Whats it like to get old Sup Forums?

whats it like to get old Sup Forums?

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ok boomer

Lots of regrets that you didn't do something different. Hindsight is a awful thing.

glad I'm not one, they probably aren't doing great mentally atm

yah, I'm guessing they just keep building up over time

shitting your pants can become socially acceptable.

>define old
nothing really changes, what you liked as a kid you still like as an older adult. you only care less about unimportant stuff, like what others think of you. you might find yourself looking back at yourself and cringe from all the stuff you did just because you wanted to look cool. i say its pretty based to grow older, i can still relate to and join in on the shitchat the 20 year olds have at work and i can also yell at them and call them lazy assholes with no one asking why just because age gives respect. they dont know that i sneak out to the toilet and fap to jailbait and horsecock porn on Sup Forums while im getting paid.

lol you got no shame huh Otis? I knew there was a way to do it and still keepmiddle fingers held high.im in my 20s but I hate fashion and just try to enjoy life in every way I can. I don't let roasties tell me how to dress or act, I just pay up front, fuck, and then go home and do something that's actually interesting

>fap on the company dime

You're the real OG user

Getting old beats the alternative of dieing young. Until you cant wipe your own ass that is. Old people can be fun they have lots of story's. I've heard old people say some of the funniest vulgar shit ive ever heard after i became an adult. I hope to be a dirty old man one day.

>dirty Old man

god tier retirement, especially if you come out of it with a few sheckles too

its like life has cheat codes and age give them to you. its full iddqd and idkfa here now. getting paid to fap is just one small benefit.

it sucks having to watch absolute fuckheaded retards being handed the priviliges of being adults

yah, seen that in my own lifetime

I’m 82y. Everything is exactly the same today as when I was any other age but when I have a birthday or look in the mirror I am always like, WTF! How the hell did it go so fast? I can’t stress it enough, if I were to guess how old I am with out a calendar or any outside information my brain clock tells me i’m maybe close to 40. If I were to mark the half way point in “feels” it would be somewhere around 20, after that shit goes real fast. Well that has been my experience anyway.

Prove that you are 82 yo, or go to bed underage bait

yah.... what's your favorite movie?

32y/o here. This seems to be about the same for me in terms of I feel younger but am not. I go to high school games to watch my kid play, and some people think Im a highschool student based on looks.

Hard to believe that was 14 years ago. I still do stupid shit just like I used to, but now I have to warm up before doing any thing like pullups or else I could hurt my back/neck. Im at the age now where where a lot of professional athletes retire because they can't keep up with the younger players. That makes me feel really fucking weird and old-ish. Seeing lines in the mirror or a gray hair pop up here or there fucking sucks and hurts.

At my work, there are a lot of people older than me by 10-15 years. Seeing these guys with gray beards is fucking sad. I would have expected much older than I am now, or that I would have matured a lot more than I have.

tl;dr We all get old and die, some of us don't get the chance to get old. My suggestion is to get in the best shape of your life right now. Take chances and get out of your comfort zone. You don't magically get stronger, better or more confident in 5/10/20 years from now, you have to build yourself up now to reap the benefits now and later.

damn ok, good repsonse

40 year old user here. i find younger dudes at work lack toughness. shure they might go to the gym, be stronk as fuck and run for miles. but i need them to lift that fucking bitzer compressor from a pallet and onto its place. there is no shortcut here, just pure muscle power. and they fail to do so, its so heavy, my back hurts, how can you lift this thing? all kinds off excuses. unironicly i have been alone at worksites and found more help from the local 70 year old dudes just gathering out of curiosity than any apprentice the office could send me.

61 yr old here. Best way to describe it is this: used to be on a weekend I could work all day doing heavy yardwork then go out and drink 3/4 of a fifth of vodka that night, eat a whole pizza at 1am, and repeat the next day.
Now I don't drink because it no longer feels good. Yardwork wears me out. Don't feel like going out.