>abducted 3 girls
>didn't rape any
What? Is this a twist?
Abducted 3 girls
Other urls found in this thread:
Again with the rape, always the rape!
did he sniff they used panty?
He probably voted Trump which is equally bad as raping
the black girl was hot as fuckkkkk
> abducts 3 girls just to get feedback on your bad SNL auditions
I wouldn't risk it. When you've got a girl all caged up, or locked in a room, or what have you - she'll want to escape, yeah?
Now, I'm not a girl, but I were, I wouldn't want locked up by anyone. if I did get locked up, I'd do everything I could to get out of there before I got raped.
I'd go sticking broken glass in my taint, making croaking noises so the potential rapist thinks "hey, I can't go raping this lady, she's crazy! What if she's got broken glass in her taint?", and trying to dig through the concrete. I saw this video on the news once - I suppose it was a slow news day, no bombings in the desert or anything - and this guy had himself a can of ravioli or something, or beans, whatever. And he scraped it on concrete for what I can only imagine to be far past the time needed to just pop on down to the shop for a can opener, but eventually it opened. So I'd probably just scrape something on the walls until they break open. You'd also keep your abductor awake if he sleeps nearby, which would further motivate him to release you.
No, see, it's just not worth the trouble. When a girl doesn't think you'll go raping her, you're running less risk of broken glass incidents and scraped walls and nighttime interruptions. Its just simpler.
You would just get beaten senseless and tied up.
Yeah, but the plan works best if you insert the glass beforehand.
That's why I if I were a girl I'd carry broken glass in my purse. Mace would only further enrage any attackers.
What's the guy going to do, reach in there and get it all out? I stepped on a lot of glass once, there's really crumbly bits that you can't even see that'll mess you up. Even if your attacker doesn't know that, he's going to find out really quickly.
I would not rape a girl that i abducted.
What are you some kind of savage?
What am I, a criminal?
Just because a person is a criminal does not make him/her a rapist.
too old
How come ayylmaofu had perfectly smooth shaved armpits when she was in the ambulance? How long had she been down there?
>dem jiggle physics
>sad ayyy lmao in diner
>this is how a woman thinks
I'll just pull all your teeth and force fuck your throat until you choke to death
dumb whore
I would suck on their pusy
You're pretty strange. You'd be raped first.
>let's be loud and annoying so he doesn't rape me
You die first.
He clearly let them keep themselves clean and shit
"If I was a woman" dumb edgy /r9k/ poster
I want to see this movie but I don't think I'll be able to stand looking at this ugly alien bitch for two hours, especially when she's the main protagonist
Did they show the girl pusy??
If anything, she's the antagonist because she tries to kill an 8 year old with a shotgun
>shoving broken glass up my crotch-hole
I'd rather just be raped
>I'm not like the other girls :|
She had dat ass, just epic
this was legit kino
>this is like that crazy guy in wheelchair they put away 15 years ago
>and they gave him a funny name too. What was it?
>Mr glass
It was stablished that Dennis is not allowed to touch women.
That's why he only wants them dance for him, but this isn't allowed for him either.
No wonder he wanted to summon The Beast
>Read about the connections between Unbreakable and Split
>Be waiting for it the whole movie
>Bald man with bear enters in the dungeong
>Oh shit Bruce Willis!
>Is not Bruce Willis just a random guy who looks like him
>Movie ends
>Dinner Scene
>Bruce appears
Based David Dunn
Unbreakable is the true capekino
praise famalamdingdong
back to facebook
Okay, I am fucking sick and fucking tired of these fucking threads about rape! RAPE IS NOT FUCKING FUNNY! Joke about anything else you want, Sup Forums...
Joke about cp, joke about loli, joke about murder, joke about drugs, but DON'T FUCKING JOKE ABOUT RAPE! Rape DESTROYS a woman, it STRIPS HER OF HER HUMANITY! It is disgusting, inhumane, regressive and insane. RAPE IS OFF THE FUCKING TABLE, Sup Forums, NOT EVEN YOU FUCKING VIRGIN ASSHOLES CAN BE SUCH FUCKHOLES THAT YOU JOKE ABOUT A WOMAN'S WOMANHOOD BEING VIOLATED!
