Sup retards. would it be legal for me to start seeing a 16 year old as a 20 year old? I'm in England. pic unrelated

sup retards. would it be legal for me to start seeing a 16 year old as a 20 year old? I'm in England. pic unrelated

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as long as you don't fuck or molest them you could legally date a 5 year old

Brit here. No, as she's 16 it is legal. Her parents might have a problem with it, though.

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have you started this relationship yet? What is your current relationship to her and how did you meet

Of course it is dipshit, now post her!

It's weird, but legal. Your reputation might take a hit, depending on the company you keep.

literally just started speaking to her an hour ago, we matched on a dating app and she told me she was 16

Seeing? As in not-touching?

You're a pedo. Get that into that thick skull of yours

Totally legal and totally acceptable.

>20 year old

You were 12 when I started lurking this areas. Why are children using Sup Forums now a days?

lol I mean you were 8. Holy shit.

do me a favor and wait 2 years. don't you feel weird? like, a discussion with her parents is going to happen at some point. she hasn't even graduated high school yet. lawfully yes, socially not acceptable though (frowned upon) people have done it before, its a responsibility thats HUGE because she has different physical and emotional needs from this relationship than you

oi mate
show me yer pedafile loicence

It's legal for you to fuck her and date her. It's still illegal for her to send you nudes so dont ask for any.

There's no such thing as graduate high school in the UK. She could have done her GCSE's and be out working or just in further education doing some vocational course. It's legal and it's probably bait on some level as I can't believe anyone in the UK wouldn't be totally aware that 16 is the legal age.

I literally took me 10sec to find the answer on Google. Yes, op, it is legal in the entire Uk (except for Ireland where it's 17).

The legal age should be 17 but you might be fine in the UK were you can marry children

who fucking cares

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Ah right. Gotcha. 17 is fine. But 16 is a child. Total black and white and arbitrary.

There is literally no difference physical or mentally between a 16 year old and 17 year old.

There definitely is but it comes down to how big the differences are. You know, we all age and learn from our past mistakes etc.. thats such a dumb statement to make. Please stop