Workers of the world, unite

Workers of the world, unite

Attached: 2c9e39cf6b549d3aae0448faee9afcb5.jpg (500x358, 27K)

Other urls found in this thread:,_neither_shall_he_eat

the working class has no home country! nationalism is for the scoundrels!

just posting random leftists memes for now ig

Attached: be like mary and do some revolution.jpg (720x874, 184K)

What an inspiring quote it's pretty much obvious she was really smart

that particular quote is not confirmed to be from her, but in the early 90s people attributed it to her. maybe she said it, but I don't know the source and nobody else as far as I know

we just have to admire propaganda art like this one, it's just epic af

Attached: chines communism.png (478x384, 369K)

she's a political giant. still

this is an interesting hammer and sickle version from switzerland

Attached: communism switzerland hammer and sickle.png (768x768, 50K)

Fidel Castro and Kwame Nkrumah. Daily reminder that the communist movement was the strongest force in abolishing the old colonial system

Attached: fidel castro and kwame nkrumah.jpg (1024x825, 62K)

Pepe is a Commie!

Attached: hippity hoppity abolish private property.jpg (480x480, 44K)

Hippity hoppity I deserve your property is the leftist slogan

With China being the worst polluter, the first step to saving earth is abolishing communism.

Personal property and private property aren't the same thing

Go read a book

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China is capitalist, brain genius

Attached: QQt98bG.jpg (736x490, 90K)

Imagine if soviet union won the cold war and there would be no more counties on earth. It would be impossible to wake up from the soviet nightmare.

Attached: Red.jpg (474x521, 28K)

Retard we don't want your property we want to destroy it

but China is also doing the most improvements in ecological sustainable technology...just let the Chinese handle this, with the CPC as their leaders they managed already more than your little fucked up capitalist country whichever it is

what you call the "nightmare" would be a perfect utopia because the US wouldn't exist anymore and as we all know the US are the devil's child to bring all humanity into sin

Attached: oh-my-god-this-is-so-full-of-ideology.png (476x360, 145K)

Mao is crying in grave because you really think current china is in any way communist

The only thing China is doing for ecology is reducing population by killing innocent students.

I don't believe it's communist. Deng introduced capitalism, but his strategy is interesting, keeping the Party with absolute brutality in power. Let's see where it goes, there is nothing we can do about it anyway. Let's bring our own understanding of socialism to reality in our own countries and see in what way China develops until we denounce it

Attached: marx engels lenin transp thinking.png (431x311, 168K)

People that want to bring socialism always discredit socialist countries as not the right kind of socialist. It does not matter they were all hell, we need to try again. It's like they have learning disability or something.

At least you are honest. You cannot create so you want to destroy and not let anyone else create anything. Communism is the policy of common mediocrity.

Utopia of totalitarian government and shortages of everything. You really have no idea what you are talking about do you?

workers create everything. Capitalists create nothing. We don't need them. Capitalism is just parasitic dependence of the Capitalists on the working class. Socialism is getting rid of those parasites and abolishing class altogether, hence improving the development for all people in society

Except for Cali this looks like 2020 election map.

Perestroika caused more shortages than there ever were in socialism. Capitalism kills, Socialism saves!

this is fascism: it's capitalism with the brutal protection of the rule of the capitalists

Attached: fascism holds capitalism together.jpg (843x1131, 188K)

Yeah workers create everything and Soviet Union is a great example of this. It does not matter if you are sitting or lying down, you deserve to get your share anyway. Socialism is for social parasites that don't want to work but they don't realise that without capitalism there will be nobody to produce the shit they "deserve".

