Hunger games. 36 Tributes

Hunger games. 36 Tributes

[F]irst time host

Attached: thumb_hunger-games-logo-mediaro-info-53424529.png (300x300, 12K)

c'mon niggers post some tributes


Attached: 1492487071835.png (400x640, 204K)


Attached: 154.jpg (1000x868, 127K)

Nao Kaizaki

Attached: 55.jpg (565x673, 75K)


Attached: .jpg (463x384, 42K)

Comfy Neet

Attached: download.jpg (225x225, 7K)

Bullied Bulin

Attached: Universal.Bullin.(Azur.Lane).full.2229360.jpg (613x775, 258K)

Divinyan Cat

Attached: gikjj98d2ha11.jpg (800x450, 30K)

Attached: 1571879226636.png (462x259, 139K)


Attached: Jotaro_face.jpg (3530x3530, 1.62M)


Attached: Sans.jpg (225x225, 20K)

Laughing Whores

The King of Games

Attached: s0yug.jpg (480x622, 43K)

Lain will reign

Attached: 15580507320.png (1520x855, 771K)


Attached: aduul.jpg (321x332, 24K)


Attached: yamchuresurrectedtruth.png (489x474, 269K)


Whistle blower

Attached: des.jpg (720x643, 32K)


Attached: 1565994647348.jpg (400x600, 47K)

Borken Von Strangle

Attached: Jorgen_in_Dog_Form_(Jimmy_Timmy_Power_Hour).jpg (982x743, 50K)

Jeffrey Epstein

Attached: billionaire-investor-jeffrey-epstein-arrested-2215182.jpg (2000x2400, 358K)


Attached: DIO.jpg (352x550, 30K)

Nazi Samurai

Attached: bzPOgdX2zygK_640x360.jpg (640x360, 27K)

Albert Wesker

Attached: AlbertWesker.jpg (870x1131, 63K)

Da Phuc

Attached: wnYTz7L.jpg (602x655, 122K)


Attached: 7dca3f199511613cdef68a9d0bd8192d.jpg (637x358, 24K)

Dam Son

Attached: 7lZwLKc.jpg (511x606, 87K)


Attached: 400.jpg (450x400, 150K)


Attached: zun_20139.jpg (400x267, 35K)


Attached: 1553176371334.jpg (1223x1835, 372K)

24/36 les goooo 12 more

The King of Sweden

Attached: knugen.jpg (400x300, 45K)

this post


Attached: 1541541406661.jpg (511x671, 41K)


Attached: download (3).jpg (500x464, 31K)

No one

Attached: no one.jpg (735x485, 201K)

Crazy Frog Bros

Attached: image_0.gif (200x150, 1.36M)

Nigger Extinguisher

Attached: meme.png (201x226, 94K)

ill just join this one. some nigger kept spamming my thread with gore n shit. tried abandoning thread but the faggot followed me.

name is "hat goomba" btw

Attached: Hat Goomba.png (2248x2231, 1.18M)

Lady Une

Attached: lady une.jpg (480x360, 13K)


Attached: hiiiit.png (174x162, 20K)

I can see that

Attached: 35e.png (492x463, 442K)

The Holy Cube

Attached: Kaaba_at_night.jpg (960x720, 112K)

The Joker

Attached: Joker.gif (499x289, 404K)


Attached: 373626.png (432x415, 177K)


A bunch of Faggots

Attached: unholy_trinity.jpg (769x602, 123K)

And We're off!

Attached: 01.jpg (670x1204, 308K)

final tribute if im not mistaken

jotaro man

Attached: 8OcPYqlt_400x400.jpg (400x400, 31K)

Attached: 02.jpg (670x3540, 749K)


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let's do this

Attached: 30.jpg (567x617, 88K)


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why the fuck did you name my hat goomba the text from my post i said at the end

>name is "hat goomba" btw

fucking dumbass


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hello op its not your fault


Attached: 03.jpg (670x2425, 525K)

fuck its the faggot that ruined both my threads


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because its funny


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biggest nigger ive ever seen on this godforesaken sight


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Sorry first time kid. I'm just scraping them with the program

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fair enough

are you new


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Im placing bets on wesker

RIP Epstein


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܂Goodluck Megumi
First district best district got th-

Attached: 332.png (600x600, 33K)


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wait anyone notice the "a" in anonymous is that glitchy demon text everyone loves so much

>wesker dies

How am I supposed to see what's going on? Not even that AI shit can upscale this mess


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no but when ive hosted i ask people what they want their name to be if it's like "____ reporting" or whatever and I ask if they just want to have their tribute be named "____"


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a feast already??? what the hell

Are you trolling or just using a low-res device?


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RIP district 1

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Attached: 08.png (670x593, 281K)


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Attached: 09.jpg (670x576, 122K)


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bets?? Hikki