Wh*Toid h8 thread
Fuck white people
Wh*Toid h8 thread
Saged and hidden
thwts a funny way to spell "fuck niggers" thread
>white "people"
it takes explicit intellect to recognize and perceive suicide as an escape and a solution to one's problems. notice how the lower the suicide attempt the dumber the race?
Why is it spelled with a star in the middle?
Rofl cuck faggot nigger loving JIDF OP is at it again. Stay mad incel zoomer
Because Wh*Te is a dirty word like f*ck
colon compromised.
Why is the T made capitol?
Lol, you don't get to kill yourself when others do the job for you first.
Awww, nigs mad again because we rule the world.
by that logic, 49% of trannies are fucking genuises
smarter than black people, yes. furthering my point
No (((we))) rule the world not you, cuck
You rule the lower class and dominate the ownership of Air Jordan's and hepatitis, but that's about it you dumb nigger.
Funny enough, that completely went over your head and I won't bother to elaborate. You have ownership and dominance over opioids and herpes stage 2. Retard wh*Toid.
Kill, kill kill the whi*te man, ALL the Boomers, Zoomers and Millenifags who are not black.
As a black man, fuck you, nigger.
your nigger daddy went over your head when he ran away
Kek, yes we do. A small price to pay for ruling the world presently and historically. Stay mad, Tyrone.
im black and i feel like a piece of shit why uz niggaz so trash ass cus?
Classic retard calling the jew a nigger still not realizing you belong to us.
Maybe before America fell into the hands of the elite bankers you did but as it stands you're no different from a nigger, in our eyes.
Classis shekelberg thinking jews aren't white. You fucking sewer rats are just as white as anglo saxons. You just stink more.
Switching it up, retard way. Do not compare me to something like you, my ancestors and their descendants only fucked within their tribe keeping our blood pour from contaminants, you on the other hand, mutt definitely has at least 4% nigger within you. Foolish wh*Ty know your place.
STFU and get back to the deli counter. Your customers are waiting for their pastrami
I hope you're enjoying your little game of pretend. Chances are you're just a pimply mutt faggot pretending to be a jew for attention. I hope you're atleast achieving some minimal self worth out of this. You'll an hero one day, kiddo.
This. Do as he says Goldstein.
Very angry wh*Ty
Much dishonor
fuck niggers the only race that keeps their selves down and blames everyone else. yeah keep calling each other nigger too
No need to play pretend on an anonymous image board you worthless cuck. I guarantee I was more successful than you as a 16 year old working with my father than you are as of right now.