>Socialism is for social parasites that don't want to work
Socialism has one method of distribution:,_neither_shall_he_eat
But in capitalism you literally have parasites living from the work of others and enriching themselves, they are called capitalists

inb4 someone says something bad about communism - you are wrong and you should read a book

Attached: the communist manifesto in a nutshell.jpg (359x499, 36K)

10/10 would shoot monarchs again

Attached: Император_Николай_II_nick the second.jpg (800x1142, 281K)

In capitalism nobody is forcing you to give your effort to anyone else without an acceptable compensation. If you think you are being paid too little for your effort, stop working for the "parasite". If you think some corporation is a "parasite" then don't give money to them and buy from local small producers. Vote with your wallet.
Instead of this, you propose not getting food unless you do what the totalitarian government tells you to do. This is literally slavery.

China is a unitarian single party socialist state. They have money. That doesn't make them capitalists.

>In capitalism nobody is forcing you to give your effort to anyone else without an acceptable compensation
1. try not to work for someone else. Do you starve if you don't? Then you are coerced to sell your labor piece by piece day by day to make other people rich
2. every wage you get paid means that you get paid less than what your labor produces. without the capitalists you would get more from your work

Socialism isn't totalitarian. You're thinking of maoism/stalinism.

>Vote with your wallet

Attached: when an ideology takes physical form.png (713x592, 586K)

Again confusing totalitarian/authoritarian systems for socialism.

>2. every wage you get paid means that you get paid less than what your labor produces. without the capitalists you would get more from your work

Wages aren't tied to production -- especially since the Industrial Revolution began. The capitalist -- or owner, whatever you want to call them -- has put up the risk to run the business. There are other costs involved than just wages and they can only supply so much to pay workers without going in the red.

A person could always start their own business and cut out the "capitalist" they toil under, but they'll soon find out it's not so cut-and-dry as "I do thing and the market will pay whatever I want."

>has put up the risk to run the business
the same would be true for socialism, there is no need for a dictator of the workplace who takes the risk if that can be done by all the workers themselves

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>A person could always start their own business and cut out the "capitalist" they toil under
why do you think they are called capitalists? because they own capital. The absolute majority of the people don't own enough capital, so thats not an option.

There are two China's.. and I am not talking about Taiwan or any SAR's. They run it both ways. They cities are run as a totalitarian capitalist state. The ret is collectivist. Spend some time in the countryside and you will immediately notice the difference.

1. I have a small, one person business. All the profit of my labor goes to me. Anyone that complains to be forced to work in capitalism will complain about being forced to work in socialism.
2. Not in my case as per 1., but in case of bigger companies your labor would not happen or be worthless without investment and hard work of the owner.

Name one country that did not devolve into a totalitarian nightmare after socialist revolution.

>one person business. All the profit of my labor goes to me
thats fine, you're a petit bourgeois and are not under the threat of being run over by a socialist revolution

>thats not an option
not with that attitude

I could also make an moral argument:
Slavery is not made ok if you can become a slaveholder. Wage labor is not made ok if you can become an exploiter.

I am a free man under a threat of slavery. Well, not exactly, as my country already went through the socialist phase and decided freedom is better. Rich western countries are the only ones left where people genuinely consider implementing communism. I came here to warn you.

I hear things from my people from East Germany all the time - some things were better in socialism, some things are better today. Socialism means learning and improving. We learned from the Paris Commune's failure and the October Revolution was succesfull. We are learning from the 20th century socialisms and 21st century socialism will be succesfull

Flawed comparison. Let me correct that for you:
There is no slavery if nobody is forced to do anything. Wage labor is not exploitation if it's voluntary.


Breathing is optional.

> October Revolution was succesfull
Oh you are one of these... I honestly didn't think there's anyone left that thinks Soviet Union was a success story.

India dipped a toe into socialism and when it flopped they nope'd back to sanity. A true socialist success story.

India is a socialist country that hasn't devolved into totalitarianism. There are others. Fuck off.

Yea!!!!! "Workers of the World Unite!"

Until the Government turns on your uneducated, minimum wage ass.....

Silly Communist

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How bad your movement must be if you have to claim cases where you were rejected as your success story.

The current government of India is socialist hth.

What are you on about? India is a federal parliamentary constitutional republic currently ruled by right-wing coalition. Are you high?

He's trying a misdirection to distract people from shittiness of socialism.