fill this
Fill this
I post on Sup Forums
now fill the template with film/tv related stuff
Walking Dead desu. Not even my wife knows I watch it.
I hope you get caught and she divorces you, you piece of shit
being so bitter is why youre still single.
>tfw to stupid too recognise a joke
>tfw I found my dad's stash of Stuck porn
a million hours in paint
This will never not make me laugh.
I am retarded
What the hECk dude
I hide practically everything I do on my computer from others for some reason.
My parents and siblings probably think I'm just a normie casual in terms of films while I am 24/7 on this god forsaken board talking about films exclusively.
I just downloaded a whole set of films from the czech new wave and I don't want to watch it while anyone is home because I know they would be confused of why am I watching it and I'm already too deep into this normie casual facade to start explaining everything too them.
It's pathetic I know.
same with me desu
Can't wait to move into my own house but then my parents will pester me to find a nice girl and get married, don't know how to deal with that shit
When I was a little kid I pretended to hate hugs, and now there are lots of girls who mean a great deal to me who would be willing to hug me, but they know I don't like it, but I really do. I don't know how to explain my fondness for hugs all of a sudden, so I remain hugless.
>captcha: toilets
I watch Korean drama...a lot
came here to post this
Why're asian grills so cute?
>Stuck porn
What's that
because they love white guys so you try to convince yourself they're not ugly (which they are). nice eyes on your cartoon girl btw
How dare you?
Use your imagination, kiddo.
haha asian eyes are so slitty, are they human?
He never went broke, he just couldn't afford alimony. That's the joke, kid.
fuck this is spot on my man
I was in the same spot, an easy way to get back into it is:
do something good, that potentially gets them within hugging territory (I don't mean physically close). Then make a weird expression and say, "Hugs, huh?"
She'll probbaly say, "But you hate hugs!"
Then you say, "Let's try it once"
And DON'T half-ass it, go in for a bear hug.
Then conclude by saying that hugs aren't that bad, and laugh at the end.
autismo 101
It worked for me.
I unironically enjoyed both movies
>Rick & Morty
wheres the sauce lmao amirite?
Is that guy supposed to be the lion?
Sup Forums is creatively bankrupt: the thread
You'll never be able to explain your love of pretentious films if you can't do it with your family.
I hate explaining what i'm watching too, but i started forcing myself to do it so i'll get over this little fear.
Don't forget, you can always be as vague as you want, making it sound more normal than it is. i.e. instead of telling them it's czech new wave which is an experimental genre which studies the use of cinematography blah blah blah, just say 'oh yeah it's about some dude accepting his death.' (obviously i know nothing about czech new wave, but i believe this will be an illustrative example)
Remember user, people are self-obssessed. Most of the time people don't REALLY care what you're watching, they're just trying to make conversation. You can also try the classic trick of ignoring the question and making the conversation about them (works 99% of the time).
>reddit spacing
where's the cunnyposter when you need him?
he only makes new threads
Sorry kids but this is an 18 and over website.