And no, I am not some lesbian dyke cunt, I am a woman, I was raped. My virginity was taken from me, I can never give it to a man I love. I was raped again and again and again and again and again by a random stranger when I was 15, I wanted to fucking kill my fucking self. IS THAT FUCKING FUNNY? FUCK NO YOU FUCKHOLES!
>young girl barges into a tavern filled with dozens of dangerous bandits
>they sing along with her, instead of leaving every inch of her body covered in cum
Why does Disney send such dangerous messages to children?
Ops wrong shithole
So this guy have a dungeon and girls in it and there is no sex scenes ? fuck that im not watching this shit then
dysney movies are the exactly opposite of hentais
god she is fucking hot
best princess
You can't into dream reality? She's imagining that in the tabern when she's alredy being fucked by everyone. Those cups with all that spilled beer foam is an allegory of getting bukakke'd, dancing and passing her from each guy while the dance scene is the same as getting ganbanged.
he has one take her sweater off so she's only wearing a bra and pants/skirt and he makes the one that pissed herself walk around pantless. Also, alienfu shows nice cleavage.
>mentally ill person
>votes Trump
it checks out
alienfu is a goddess
she's won me over with The witch and now this
Trying to mutilate an attacker will probably bring around a high chance of getting fucking murdered
Both 3 has good bodies in different ways.
Shyamalan's character in the movie goes to Hooters usually
He's /ourguy/
I want to sniff cocaine on her dick
Is Dennis our guy?
Did none of you cunts actually watch the film, he tried to rape one so she pissed herself to put him off, on little miss alien face's advice.
He'd probably just skip to the killing you part
a little piss wouldn't stop an actual rapist. Either way, he didn't rape any of them.
its got paprika in it
he didn't try to rape her, he just wanted her to dance for him.
>Waiting for BW the whiole movie
>The horde gets on an amtrack train
>OH SHIT did the horde crash the train for Mr Glass?
>No he's just getting on a train
>Bruce is in the last >1min of the movie so he can collect his pay check for the M Night cinematic kinoverse
>the scene before this where The Horde is contemplating what to do next after summoning The Beast and the Unbreakable music begins playing
That bit was fantastic. The way they worked Dunn into the final scene felt a little bit forced, but it was still good seeing him again.
Remember that Kevin's dad "went away" on a train.
i would rape her neck
Playing the long game. Going to put a ring on it.
No, he wanted them to dance for him. They didn't know that, so she pissed herself.
The Beast can't harm those who have been sexually abused, it's his weakness, that was the whole point of the no-rape rule.
Is that his kryptonite?
Did you even watch the movie for fuck's sake
It was a joke
She looks just like my sister...
Yes, like water is Dunn's weakness.
I'd rather be raped than eaten
It's more of a "Martha" kind of deal, really.
>this is like that crazy guy in wheelchair they put away 15 years ago
>and they gave him a funny name too. What was it?
>big guy
>for you
He tried to rape one of them in the neat freak persona but she peed on him and he flipped
The old lady persona didn't want him to rape anyone
The movie was just ok until that scene.
A few guys in theater screamed when that scene happened, including me. I didn't even remember the music (which is the same from Unbreakable).
>i'd rather be raped then killed then just killed
Instead of raping and killing you i'd beat you to within an inch of your life and cut you open and fuck your guts while you were still kicking and screaming. You'd be the first to die and in the most brutal way i can imagine seriously you take stupid to a special place.
It was anyone that he thought was 'broken'
Pure, not broken.
No he didn't
Yes but you had to have gone through some sort of abuse or hardship, so basically broken
The "broken" are also the "pure".
You can't depict rape in any way in mainstream film or television anymore, if you do it's promoting "rape culture" and the left will turn on you.