How the fuck

are we on the brink of both World War III AND Civil War II?

Did somebody plan this?

Other urls found in this thread:



Either we memed chaos into reality, or we are living in the end times. Either way it would be a good idea to spend as much time as possible with family and loved ones, as well as making new friends and enjoying the precious few moments of peace and prosperity which we have left.

of course not

((( THEY ))) are up to something.

We aren't on the brink of anything. If you weren't alive before the 90s you have no idea what it feels to be on the bring of mass war

What if america had a civil war, and everyone else came?




Clinton fucked up and Putin planned the end of the West


Is this accurate, user?

It'll be the final step to creating a world government.

Nice dubs (((user))). Nothing to see here. Back to bed everyone.


Fuckin Jew propaganda made me see th back of the slide as the McDonalds logo


This guy gets it.

A civil war in the US would undoubtedly also trigger a world war. Lots of nations are being prevented from military action due to fear of the reaction of US and NATO. Without US muscle, NATO is nothing. If the US becomes too involved with internal struggle, it will be unable to get involved in overseas fighting. Russia, China, North Korea, and Iran would all be emboldened, and start to try to rewrite borders.

The USA is currently the world's police. If any nation were to try anything funny, the US could stop it single-handedly. If shit REALLY hits the fan, the US can obliterate any given number of human beings up to 6.7 billion in roughly 45 minutes. In these circumstances no real "World War" can happen.


If the US gets into a civil war and its army is divided, roughly in equal parts, we would have USA1 and USA2 as the two most powerful armed forces fighting each other and at the same time not strong enough to police the world.

An American Civil War is the only way the real World War III can begin.

And guess what

kek wills it