>The plastic tips at the ends of shoelaces are called Aglets. Their true purpose is sinister.
The plastic tips at the ends of shoelaces are called Aglets. Their true purpose is sinister
The DCAU is the closest we can get to having authentic capekino.
truly one of the best shows ever. watched this like a religion when i was a teen. i think bruce timm universe is amazing and makes the most sense.
>that feel when that rock story was BS and everybody teases Croc about it
>I guess the question was right all along
Did this show breed a generation of Sup Forumsacks?
Timm influenced the comics so hard, too. So good shit can't remain non canon.
I'm sure it was to increase conflict but why the fuck did the DCAU underpower Superman so much? Even in the finale when Superman is supposed to remove all imposed restraints from his true power and punches Darkseid so hard he warps time and space, he just gets owned by his agony matrix a few seconds later just for Lex to deux ex machina a conclusion.
He wasn't really underpowered, even at his most uncorked Darkseid is just THAT powerful.
I imagine if anything it was to keep the usual whiners who don't read Superman complacent so they wouldn't whine about how easy it is for him to win every fight, in fact most of the way Superman would win fights in his show wasn't by sheer force but by actual tactics.
best luthor on tv or film
they had to do that because supermans character was written in a way where he could do anything and everthing. gold age superman was stupid in terms of what he could do.
the DCAU producers wrote him underpowered in order for the other character could have something to do.
That's why JLU was so brilliant, all Lex ever wanted was to see humanity unite against him.
Bruce Timm and Paul Dini are also huge batfags that don't really like (or didn't really like) Supes
Quite funny how their version is one of the better ones on screen
Why don't they make cartoons like this anymore?
Lex was so savage in the show. He truly hated Superman.
too much time and effort and networks want a cartoon formula that will draw in money.
You can undercut production costs by hiring idiots from CalArts
If I pull that off, would you die?
Luthor-level trolling
>"She's using her Britishness against us!"
>the Question pondering how to hack the security keypad before smashing the door in with a potted plant
>Huntress calling up the Question while he's investigating secret ice cream flavors
>his awkward flirting
JLU Question was GOAT
Don't forget Dini's influence. Timm's responsible for the artstyle and it leads to a lot of people giving him all of the credit.
Get the fuck out of this thread.
"Please, I go through everyone's garbage."
The idea that even Batman found him unsettling was funny too
>So what are you wearing?
>Blue overcoat.. fedora
>You really stink at this
>Orange socks?
I actually prefer the New Batman Adventures art style
The Q live action starring Jeffrey Combs when?
Gotham's talked about bringing Q into their universe already. Not sure if they have plans though.
Only Question could make phone sex with hot as fuck Huntress mundane
>kids show
Who else learnt that from this book?
What did she see in him?
For Bats, full nightmare fuel Scarecrow and, to a lesser extent, Robin, I'd agree.
But you also have to take a lot of bad with that.
>Pale, black and bland Catwoman
>Mulleted Nightwing (hated that look in the comics as well)
>Cancer survivor Gordon
>Fetish gimp Bane
>Joker with beady eyes and no red lips
And others I'm probably forgetting. There were some real stinkers.
A Superman outline
A-G-L-E-T, (AGLET!) don't forget it
I think the problem was from a writing perspective where the only challenges Superman could face would be either villains with Superman tier strength or have Kryptonite around and that the majority of normal crime he could resolve in just a few hours.
Then Luthor got kryptonite based cancer cause of the consequences of bad writing tropes.
>>kids show
So is it some kind of crime for kids to be aware of the existance of females or something?
Batman became such a jerk later on.
>gold age superman was stupid in terms of what he could do.
Golden age couldnt even fly you pleb. You mean silver age. Please stop being retarded before you post about things you misheard on Reddit.
Because Cartoon Network is cancer and only want to make cheap randumb shit.
DC should start making deals with streaming giants like Netflix, where toy sales aren't as big a factor and time slots aren't an issue.
A small guy for me.
They don't gain the audience that they used to. Young Justice got canceled. GL: TAS got canceled. Spectacular Spider-man had to be end.
>Other superheros out fighting bad guys and ending disasters
>Question just hanging out in some freezer and opens a ice cream tub
>"AHA 32 flavors!" then snaps a picture
Nah. There are plenty of stories in the comics where a much more powerful Superman serves a role in a justice league arc that doesn't just solve the whole issues. Magic, threatening the innocent, general deviousness, etc. Can be effective against him.
Timm just literally wanted Batman to be the coolest all the time. Not that it made the show bad, but it contributed to the stereotype of Clark being boring and Bruce being amazing.
They're all about short term profit grabs, they can't factor in shit like DVD sales 20 years later like JLU is safely delivering on.
Uh? Where did I say any of that. I'm just riffing on the fact that the show got away with so much adult shit in spite of the censors. I loved it for that. Like when Hawkgirl remarked to Flash about him saying he's the fastest man alive that that was probably why he couldn't get a date.
Goat scene
>That's for fucking my Barb, dad!
