Why do Republicans continue to support the most corrupt incompetent President ever in US history?

Why do Republicans continue to support the most corrupt incompetent President ever in US history?

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Because eat shit. That's why.

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braindead faggots dont realize republicans dont give a fuck about you and work for special interests

Because he's getting things done. Don't ask me what things because I'll tell you and you'll just attribute it to
> muh obummer

Because orangeman knows how to cater to the base insecurities and fears of the uneducated and generally stupid.

This reactionary mindset is and always has been extremely easy to manipulate, especially when more 'liberal' ideas start taking the limelight. These ideas scare people unwilling to reassess their world view, making them prime fodder for whoever's skeezy enough to pull the wool over their eyes. Fear is a weapon highly coveted by the selfish and powerful.

Because they're all subhuman retards.

obama was a democrat


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>destroying our international trade relations
>pandering to the interests of his wealthy friends
>dancing on the cusp of war with various aggressive and aggitated fovernments
>doing everything he can to fatten his own pockets while disallowing the healthy circulation of currency
>racking up literally more than one trillion dollars in debts
Ya. He's really getting shit done, huh?

NYpost is FOX News in print form. Both are trash heaps of the lowest order owned by Rupert Murdoch's NewsCorp.

Post on pol plebbit

Get on the right side of history or you'll be mowed down by it, hillbilly.

>I can't disagree with the stuidity of extending public services to illegals
>I'll attack anyone who does though


>going to fuck you in the ass and take your tax money and redistribute it to people that indifferent to about you.

>going to fuck you in the ass and take your tax money to redistribute it to people that want to kill you and everything you stand for because you are white.

I wonder why....

the left needs safe spaces to protect them from any ideas they don't like

Don't instigate, m8. Cletus might shoot up his school if you tease him too hard

Cause they believe in a great economy like we got now.
They believe in freedom of speech
They believe in the 2nd
They believe in borders
They believe its your money
They believe in the working man
They believe being a commie is wrong
They KNOW OP is a FAG

Protip faggot: Tumblr is a very poor representation of the left as a whole. They are a minuscule fringe and nothing more.

Lol how about real helthcare for people thay pay for it and pay taxes geting robed st every moment of life and told tharez no help for you pay me some more this is the way of life

and you're getting your representation of the right from where exactly?

he reminds them of themselves.

You can't say 'faggot'. That is not an approved word by your kind. Having fun abusing free speech here?

>thinking any side of big government is some how different.

because theyre just pandering to the outdated 2 party system and becoming blindly raging inflammated machines so they can fight against the other side of blindly raging inflammated machines set up via political propoganda (see: this site, twitter, reddit, ect.) to keep politicians relevant and line their pockets lol

also the adverts on most social media sites dont bring in nearly enough revenue to keep them running. the only reason most social media sites are still around is because investors believe they can be used for social engineering and astroturfing in the future

literally everything the reps in the government do, everything their supporters say on any social media outlet, and fox news. in that order. are you going to tell me that a sample size of "all of them" isn't representative?

The right needs safe spaces to protect them from ideas they don't like.

There's nothing wrong with wanting spaces within which you can feel at ease and like you can be yourself without being harshly judged. When you start stepping on toes and trying to disallow this for anybody but those sympathetic to your own beliefs, you are effectively asking them to cater to your own idealised safe space. Telling someonethey can not publically do what makes them feel comfortable is telling them to allow you to have your safespace while trying to stop them from having the same. Those that do this, regardless of political beliefs, are infringing on the constitutional and human rights that form the cornerstone of the States.
>there are triggered assholes on both sides, m8

Unborn children's rights

>implying that the mainstream media and news in general, the general outrage culture created by the left, and the culture of facebook and twitter aren't either

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Unfortunately for them, they are also very useful for people to compare notes and see who is jewing who. I may not agree with much of republican policy, but straight fuck the authoritarian left and it's dystopian dreams.

shit that really is what all democrats want!

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>free speech
Alabama telling its students they can't boo Trump.
Trump saying for the 5th time he wants to go after the press.
Republican senators trying to punish people at World Series who chanted "Fuck Trump".

Second Amendment doesn't mean every drooling faggot who wants an assault rifle can have one, asshole.
Did you like how the NRA got raped over a barrel for laundering Russian blood money to Trump?

Congrats on being literally the first Republican to spell that word correctly.
Everyone believes in borders. We just don't want a worthless expensive wall that will have zero effect on immigration.

