some time off work and have some fun. Bring a sling-shot, and maybe some rocks and bottles. You gotta piss them off.

Can't fucking wait cause it will only result in a race war or more niggers getting injured or killed, i wait here /comfy/ and impatiently with my eyes glued to the screen just waiting for niggers to die

>a full horde ready for battle


I still think the real happening is going to go down at the DNC, even with all the dindu pandering going on there.

Begun, the race wars have.

RNC 2016 is the first shot of teh coming race war

Speaking of black people, how did that Day of Rage thing go? Did anything actually happen?

lol at the guy with tribal paint. I hope he brings his spear to the rally.

Hopefully someone goes and mows them down.
Would be doing us a favor since the people that gather at these protests are some of the worst garbage we have here.

Give those niggers hell.

My nigga. Clone wars was so good.

turkey stole their thunder

The Turkey and France happenings overshadowed it.

Didn't hear a peep.

This. These protestors have no teeth, and if they try to start any kind of insurgency they would be immediately quelled.

Where is the french truck guy when you need him?

I kek'd. But seriously, niggers are fucking animals in every conceivable way.

is there gonna be a stream like there was last saturday?

You're not more concerned with America than Turkey?


>Do they just buy the lazy "Trump is a racist" narrative hook, line, and sinker?

Yes. Also they are afraid that Trump will take away their gibs

because the internet has made us retarted

Is... is that you?

nope, hoax

the first shot was dallas idiot

This, no one would be mad if someone drove a truck through crowds of protesting niggers.

Iza sum people gunna die?

he retweeted some bogus crime stats about blacks, and his supporters knocked out a few BLM fags at his rallies.

OFFICIAL thread theme:

They don't think. They hate whoever theyre told to hate by whoever hands them money. Your first mistake was assuming these animals are people.

There's a reason people compare them to apes, and it isnt just banter.

Shit will go down. KEK wills it.

Why do niggers hate Republican Party even though Republicans ended slavery?

Show me your riot gear




Figured as much. I'd call it a trade up I guess.

they're stupid fucking subhumans, man. there's no use trying to understand these animals anymore. they simply cannot coexist with us

In other words, niggers are feral savages, Got it.

Good post, good picture, good analysis. This is what I like about Sup Forums

Kek wills it

The left wing has a huge advantage in these type of protests because their people can afford to sit in jail for a week and they won't ever need to explain a criminal record to an employer.

Also forecast for this week, except for Monday it looks like ideal protesting weather.

Dindus man

They break through barricades, national guard arrive, kill niggers, mass chimpouts, martial law is declared, obama circumvents democracy.

Let's see. Protesters who will obviously resort to some form of violence. A bunch of Republicans who are open carrying and are fed up being passive. Yeah, this shit's going to be amazing.

>I want to see some anti-protesters
Americans don't have them . . .they are cowards with 101 different excuses.

NBPP is there. So is Malik Shabazz, one of their former leaders. They practice military tactics and are very pro second amendment. Most of you are too young to remember, but they went down to Jasper, TX and people thought the race war was going to go down. It was a very tense stand off between good old boy rednecks and NBPP. I say something will happen.

>New Black Panthers will be coming with guns and body armor once the convention starts.

100 bucks says the Philly gang niggers with no permits will emulate and bring their AKs and snubnoses.

It's going to be a bloodbath, those bitches can't shoot shit.

>martial law is declared
enough with this shit. martial law can't happen. martial law means civil war

Given the size and scope of this event there will be dozens of streams ranging from idiots on the ground to news choppers in the air, it'll be one hell of a happening.

ebil white man

When is this starting btw

So I'm in Cleveland. Should I go? I really have no idea how conventions work. I might go to Milo's thing at Cleveland State.

Because people with rational opinions such as debt reduction and immigration reform are not going anywhere near a violent protest.

That said, I would love to be up in one of those buildings with a super soaker filled with stale urine...

>a 2 whole weeks of happenings

I'm gonna block Sup Forums after this.

I know you have had a feeling that something was going to go down soon but couldn't put a finger on it. People even made threads across the boards that they've had dreams of bright lights and big bangs. I'm sure most of you are feeling a knot in your gut right now. We are on the brink of something very big, every country is in the brink. It's time to get cozy

Oh god, of course shits going to go down if its in cleveland hopefully its in the upper half (supposedly less shit)

great way to get yourself shot by a police sniper

Niggers are the dumbest race on Earth.

July 18th, this Monday.

Fucking dumb zombies.

July 18-21, so Monday. Then the DNC is July 25-28, so a week from Monday, and violence is expected there too.

>BLM has announced they will not honor the protesting laws.

Sounds exactly like something a terrorist organization would do.

By ignoring common decency and civil laws you are committing an act of willful terrorism against citizens and government.

get a gun and go down there to defend Trump supporters.

>"It's gonna be a long week"
Don't they have jobs?


this. Nigger violence doesn't compare to white violence. Whites industrialize their violence, like the Gulags and kike camps

Buy a drone with a camera on it. Fly above the crowd and livestream it for everyone to see. We want a good view to document the happenings.


The only job they have is leeching all those tax dollars.

Apparently "Bikers for Trump" is going to counterprotest outside. I have no real knowledge of this group, is this just the standard "baby boomers with Harleys" thing or is there a real one percenter element in it?

>implying you can leave

The ride hasn't even started, friends

Black people got mad that turkey and france stole their happening-fuel