Is the boomer meme going to make us become an ageist world?

Is the boomer meme going to make us become an ageist world?

Let's say I'm 50 years old. I'm not, but for the sake of argument let's say I am. What could I possibly do or say that won't immediately discredit my entire existence and everything I have to say just for being an old?

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Ageism doesn't exist. And the meme only applies to people who say some ignorant, old fashioned shit and refuse to adapt to modern times. As long as you don't say shit like "all you have to do to stop being depressed is to stop using phones" or that the younger generation is lazy and ungrateful.

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Fuck I shouldn't have started this boomer definition thing three days ago. I was just making an honest statement again... Last time I did this it was by drunken accident also. I can't believe I've done this twice. pic related

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nice trips
I actually am a boomer by the meme's standards, I was just shitposting.

Ageism isn’t discriminating against boomers, it’s suggesting that children can’t consent because “they’re too young.”

gay replies jesus christ

the fuck did you expect, do you even know where you are?

Oh yeah, because the 500 year-old Bernie Sanders is doing so poorly in the presidential race because of age. You're a Dumb.Piece.of.Shit

ive only heard of this OK BOOMER meme. not seen it once or seen anything substantial. people need to get a hobby these days seriously either save up for schooling or get gud at a challenging video game you fucking noobs. not even joking, my skill level is superior to most of you.

Trips have spoken. OP is a newfag.

Ok boomer.

Pro question: Is the fedora useful for gaming?

Sup Forums is the home for contrarians and trolls. There is no winning here.

please don't use the term "fag" it is 2019 we should be beyond derogatory terminology

you see, i believe in the immortal spirit, so whatever sparks your aura my guy.

Would cum guzzler suffice?

>burnout bernie doing "well" by any stretch.
Ok you millenial snowflake. Show us on the doll where drumph hurt you lmfao

just don't be stupid. i think if you have valid viewpoints and understand the argument you are contributing to no one will call you a worthless boomer

Stfu nigger faggot

I think my immortal spirit needs a little swag, about the highest level I can reach is respawn.

Except 50 is not boomer, it's gen-x

Nigger worshiping cum guzzeling cuckold detected.

it's always been an ageist world. It's just the young adults are feeling their oats because youth is king and they're finally coming into their own. But in about 5 -10 years time, the generation behind them will be coming into their own, and then they'll be the "old men" that are shocked & surprised by the disrespect and arrogance of that younger generation.

it comes in cycles. every modern generation thinks it's the best one ever, and doesn't "need" to listen to its elders, because they "haven't got a clue". you'll see it once you've lived long enough.

just quietly smile when you see them arrogantly boasting about themselves; in time they'll come to understand how stupid they were and why you, who actually did "know better", just sat there, firm in the knowledge that you actually did know better, and why that was the reason you sat there and just smiled at them in the first place.

not a communist but that is the most boomer reply you can hear. what are you gen X? also nice double dubs

go make a psi wheel, preferably with a needle for less friction. TK is a real thing. the world is blind we are wild animals

jesus boomers seriously don't understand memes do they?

Okay Boomer.

Nah, born 2001.
If youre not a commie i guess you can come over and eat tendies and play minecraft with me. Let me ask my mom brb

lol, boomer

Ok Zoomer

You had your day in the sun boomer. Step aside

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I find that more offensive.

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jeffrey epstein didn't boomer himself hahaha i did the meme guys! #woke

>Fuck I shouldn't have started this boomer definition thing three days ago.
Sure, pal. You and Gore invented the internetz too, right?

Who the fuck are you people? Where did you come from?
If you've actually been on Sup Forums you would know that the boomer meme got spammed to hell on Sup Forums until it caught on. It was the Millhouse meme in full effect. Since then it has evolved and we've basically done everything we can with it.
But now? NOW you talk about this ancient meme which you just spotted on twitter or whatever the fuck? I guess full circle and all that but fucking hell Sup Forums is normalfag shithole now.

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boom goes the dynamite

pretty sure the boomer meme is a response to constant millenial bashing

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roger that, baby boomer

>burnout bernie doing "well" by any stretch.
uh, yeah. he's the most popular politician in the race. also nice triple dubs of falsehood

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The world is real but most of us are blind to it but I'm not. When my dog telecommunicates with me I listen, fortunately for me his hobby is comedy and not ordering me to kill people.

those people who didn't know jack shit when they were younger will also not know jack shit when they're older. nobody is right or well informed because of their age, retard. old people think they don't "need" to listen to young people, because they "haven't got a clue". it's a continuation of the same smug ignorance such as you're displaying right now

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If old people didn't act like obnoxious self righteous selfish retards also as if their time period still matters today, it wouldn't be a problem.

i'm 30

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I've been here far too long and far too drunk to care about exaggerating to anonymous nobodys anymore

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ok boomer

why would younger people have any more say than older people, they don't know anything


ok baby

Well, being fifty today means you are not a boomer. Make the same example with fifty-eight and we can talk.

ouch teh edge

very original

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and she'll suck your dick like jet engine with a bag over her head while she hands you a laptop and tells you to watch your favorite porn

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