Let's have a 3x3 thread

Let's have a 3x3 thread.
r8 & h8.


Absolutely loved Coherence.

needs a bit of updating but its accurate enough

ay masculin feminin is great

Dunno, dunno, dunno
Network, Blood Simple, dunno
Kiss Me Deadly, Once Upon a Time in the West, 400 Blows?

didn't feel like updating it still love these movies

kill list, bad boy bubby, true stories
rest is correct


Roast me, nerds.


my nigga.

Masculin Feminin-Suspiria-Psycho
Dreams That Money Can Buy-Vivre Sa Vie-Mean Streets
Repulsion-Downtown 81-Harper


My nine favorite films.

Fuck you

Lawrence of Arabia
Full Metal Jacket
Apocalypse Now
Star Wars
Lord of the Rings
Blazing Saddles

This is based on what I would take to desert island. I went through my face where I would post a bunch of Tarkovsky and Bergman movies to try and appear smart, but I got over that. Don't get me wrong I can recognize they're merits above many of the stuff I posted. But it's just not what id want to watch over and over again

Why doesn't your taste change at all, have you watched any movie for the last 3 years?

Shit forgot to add Varsity Blues

Because I'm 40 years old and my tastes are pretty well set. I watch 16-20 movies a month, but none in the last few years have cracked the top 9.

It's funny to see Robocop, Wizard of Oz and The Empire Strikes Back among those serious movies
You're obviously blinded by nostalgia


Blue Ruin - Cold Weather - Brick
We Are What We Are (2013) - Ida - Streets of Fire
Eastern Promises - Sound of My Voice - Frances Ha

Mah nigg. It always gets shit on here but I love that movie to death.

upper right, middle right?

A favorites list can be created using any criteria one likes, including nostalgia. This isn't a list of the best films I've ever seen, just my favs.

second try..

>The Spirit of the Beehive
What does everyone see in this movie? I've seen it and it was okay, but nothing special. Can you elaborate on why it's in your top 9?


im a native spanish speaker so the little girls speaking spanish an displaying that range of emotions in the movie is heartwarming to me.
The girls being completely captivated by the monster in the movie.
The sense of despair and loneliness when she runs away and sleeps in the wilderness for the night always gives me feels because she's a helpless kid and what must be going through her head at that moment.
When she meets the bandit and he doesn't hurt her, and she brings him food. Later he dies in a shootout.

I can't really put into words why I like everything about it. It's just a really beautiful film.

7 is Red Desert

coherence, the 400 blows
cosmopolis, Les bons débarras, landscape in the mist, the master

my night at maude's, jeanne dielman, du cote d'ourette
yi-yi-goodbye dragon inn- tasye of cherry
persona-the sacrifice-celine and julie go boating

Nice choice with Mean Streets


All here


Why LotR?

It's comfy kino.


Well, it's a movie I can always watch to make me feel happy, so that's kino in my book

Pure kino, stop being edgy


Nice argument

It would be a gigantic time waste to explain to every single fucking casual mongoloid why LotR is not 3x3 material. Just leave.

bleh i need to update it but im lazy

fuck. Magnolia used to be one of my absolute favorite movies until I rewatched it a few years ago. It was so bad compared to how good I remember it being.. God tier intro though.

severely in need of an update

>the sandlot

I never understood how do these ratings actually work?

I'd make a new one if I wasn't a lazy fuck.


i believe it's 1/1 for movies you've seen and like.
So if you've seen 5 out of 9, but only like 3 of them it would be = 3/5

correct me if im wrong.

You're a fucking retard, lad. He can put what he wants on his list, because it's HIS list, not yours. You're allowed to complain or whatever, but don't act tough when you shouldn't.

He's a pleb, the point stands
Deal with it

ok i made a new one
really? I've seen it at least 3 times and I still love it. It's very messy but there's an emotional coherence to it that never lets me down.

titles? i only recognize apocalypse now and end of eva

Millers crossing is highly overrated. I like Blood Simple a lot more as far as early Cohen movies go. Also that infinite ammo scene.

First three from left to right are Millennium Actress, Macbeth (2015), Eyes Wide Shut
Middle three are AN, All Quiet On The Western Front and No Country For Old Men
Final three are Mean Girls, Evil Dead 1 and EoE.

Pleb or not, he can put any film he wishes on his list and you have no say in that matter, nor does anyone else.

>Pleb or not, he can put any film he wishes on his list and you have no say in that matter, nor does anyone else.
You're right about that

pretty bad taste ITT


what are 1 and 2 called?


tryhard much, but solid list nonetheless.

Robocop? Isn't Robert Cop?