>your money
the middle class paid more in taxes than billionaires did this year. It's the first time in history this has happened.

>the working man
LOL. Obama created more jobs in one term than dump has and COAL. IS. FUCKING. DEAD.

>being a commie is wrong
Not when it comes to corporate welfare and deregulation and lining the pockets of billionaires though, right?
>clean air dead.
>pollution at all time high
>clean water act dead.
I don't care if you think it's communist to want regulations to protect the environment and preserve natural resources. We NEED to protect that shit and ERADICATE the subhuman looters and polluters.

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>every drooling faggot
Thats where you are wrong. I want every White, nigger, spic, faggot, transgender mutant, commie faggot, thot and degenerate to exercise there 2nd ammendment rights and be armed you fucking pussy

Kill yourself you retarded faggot.

I'm not one of the liberals who will unilaterally disarm himself to combat the ENEMY. I will curb stomp him.

Man after my own heart

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Your kind needs to be put down. Irredeemable.

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r/politics is that way pablo

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>Lefty made an argument I can't rebut
>u dum, me smart, very big a-brain

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Come and try it fucker. We are on the correct side of history and we will ALWAYS finish on top of you trash.

I'll drown you in the toxic ponds and streams that the tin, lead, mercury, arsenic and selenium from coal mining are dumping into thanks to Trump and the ENEMY republicans. That'll make you happy, right?

Someone swallowed MSNBC's cum

literally the same can be said for democrats, get the fuck out of a 2 party system and make lobbying illegal

It's called having an education and an IQ above 50. You should try it someday.

This about sums it up. This is essentially the tactic republicans are using when confronted with the overwhelming evidence of corruption presented in this whole impeachment debacle. Well, that and

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why does anybody support either major party? both are corrupt as fuck and its painfully obvious.

you're gonna die alone and angry

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>said the Sup Forumstard.


It's funny when leftists try to act like they're smart. They bust out the thesaurus and dictionary and string words together, but never bother with statistics or history. Just rambling from emotions.

shit b8 m8.

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I'm not saying I'm entirely unbiased, and I do have trouble seeing things from others perspectives sometimes, but most people here seem to actively avoid even trying to see others perspectives anymore. It's sad, but what do i know. I'm sure a niggerjewfaggotcucklibtarddumbshitasshole

>we will ALWAYS finish on top of you trash

You must have skipped WWII in every history class you've ever taken - not difficult, as I understand they'll just pass dumb sacks of shit like you regardless of how little you know.

>Righty made an argument I can't rebut
>u dum, me smart, very big a-brain

Because he has a long penis that he can put in his mouth and all male republicans want to do the same. (the all of 17) Female republicans wish they had a peons so they could do it too. Part of his 2020 campaign is to authorize a subsidy for those who purchase penis extenders, but only if the reason is so that they can cum in their own mouths. This real truth because it’s not from msm.

"wrong" is not a valid alternative perspective. It's just fucking wrong.

Facts, logic and reason do not exist in the modern right wing. We have reached the point in their corruption, failure and ineptitude that they are incapable of rational argument. What can you expect when for the past 40ish years the GOP has been anti-science, anti-education, anti-public schools, anti-university and heavily invested in religiosity? They literally have a vested interest in keeping people STUPID, uniformed and blindly obedient to "god", which they bait and switch for crony capitalism, authoritarianism, discrimination and anti-science goose-stepping.

There is no valid argument in "hurr durr left no is am smart".

To be honest, this would actually make MORE sense than what Trump actually represents and who he actually works for.

I find it hilarious that the left wants to take all of the money away from billionaires, but those are the ones pouring millions of dollars into elections at every level in order to push leftist agendas.

You could be right on Sup Forums, but do you think you're right in real life, with real average people?

Why Did Dems Support a woman who would have Gotten us into ANOTHER meaningless war With Russia and the Middle East?

>take all of the money away from billionaires
Is that what you think they're saying?

Actually, yes, I am....but only with the majority of Republicans who still support Trump. I forgive and can sympathize with and work with the old school and classical Republicans who consider him a betrayal and recognize the destruction and treason their party is committing. I know a fair few of them and they are...shall we say, "intellectually salvageable", even though the religiosity has still brainwashed them a fair bit, they are able to recognize filth like Trump and his sycophants for what they are.

The Clintons are Democrats.

Historically, it's either been taking more money from them in tax reform or GUILLOTINES. Take your pick, but I'm guessing you'd prefer the former.

