Today is Caturday, isn't it?

Today is Caturday, isn't it?

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The legacy. It lives on!

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Don't know any Catur Day.

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Nah tat wus yestday tode shunday

It's still Caturday for me, catto. But remember, it's always Caturday somewhere.

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Mortal Comcat!

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Fuck that cat. Hell, fuck all cats.

Hey, fuck you and your trips.

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thass naugt tru

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It's Sunday you fucking dipshit.

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Maybe in your cyka blyat land

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But in the rest of the world, it's Caturday.

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it's Caturday where it matters.

Everyday is caturday

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Now: cats and dogs

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amen brothers

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Camouflage cat

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Cat on puzzle

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Cat on pizza

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Cat on pole

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Cat not on counter

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That's a nice catto

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Cats are disgusting. Post seagulls

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This pic contains ducks and cat, not seagulls

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Being this new and not knowing every day is Caturday.

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Monch. Mmm... So tasty...

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My point exactly. You want your seagull Sunday, go make your own thread and help populate Sup Forums out of the porn spam please. You get one free seagull, if you agree to help. Here it is in advance :)

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your carpet looks like a river of blood

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seaguls are one of the worst animals on the planet

your mom is the worst animal on the planet lol

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Kek'd! Take this one, you glorious bastard.

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well executed


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