Why did people hate this again?


Is it because it dared to show how youth protesters are all shills and sellouts?

Is it literally too meta intelligent for millennials?

Other urls found in this thread:


No, it was so dumb it thought people wouldn't see that was the message.

>Yeah, if ya took all my rights away
>Yeah, if ya tellin' me how to pray
>Yeah, if ya won't let us demonstrate
>Yeah, you're wrong
This is perhaps the most nu-male lyrics ever, only to be topped by 'Imagine'

I don't see why liberals hate this ad. Its pandering to them, so why the hate?

They hate it because it appropriates protest culture and makes it look like one big party where everyone is smiling and no one is destroying or burning things.

Because they want to believe their "movement" is authentic rather than mere feelgood lifestyle branding. This shows activist culture for what it really is.

Because at the very end they dared to show police not being the evil villains liberals pretend they are.

Because you can't end a conflict with a Pepsi you insufferable hippie. It also undermines other previous human rights movements.

Are you kids 8 years old?

It makes light of a situation they feel strongly about and police killing "innocent" people


It completely fucking tone deaf. Also, it's ironically been done before.


>trying to pander to people whose entire existence is predicated upon being perpetual victims
Gotta keep feeding the SJW machine, it's totally working

Yeah, you need Coca~Cola

It was too real.

>Actually watching and giving a shit about a commercial

Go discuss this on instagram

Your second point is valid. I can end lots of conflicts with Pepsi.

Don't ever spee-hee-heek to me ever again

where are they walking to??


It's not about whether they're innocent or not, it's about the justice system. Everyone has the right to a trial, as a human being. If you disagree with this you have a fundamental misunderstanding of what keeps society functioning.

He's a big guy.

More cultural Marxist propaganda, feels like I'm living in a dystopia sometimes. Unbelievable!

>Go on killing & raping spree
>Caught red handed, raping corpse of victim
>Lets spend tax dollars for his room and board while we deliberate for months on end this guys fate
>Gets life in prison, again paid for by tax revenue

Fucking liberal douche.

it should have ended with a black guy trying to give a different cop a pepsi and like 10 cops swarm him and just start smashing the fuck out of him with batons.

to death

Why does Pepsi always have the most kino commercials???


>all those self-entitled, whining millennials, not one of them over 23, complaining about how their life is so fucking hard.
>"boo hoo, we are the lost generation, listen to our childish burbling and change the system"
Fuck them, fuck you, fuck everyone, fuck this gay earth.

Can someone please explain why they are cheering at the end?
I'm trying to understand what retarded idea that hack advertiser had in mind

>Can someone please explain why they are cheering at the end?
Because Kendall just ended racism!


>please do not show two sides finding common ground on an issue, it deligitimizes my incoherent rage

Can't you keep up with one fucking thread, you retarded moron?

Kys yourself m8

gee, I said it as in the "literally who?" meme, not as in "what happened?, who did what? help me :("

fuccin asshole

>can someone tell me what the hell is going on?
>Midge, help me out here

Seriously though, how to advertisers get paid when you look at the horse shit they pump out.

I feel like you are probably 24

because its shows capitalization on their "movement". also probably makes them realize they are doing the same thing but their form of currency is emotion

Are you proposing we abolish the prison system at large and just hire cops to kill people at their personal discretion? You sound underage.

He probably just wants to streamline the death sentence process, but that's not gonna get much traction with the general populace so you might as well ignore him.

yeah that shit tames polar bears

He is 12 at most, being a reverse-sjw on Sup Forums is pretty much your next step after your first Sup Forums and Sup Forums tour


post some sexy kendall Jenner

she is god damn gorgeous though. JEESUS


Is the tranny her mum?

maybe because what you call "SJW liberal millienials" actually are people rioting for their rights, and you can't use a protest (and fucking end it with a policeman drinking pepsi) as pandering. Nobody who fights for their rights will go buy shit because a brand pretends to be one of them or whatever just from the script of their add. It's not a fucking lollapalooza, you can't appropiate social movements for your own economic benefit

Her father

>inb4 women can't be fathers

Racist and sexist much?

did you copypaste that off yt comments?

Cause it's 3 minutes of Kendall Jenner not sat on my dick.

the funny thing is, id be willing to bet most of the dislikes on that video come from the same crowd that mass-disliked dear white people trailer

so none of the
>you can't appropiate social movements for your own economic benefit"
stuff, just kneejerk reactions

What was Pepsi trying to convey here? Seems accurate of protesters if you ask me.

Go outside man.


for you

pffftff hahahah



I hate all of their clothing.

WOW Pepsi is based as fuck! How did they get so many people to appear in a literal parody of protests and srs issues? Or are most of the actors simply not aware that it's a parody that makes fun of protesters and think they are in on the joke?

what are you "alt right" /pol idiots bitching about now?

They are rioting to destroy culture, property, society and country. They are rioting to threaten workers to give them even more.

When a group of people can no longer eject undesirables, they have begun to die.

Coke still wins in Pepsi's own commercial



Because they need to chase the market share of Coke. Are you thick?

People "hate" it because they have a shitty job writing internet 'think pieces' and if they don't write 3 articles a day they won't have enough money for rent.

Being outraged is an easy way to bring in the views for minimal work. You get people from both sides talking about it. If it gets big enough you can even squeeze out a few more articles on the internets response.

>Dr Pepsi?
>I'm C.O.K.E.

They actually don't
It's just the outrage crowd who pretends to be mad at shit
I guarantee you that less than 1% of the people who are talking shit are genuinely mad about it

for somce liberals are right, it really is cringy and if you drink any kind of soda you deserve the diabetes

>Why did people hate this again?
Well I know why I hate it, but I'm not sure why normies do too... it seems exactly like the kind of shit they would eat up.

it costs more to execute someone than it does to house them for life

don't protesters fight against big corporations like pepsi?

underated desu

What did they mean by this?