Oh, and here's a simple representation of how easy the criminal billionaires have had it and for how long thanks to the Republicans. Their free ride is OVER. They got too greedy with this latest batch of subhuman traitors and now they pay less than the middle class and working classes do.

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And Democrats are a right wing party that is further to the right politically than the Eisenhower era Republicans were.

I live in rural Indiana. I'm not at the point you are yet, because I see his supporters turning on him every day. More and more Trump yard signs are being taken down, but I'd say it's maybe a 1/4 of the people who used to support him are turning. The issue I see is they just don't want to talk about it. They made a mistake and want it swept under the rug. It's okay to make mistakes but acting like this is just strengthening what supporters are left. If you try to tell them this they'll just shut down and say they don't care.

It's funny because we have a big caterpillar factory near us and a lot of people in our small town used to work there. In 2018 they laid off a bunch of workers and because the factory wouldn't let them unionize a bunch of our locals were just completely fucked. Guys who had worked there for 10+ years with nothing to show for it.

>It's the democrats faults.
cognitive dissonance at its finest.

Same. I see tons who were pro-Trump who are now noticeably quiet or even ashamed of him and most of the true conservatives I know hate Trump and everything he's done and stands for. They would each personally shove his Twitter phone up his ass too, which I found and still find amusing.

>your money
>the middle class paid more in taxes than billionaires did this year. It's the first time in history this has happened.

the sheer number in the middle class versus the number of billionaires, i would think this shouldve happened long ago, but keep trying.
sounds like a feeble attempt at hating someone because of their possessions... and here i thought we got past that one in 3rd grade.

Because he is not any of the things you claim he is.

Nope. FUCK the billionaires. Tax 'em at 70% and take it all back when they die. It was never theirs to begin with.

They want to squeeze us all and play hardball and use criminal politics and propaganda to steal as much money from us as they can? They can either pay their share as determined by percentile of GDP their ill-gotten wealth controls or they can be executed.

Why do assholes continue to spam a board that is tired of your political bullshit. Some of us are tired of American politics in every thread. People like you who think that you are smart just because you can't stfu about politics for 30 seconds have been given your own board.

Yes he is.

Hamberder covfefe council, infair. The man is a complete RETARD and a failure in every sense of the word. He is unequivocally the enemy of this country.


wow nice greed and envy you got going there.

hint: work for what you get, not steal from others.

Corruption means the system is working exactly as intended. I vote Republican because I prefer competency.

Did you miss the part where that's what THEY did and do you fucking worthless maggot?

Bernie has never worked a physically hard job in his entire life.

ya, and its not theft when the government demands it from you under duress of jailtime, but it IS theft when you willingly buy what the billionaire is selling to you.

wow, arent you fucked in the head.

And I bet you can't cite a credible source to back up your baseless claims, or you would have.

Why don't you just tell people they aren't allowed to leave the plantation? Maybe they'll get the point that way?

>Protip faggot
Would you imagine that, a tolerant Democrat calling someone a faggot? I thought your kind loved the gays

Kids are dumb....

I'm literally laughing hard as fuck at how pathetic this is

and yet USA GDP is up...

You're going to have a hard time accepting reality when your mommy kicks you out of her basement.

>Everyone believes in borders.
being this retarded

faggot is a slang term of endearment that means pretty much anything when used on this site.

Congrats on your ignorance, newfag, you just betrayed your naivety.

>Obama created more jobs in one term than dump has
Obama also deported more illegals every single year of his presidency but liberals still cry about how trump is evil for having ICE deport illegals...

Hello ShareBlue!! Hard at work again tonight? You seem really mad tonight. No tendies and alone again?

Look at this pathetic groveling maggot.

The nepotist rich fucks are never going to throw you anything for trying to defend them, you DO realize that right?

Ok zoomer.

>the plantation
You racist retards will never give that retarded shit up, will you?

It's nothing but a far right BUZZWORD you fucking moron.



>you racists
>>democrats literally owned the southern plantations
Pic related, it's (You)

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He did deport more. Except he did it LEGALLY.

Trump and his criminal ICE assholes break the law and destroy families and commit atrocities and crimes against humanity as they ignore due process.

There's a huge difference.

>Trump and his criminal ICE assholes break the law and destroy families and commit atrocities and crimes against humanity as they ignore due process.

[citation needed]

Kek, this is where the thread will die

literally just google it. There are a shit-ton of examples of them breaking the law.