What are some current shows that could be ruined by another writers' strike?

What are some current shows that could be ruined by another writers' strike?

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all shows would benifit, fuck the writers, get some new one shows and films these days fucking suck, they lack atmosphere, subtlty, finess and skill, aswell as dialog being fuckin retarded

Prison Break.

I wish Heroes Reborn had lasted long enough to get rekt again too

Dancing with the Stars

What do you mean by ruined? Does it matter if your prolefeed is written by """writers""" or just some moron?

>the people who write iron fist think they aren't being paid enough
>the people who wrote suicide squad think they aren't being paid enough
>the people who wrote rogue one think they aren't being paid enough.

>scifi channel is doing something remotely interesting? time to strike!

>Prison Break.

That finished filming, right? The revival is only 9 episodes.

The Young Pope

>the people who wrote the last season of game of thrones think they aren't being paid enough

Aw, nuts.

its a total crap shoot to be honest. If this strike goes down, Some shows and movies will suffer greatly, some will probably even be cancelled. But a few will come out ok, maybe even better now that the WGA isnt weighing everything down. It happened before with Conan, breaking bad, ect. its really going to be a test to see whos got the salt to work under these conditions and who doesnt. Its like natural selection.

and honestly I fucking love when these things happen. its like seeing people you hate get into a fight and beat the hell out of each other. No consequences for me and still makes for great entertainment. It also helps that the shows ive been looking forward to have already finished their stories for this year

There hasn't been a single good show since Boardwalk Empire, Mad Men and Justified ended

>some will probably even be cancelled
Don't get my hopes up like that.

>the people who wrote the predator, robocop, and nightmare on elm street reboots think they aren't getting paid enough

>the guy who wrote passengers thinks he wasn't paid enough
>the guy who wrote girl on the train thinks he wasn't paid enough

Rectify too.

I'm worried Silicon Valley will get fucked over but I can see S5 being the last. I would be fine with that. Once The Leftovers ends I'm done with western television for good.

The Americans is good

So was the Knick which was unfortunately canceled.

>>scifi channel is doing something remotely interesting? time to strike!
Wait, this is over Channel Zero using creepypastas?

All the CW glorious shows.

the expanse isn't completely awful and seems to be getting better each season. same for dark matter and the magicians.

yes, "isn't completely awful" is what I've come to find acceptable in the current media environment.

it's written by Italians and a Brit, it's safe from American shenanigans

There aren't any. These commie fucks striking will only increase the evidence that they're a bunch of overpaid kikes.

>Mfw Supernatural is cancelled in the strike and doesn't end properly

We might actually see the CW fall like dominoes if that happens.

haha who the fuck watches CW anyway. all they have to do is upset their 4 viewers and the channel is done

Oh fuck not my Clarke! NOOOOOOO!

Workers unions are fucking trash

The entire country needs to be a right to work state.

t. ceo making 500 times the average employee

I still haven't recovered from the last one ruining season 2 of Friday Night Lights.

>he thinks the only way living standards increase is due to unions


Son, I live in Switzerland and we have a small amount of unions(they literally don't do anything anyway and never strike). Our wages are the highest in the world and we have the largest purchasing power.

Everyone here has lots of money and savings. we also have PRIVATE healthcare.

Why doesn't the rest of the world become free market like us?

>free market
>step right up and shelter your taxable income and nazi gold right here sir
>mountain niggers think this is the free-market

switzerland doesn't need unions because people can just walk 3-4 miles to another country if conditions are shit

how do you guys react to foreigners living in your country? I thought about moving to Switzerland after I graduate, but I heard that Switzerland is really xenophobic and I'll alwys be second class citizen

>>step right up and shelter your taxable income and nazi gold right here sir
Why do you think they want to keep their money here in the first place?

>>mountain niggers think this is the free-market
We're literally the 4th most free in the world.
I mean, what other western 1st world nation has PRIVATE healthcare?

When it comes to monetary policy(what really matters) we're 1st.

We have the highest local purchasing power in the world.

>if conditions are shit
But they're never shit because our country is based.

>how do you guys react to foreigners living in your country?
Most Swiss don't want to turn into shitholes like Germany, but there's a growing faction of leftists that have been bringing in foreigners.

If you're white, it's probably not a big deal if you move here.

>conditions are great in my tiny country that people cam leave whenever they want!
>because people can leave whenever they want
>but they won't because they've never had a reason to!

because the country never had the ability to keep people from leaving.

None since they all suck.

>because the country never had the ability to keep people from leaving.
We never needed to.
Why would you want to leave? In fact people desperately want to come live here.

You seem to be misunderstanding something basic.

Namely the fact the reason conditions have never been shit is because the ruling powers never had the leverage necessary to try to make things shit.

Thus never had a need for labor unions.

Because people have options.

Thus the government has to suck as much dick as possible to keep people happy.

Because they can leave whenever they want.

Supernatural is stupid popular with normies

>the people who write the walking dead think they aren't being paid enough

the last season of Game of Thrones

Uh. Sure whatever.

dude, I live in EU and trust me, freedom of movement doesn't stop the goverment and corporations from fucking people over. people generally don't want to leave their country unless things really go to shit



The Expanse

Most would benefit but I think a few might suffer like The Americans.

Rick and Morty, the Big Bang Theory and Last Week Tonight.

Dark Matter is quite good. Feeds my scifi jones.

Dark matter is canadian kino. Rip rich fuccboi tho.

A lot of people

I was so goddamn happy when he died. That alternate universe episode made me deathly afraid he'd come back again.

Generally countries are larger than switzerland.


its kinda like scifi methadone

Walking Dead would only improve.