How do I become alpha male like don draper?

How do I become alpha male like don draper?

You don't. You will never be him. Don Draper does not post on Sup Forums. Don Draper does not wait in line at Gamestop. Start lifting, dress decently and learn how to make conversation and you can improve though.

No fuck you

>Don Draper

you were almost on to something but then you fucked up

Smoke and drink Old Fashioneds all day.

Stop masturbating. If you really have to rub one out, eat your cum afterwards, so you don't lose the energy. Do this for a year and you will become an Don Draper.

Draper, at heart, is a fucking beta. So you have that in common with him.

>Matthew Weiner specifically forbade the cast from working out. He said people in the 60s stayed thin and fit because they smoked more than they ate, not because they exercised. And that the last thing he wanted was for Don Draper to be cut. Rumors swirl that a certain male cast member actually became bulimic

>entire show is 'Look at this guy, he's a piece of shit, don't be this guy'
>still idolise him at the end
Beta as fuck


This is part of the reason that it's impossible to be like Don Draper.

Don Draper does not lift. You are correct. Jon Hamm, however, clearly does lift.

Don can get away with a lot of what he does because he's an in-shape, good-looking guy. He's only a good-looking, in-shape guy, however, because Jon Hamm works out. A real-world Don Draper that doesn't work out, but drinks, smokes, and eats out all the time would be a fat, unhealthy, unattractive, slob.

It's impossible to be Don.

>"In this episode, a small meteorite lands in the offices of Sterling Cooper. The office is terrified when a small sentient liquid creature emerges from the rock and moves around the office. Here we see Don, Burt, Pete, and a few clients gasp in horror as the creature enters Roger's mouth in order to take over his body and breed."

This is the Reddit opinion of Mad Men. They think Don is cool because he smokes and drinks and fucks a lot. They don't feel sorry for him or ever despise him.They probably bought a suit at Banana Republic when they made the Mad Men line and haven't worn it since. They probably pour themselves rye whisky when they watch the show. They probably don't like Pete. This is how a Redditor thinks.

Calisthenics and cardio maybe. He certainly doesn't lift.

Wear a diaper, change the I for an R

>start smoking lucky strike
>drink whiskey
>don't give a fuck about others
>take what is rightfully yours
>fuck bitches

a real don draper would probably look like pic related

Were you born with an obscenely large penis? If you were not, then you can never be an alpha male like Dong Draper.

um try again my dude he did like 200 push ups in one sitting in season 1

Apparently you cry a lot in front of women.

He changed his count to that as a joke when Betty walked in you literal retard.

>can't be faithful to a woman
>shames himself in front of his children
>hates himself
>acts like an asshole to most people

i'd start off getting a nice wardrobe and a good haircut and start working down the list after that

Put all your points into speech craft , persuasion and charm.However you will never be able to reach his charm level unless your at least a 9/10 looks wise

>you will never be able to reach his charm level unless your at least a 9/10 looks wise
Good thing I spent 3/4 hours fiddling with sliders in the character creator then

trolled nigga got you

Steal the identity of an alpha male

how do i become a living meme?


fake it until you make it

How do I stop myself from lane prycing?

1. Be taken in by a whoremonger and his embittered wife, who will hate you until she dies.

2. Enjoy witnessing the effects of alcohol on your childhood home, ultimately resulting in the death of your drunk of a father.

3. Get molested and raped by a whore at a young age, and then get physically beaten by your stepmother and lone guardian for the act, forever throwing your sexuality and your view of intimacy off-kilter.

4. Run away from home to join the army, only to lock up at the first sign of combat, resulting in the death of your CO.

5. Pull more dumb shit in a panicked state and in the heat of the moment, and set yourself up for a lifetime of constantly looking over your shoulder and expecting a "not if but when" scenario where you are caught for desertion and identity theft.

6. Crippled by your childhood and upbringing, continually become incapacitated in your ability to draw close to people and love without your deep-rooted hangups continuously collapsing everything you hold dear.

7. Resort to losing yourself in drink and pussy rather than face your problems, and watch every last modicum of your facade crumble in the eyes of your loved ones, peers, and subordinates. You are impostor syndrome incarnate, and you perpetuate it by running away. Your "it never happened" mantra becomes as paper thin as your image of alpha invincibility and stoicism.

8. Hug Leonard. Feels good man.

9. Work on Coke.


11. Profit.

Don't have autism