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Really made me think.

nice trips

when will niggers actually take responsibility for the failure of their communities?

Nearly 400 years of proving inferiority and degeneracy.

Was a causative factor in my pensive nature.

About how much more we could have gotten out of slavery.

And poltards still don't want to give black people reparations... smdh

Slavery- Democrats
Segregation- Democrats
Mass Incarceration- Democrats

B-but the republicans switch places with the democrats I s-swear

>muslim slavery 1000 years
>pre-muslim slavery 5000 years
strangely missing

Stop breaking the law asshole.

america is clearly nothing but oppression for them. if i were them i would get out of america as fast as i could. i would immigrate to germany or maybe mexico. just sayin famalamabambam..

[citation needed]

Segregation was democrats too?

Red pill me plox

It's nothing.


>when will niggers actually take responsibility for the failure of their communities?
When whites stop pandering to their every whim.


The deep south was Democratic until Nixon took office.


Aka "Freedom with insufficient handouts

>Mass incarceration

The just reward for mass crime.

150 years of making excuses.

Hispanics are the most civilized ethnic group.



The Democrats ruled the South until the end of segregation. All Jim Crow laws were their idea

really deep

I love how libtards complain about this shit when white people do it, and yet NOBODY ever talks about the massive slave empires that Islamic nation states have flourished off of for thousands of years.

The parties began around 100 years ago to take a complete 180 degree turn in their values. Most KKK members and pro-slavery judges and congressman were democrats until more modern times.
>redpill me on this durrdurrdhurrr
It's basic American history you fuck.

Thats why pic related has bars infront of their windows rite ?



ALL of the civil rights movement legislation were greatly supported by the GOP, and highly criticized by the democrats.

...wetbacks are horrible

Black people shouldn't be allowed on Twitter

>Cartel beheading pictures inbound

whoa, people get sentenced for committing crimes

Pretty sure in 1619 it was indentured servitude not slavery.

This troubling phenomenon of liberals supporting all these insane religious sects in the name of multiculturalism is very recent. It's a response to Republican jingoism post 9-11. While moderate lefts have always been "live and let live" the more radical lefts were the fiercest critics of social injustice outside of our borders.

Dat's cuz we wuz kangz. White ran out in da jungles catchin us wid netz and sheeit. White bois stol errthing dey got now from us nigga.

Thousands of hours...

Really gets you clinking

>muh mass incarceration
>muh school to prison pipeline

why can't they just be free to commit crimes? I weep for this world

Wtf's up with whites and the disproportionate amount of drinky-drivey and arson?

when does the mass execution era begin?

it doesn't get counted as DUI if you're in a stolen car, and arsonists are white autismo robot spergs

If they didnt act like fucking niggers then that would never be an issue now would it?


We've been America since 1619? Where the fuck was I in history class?

Millions of hours in mspaint

A wonderful diagram.
We also keep our negroes in ghettos which is like segregation.
These unintelligent animals are not fit to mingle with mainstream white america.
some proof...

Trillions of dollars in welfare and government aid is enough reparations.


You're right. They didn't bring any niggers over. Reason being is all their indentured servants kept dying from working their assessment off in the swamps of jamestown. So they kept bringing in more poors to replace the dead ones. When conditions got good enough that the poor whites didn't die as often and started to collect on their "you survived servitude" gift packages, the rich decided it was time to invest in darkies.


> Implying blacks get incarcerated purely based on their skin color, and not the huge number of crimes they commit.

Today, brother.

bring back segregation


And not sending the niggers back after the civil war was a mistake, and Lincoln did not want to free them for the most part.

Race war when?

You'd commit crimes too if for the last 500 years society has been entirely against you.
I have an idea
Let's take all whites and enslave them for 500 years, after we will do an IQ test on all whites vs all Blacks and see who's the smarter one then.

shouldn't it start with european slavery in america



Idiot, 2/3's of whites who came to the colonies came as slaves. Open a history book once in awhile if you can read past a 6th grade level.

Society against you? Blacks have civil rights.
Blacks have nothing in their way for attending college and applying for jobs.

>animals in chains and submissive
>animals free and behaving like animals
>animals have to be put in cages


So, never

Yeah, NOW.
And whites did NOT come to America as slaves, they came as Colonizers who stole this land from Indians and made us blacks build everything and do your work for your lazy ass

Really makes you think...


Black alcoholics don't own vehicles. A lot of inner city blacks never own a vehicle in their lives.

Going ahead, nigger. Use your superior civilization, society and technology to mass enslave white people. Do it.

wow, you mean we should free them and send em back to africa?

well, I'll miss them, but I I suppose it's for the best

America wasn't a fucking country in 1619. I understand that there was slavery under the colonists but that is misleading to how long slavery actually existed in the USA. For fucks sake, they have been freed longer in USA than enslaved.

> Implying that people live for 500 years.
> Implying that Europeans didn't suffer countless tragedies in their history.
> Implying Jews weren't systemically rounded up in gas chambers, executed, faced centuries of discrimination, yet are one of the most successful ethnic groups on the planet.

mfw ebt and welfare systems go down forever
