I don't get the appeal. She's cock-eyed. Care to explain? She also has fake bazoombas. Is she really that good of an actor?
I don't get the appeal. She's cock-eyed. Care to explain? She also has fake bazoombas...
>not having a cross-eyed hot girl fetish
I would feel bad for you, but you sound like a faggot.
>I don't get the appeal.
dick sucking lips
perfectly for sucking cocks
>good actor?
since when do need actresses to be good? they're just eye candies
Her sex-appeal is unmatched in current Hollywood.
Watch "Don Jon"
Disney paying reviewers to 10/10 her to shill marvel, and the memesters are following up on it.
>I don't get the appeal.
I don't see the appeal with sucking dicks either.
It's ok being a fag.
Not really though.
One can only guess the secret to her successes
She's jewish.
it's her voice.
have you seen 'her'`?
Can anyone post those recent pics of her
Flat tot pics and the one where she's walking
Yeah she's overrated as fuck.
People who think she's hot are basic bitches who've been brainwashed.
Why can't you do it, asshat?
Her most recent appearance
Charlize Theron is way hotter than her.
Scarlett looks like a fat retarded version of Charlize Theron.
Oh she is. But she hasn't got Scarlett's sex appeal
She's cute, user.
She peaked in 2003
That's a good thing since her sex appeal is non-existent.
Match Point and The Island are superior. Also Don Jon is hot af
She was butterfaced jew even back then
>11/10 in America
stephanie tanner?
>Is she really that good of an actor?
She's one of the most bland female actors out there. The best performance I've seen from her was in Under the Skin, and that's probably because she was supposed to be acting like an emotionless alien.
finally people realize this. people should have come to this conclusion after lucy.
Literally only reddit thinks she's anything but hideous
her voice is sex
There's a scene in Lost in Translation where Bill Murray bumps into her just after she's been swimming and she's wearing a dressing gown, she looks incredibly cute and sexy at the same time. Also I have a thing for girls who are young but mentally mature, she was only 18 when that movie started shooting and she seems at least 5 years older.
Get the fuck off my board
She's a half jew at best, the clue is in her surname. She looks more nordic than jewish.
She was cute, but in those other movies she was hotter
I know. I love that scene
She's so close to crossing the line between thicc and FAT COW
>that nose
>even after rhinoplastic
Oy vey, we are white nordics, goy!
Calling a breast reduction 'fake bazoombas' seems a bit off.
>but in those other movies she was hotter
In a glitzy Hollywood way, but I prefer comfier looking girls so whatever
LiT was thiccest we've seen
>I don't get the appeal. She's cock-eyed. Care to explain? She also has fake bazoombas. Is she really that good of an actor?
I think she looked best in Iron Man 2. Then went downhill.
That lez hairstyle though....
>She peaked in 8 Legged Freaks
>She looks more nordic than jewish
How can that fake hair dye outweigh her jew nose in your personal race detector?
She had really nice boobs and that got her foot in the door
Sure. I have the feeling I've argued about this with you before
I'd eat out her ass with a spoon. ScarJo is sex incarnate
She could have started the THICC trend in 2003 if she'd stuck with it. Oh well.
Maybe, I dip in and out of Sup Forums every couple of months and always seem to see a scarjo thread
She is jewish
>eat out her ass with a spoon
>converted to 60fps
>go to watch that movie with my mum and stepdad
>first scene is this
Pretty uncomfortable ngl
Iron Man 2.
>tfw you can see her belly button through two shirts
>those false af curls
>She's cock-eyed
I saw a pic of her from gits earlier and thought someone had shooped her eyes to make her look goofy
>you will never go out to the cool nightspots of tokyo with young scarjo and curl up in a five star hotel at 4am
Might as well get the rope out
>that tiny pudge
be still, my throbbing dick
What do you think her farts smell like?
Champagne and strawberry yoghurt.
Fuck off pedoshit
It's OK to be gay, user.
That image is stupid, English inbreeds on the left are just like any other inbreeds. If you've seen pakistani or indian inbreeds as a result of cousins being involved in arranged marriage you'll understand.
would this be the eventual turnout of what Hitler wanted?
There has to be something i can't quite put my nose on it.
>mfw her body in Under The Skin
Even that weird bogpilled dude wasn't impressed