I'm not sure if I understand the ad or not.
Seriously, what did they mean by this?
They are making fun of protesters right? Showing that they are fake and don't really care for their cause, they just want to be "cool".

wtf, my dick instantly got hard for some reason

I legitimately thought that the girl turns out to be a trans at the end somehow.

I'd throw them in an arena and let them fight to death, and put that on television and sell tickets for the live performance, that way criminals even make the state some money

It's stupidly pretentious.
And she thinks she'll solve everything by giving a guy a coke.
And the constant shoving of the pepsi can into view.

It's trying to be in touch but ends up super out of touch.

That said i dont understand why people are mad about it, it's just really funny how bad it is.

Kendall looks CGI af for some reason

Like scarjo in GitS

>Buy 2 coke cans to get 1 pepsi
Coke win then

Solve everything? Solve what? These aren't real protesters, the ad clearly shows this. They are poking fun at how young people make it fashionable and "cool" to protest. That's why they all drink Pepsi. And have an upside down peace sign and take intentionally extra-dumb selfies and laugh.

She's hot though, a lot of problems can be solved by a qt girl because you'll agree with her on the chance she lets you fuck her l8ter

>I don't see why liberals hate this ad. Its pandering to them, so why the hate?

the alt-right version of this would be

>white women are being chased by gang of brown refugees
>the women are cornered
>one of the refugees walks forward and gives a woman a Pepsi
>she smiles
>consensual gangbang commences

would this be pandering to the alt-right?

No it's really not that deep, it genuinely is trying to say this is a real protest and a pepsi will fix it.
Is she? She's attractive but i know hotter girls at my own uni, she's nothing amazing.

hot, pretty, sexy etc. as subjective as those terms are they all amount to the same shit
She's attractive enough where a majority of men would have zero qualms about fucking her if the opportunity presented itself.

Because it's 2 minutes longer than it should be? At most a minute and a half, anything longer and I usually become spiteful of the product you're trying to sell.

Then there's the obvious pandering. And I don't mean Pepsi is backing or promoting a view I don't agree with so it's shit. I mean they are so obviously courting a specific group or demographic that their attempts come off as forced ans insincere. They border on making a parody of that group using the product instead of making the product seem to be something that would need or want to be used.

And maybe the person or person's thought millennials wouldn't remember or no one would notice but the Vietnam protest (whether you agree with them or not) imagery being compared to a bunch people who could just as easily be having a block party or be some part of a parade was far too insulting.

>he had to state brown refugees to get those racism points

ironically i have seen even anti-sjws triggered by this pepsi ad

>Advert promotes peace and understanding
>Leftists hate and attack it
Really makes you think...

Another note, only BLM is allowed to profit off of race riots.

That applies to all women 5/10 or more

Are you sure? I mean you are probably right, I must be looking way too deep into it. Although it's impossible to avoid how deep it is, kind of.
>if it's a parody it's actually pretty bold because this is serious to many people and actually risky for pepsi
>but if it's genuine either pepsi doesn't understand real protesters or real protesters are just like the actual retards portrayed in this ad, except the ad shows that in an exagerated way that actually unintentionally shows the issue of protesters being fake and not really caring about their cause

Kendall's like a 6 or 7/10 imo, but that's just me. Kylie's the hotter one

protestors desperately want to believe that they're more than how they were depicted in the ad

it makes them mad because this is how the rest of america which isn't balls deep in politics and doesn't know what the word "gaslight" means sees them, as they are

You'll notice that the only people who are screaming about social injustice and privilege and white colonialism and shit are young, upper-class, rich white yuppies.

They do it simply because of their own privileged and hedonistic lifestyle. Once they finally see how their relatively glamorous lives compare to crusty third-worlders and how the lower-class must live, they actually start to feel guilt about their position in life.

So, to cope with this, they spread that guilt over as large a group as they can (straight white people) to diffuse the blame, and just seem like an innocent part of an oppressive system instead of a uniquely lavish and ignorant lifestyle that only their upper-class friends share.

BUT! That wouldn't help them ignore the disparity and undeserved privilege they have, still knowing that they are part of it. So, they also become whining beacons of "awareness", loudly and publicly (because what good is virtue signaling if no one can see your signals?) pointing out all the "wrongs" in society. They can then go home and keep being entitled and spoiled brats, but now they feel good about it, because THEY'RE aware of their privilege, which makes THEM one of the "good" ones, who totally aren't part of the oppressive systems they decry anymore. Having "done their part" spreading social justice "awareness", they can once again be comfortable being hedonistic and ignorant, with an extra helping of self-righteous on top of it all.

The problem comes from the fact that these people are upper-class rich kids. They come from money, and as such, they have real power and influence. To them, they just do their virtue signaling and then feel better about themselves and go back to ignoring their personal privilege. But to everyone else, this whining has caused the institutions that her family has power over to actually start making changes to implement these rules and standards to which we must now hold everyone (except for said rich kids of course).

This ad is unironically a masterpiece of the neoliberal era.

Just watching it reveals so much about the American culture of the 2010's. Look at the way the commodity is flaccidly attempting to situate its place in light of the social unrest we're seeing in late-stage capitalism. The anxieties of classic corporations like Pepsi are on full display here, and it's beautiful.

This seriously belongs in a museum

bring back pepsi man

Yeah, I agree, this is spot on.

I thought it was worth mentioning that I actually feel like drinking a Pepsi right now. No I'm not a shill.

you just know

Nah, you're not a shill.
Just a SHEEP.

GO ON, go drink what they tell you to drink.
Be who they tell you to be.

You sad fucking puppet.