Show me how shit your taste is, /trek/

Show me how shit your taste is, /trek/

Other urls found in this thread:

Baaaack to Rura Penthe


Captain: Jean Luc Picard

Will do this later! LCARS 4x4, very exciting!

Why was this post in the last thread and this one?

of the U.S.S. Enterprise

Excitement knows no bounds!

I'm so confused.

LCARS 4x4 is very exciting.
I do not have time to do this now.
Excitement is unbound.

No time now, but very exciting.

I'm excited.

Hell yeah nigga. Remember these???

Fucken kekd

Captain: Sisko
First officer: Spock
Science officer: Data yes he is Science Officer as well as Operations dammit
Chief engineer: Scotty/O'Brien tie. Gotta be Celtic
Doctor: The Doctor (EMH mark 1)
Security/Tactical: Worf
Conn officer: Is this even a thing? Paris since he's the only one to hold that position consistently
Counselor: Ezri
Villain: Dukat
Alien species: Borg
Recurring character: Q
One time guest star: Iggy Pop
Series: DS9
Movie: First Contact
Starship: Enterprise-E
Uniform: TWOK era ones

Real Star Trek thread:

Nice template. Sup Forums is full of retards now though

Hell yeah nigga

Hell yeah

Hells to the yeah

Real Star Trek thread:

Heck yes, nigger.

samefag detected

Captain: Jean-Luc Picard