His ugly
He's an old guy
>Then Luthor got kryptonite based cancer cause of the consequences of bad writing tropes.
That's taken from the comics, how is it bad writing?
Young Justice got cancelled because its audience was mostly female and the CN executives claimed that they couldn't sell toys to girls. Its coming back, tho.
It's good writing, the other Superman problems were always bad writing.
What was bad writing?
This was one of my favorite scenes.
They never really had a chance to. CN sabotaged them by hiatus-ing 'em to death and never replaying them. It's like night and day the way they treat TTGO and the way they treated them.
I remember loving Shining Knight and Vigilante in this show so much.
thanks to whedon and disney there'll never be female heroes wearing this kind of suit ever again
Season 5 was trash, the flash/luthor swap was funny though.
I liked the finale.
The Riddler. You seem him all of two times briefly, but they dropped that nice suit for a Jim Carrey bodysuit.
And Poison Ivy was bad.
But that Scarecrow design was nightmare fuel. They only ever improved Scarecrow over time
>something unlimited will never be finished
Everything being on model made it 10/10 to start with.
But they had pretty awesome Superman focused episodes. Like when he was on War World. Or when he was sent into the post apocalyptic future with the goofiest version of Vandal Savage
>Hey! Why don't you come over my place?
Thanks to DC casting fridges and sticks it won't matter if they do wear anything skimpy since they'll look like shit
Yeah world of cardboard is pretty classic but deus lex machina finisher is meh.
Cinema Marvel>Cinema DC
Cartoon DC>Cartoon Marvel
I still prefer older DC flicks to the MCU which too often feels like more of the same. But cartoons isn't really that close. I love 90's X-Men and Spider-Man out of nostalgia but they weren't really that great. I think Spectacular Spider-Man was the only one I can think of worth mentioning as really good. Avengers cartoon was alright but nothing amazing.
All the DCAU starting from batman were pretty much written for adults, I don't remember anything remotely Marvel being written at anything beyond babby stuff. I know X-men wasn't but it was vaguely following comics in a pretty good time. I think Marvel always tried to get kids hooked on comics and toys rather than being good for their own sake.
>Huntress - Wow. I never knew the Girl Scouts were responsible for the crop circle phenomenon.
>The Question - Few people do. Few even think to ask the question.
You can tell they had a ton of fun writing him.
>The Question: Reaching back to Ancient Egypt, there's been a single cabal of powerful individuals directing the course of human history. But the common man prefers to believe they don't exist, which aids their success.
>Supergirl: Global warming? Military upheavals in the third world? Actors elected to public office?
>Green Arrow: The spread of coffee bars? Germs outpacing antibiotics? And boy bands? Come on! Who would gain from all this?
>The Question: Who indeed?
I want to ____ Harley
I accept that the DCEU is too high level for people to appreciate as kino.
But ain't no way the MCU is better than the DCAU. Few things top the Cadmus plot.
And if you're talking DC animation as a whole, Young Justice owns
The only things in the MCU that are better are the Netflix shows. Or FX's Legion.
>rev my
i really, really want a live action of this youtube.com
Forgot about the Girl Scout thing that's fantastic. Probably the wrong place to ask but is the Question also like that in all his comics too? If so I think I'll start reading them because I enjoyed him so much in the show.
Originally he was just sort of libertarian and preachy rather than being a conspiracy theorist. After JLU-Q I think they sorta brought him back but now he's Renee Montoya (batman TAS original) and thus the DCAU makes comics worth a shit.
Is this show good if I liked Justice League?
It gets there, it takes less time than JL to JLU goodness. Ends up at a pretty good peak.
>muh jews
Back to Sup Forums, please.
Starts kind of weak, gets better over time
He is in at least 2 issues of the comic based on the show, which were pretty good. Denny O'Neil run seems to be well regarded but I think he's portrayed differently.
Read the Denny O'Neil run. It's quite good.
Geez, snowflake, awfully sensitive.
>always thought hawkgirl's face really looked like that
>it was a helmet, she is boring as fuck without it
the disappointment
she's such a boring normal person... with wings. Cute about it though, the whole world fucking hates her so she just hangs out with Dr. Fatestrange and amazo and shit being depressed
I hope you flip burgers because I'd hate to think you have any job that requires actual thought. This isn't even a comic book thing, this is pure observation, it was obviously a fucking mask.
She never took it off and her name is fucking Hawkgirl, how was it "obvious"
>that episode where half of the league goes into an alternate dimension where they meet the justice guild of America
>the scene where they realize they will die if they defeat the villain but still do it because they're heroes
>flash watches as they disappear
This episode fucked me up as a kid. Great episode
>the streak calling green lantern a nigger
So if Batman never took off his mask he's obviously a bat?
Jesus Christ you're dumber than I thought, you should have kept this to yourself
Greatest moment in the whole show. This is the Luthor the world needs. That faggot Eisenberg makes me sick every time I think about him.
>According to the writers, the creative team originally intended to use the JSA for the episode, but DC Comics declined, as their portrayal clashed with their comic counterparts' post-Crisis on Infinite Earths portrayal.