To straight male anons, if you were offered $2000 to suck a gay man's dick for 10 minutes and swallow his cum...

To straight male anons, if you were offered $2000 to suck a gay man's dick for 10 minutes and swallow his cum, would you take the offer?
>STD free gay man
>Guaranteed secret

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ofc, 2000 is a lot of money for 10 minutes

Though mostly because of homo curiosity than the money

not enough money

my price tag is around 2 mil for my dignity

>being on Sup Forums
pick one

Ab so fucking lutely. I'd probably do it for 500

Hell to the fuck yeah.

For $2,000 he can fuck me too.

Got some questions. What he look like? Will he showee first? Any videos? Pics? Anything to document you was there? Hairy? Will anything be done to ass? That includes licking or fingering. Do you have to touch anything other than is dick? Any kissing? Can you touch you? If so where?

if he's cute i'd prolly do it for free
if he's like a bear or something never ever, not for a 8 digit sum

Only if I can keep doing it for multiple payments

Whyd it go down a 1000 bucks from the last time you started this thread you fucking jew?

Would do it for 100

Underrated Post

who wouldn't

Not for an 8 digit sum. Get real.

Of those takers. What if he was a gay nigger?

Only an insecure homophobe wouldn’t. There’s no difference between that and any other unpleasant experience for a lot of money. I’d press an icepack to my face for 10 minutes for $2000, so how’s this any different? Not gay at all but $2k for 10 minutes of discomfort it’s a no-brainer

Who would say no? Like I'm straight, sucking one cock doesnt make me gay lmao. I'll still be straight after

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I wish I could insult you, and tell you you're wrong........

i stand by it, 2k is a lotttt, and i've always been curious

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Curious about niggers or cock?

Well I'm not going to lie. If I didn't have to swallow his cum I'd probably be down.


Waiting op

I mean, okay, but I gotta be honest with you, I doubt any blowjob I gave would be worth that much money and I would feel kinda bad about it.

Like, damn, dude, what's going on in your life that you want to burn two grand on a clumsy, toothy beej from an ugly guy? Maybe spend that money on some therapy.

fake af

Shit, I'd suck a dick for $20 right now.

I'd let a dude fuck and dump a load in my ass for free if it was guaranteed secret.

Is this offer on the table OP because I really need some money for surgery.


You guys are getting paid for this?

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I would do it for free, but I'm gay.

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In my country there's an old saying, which would roughly translate to "there are enough fags, what we need is investors".