how does Sup Forums feel now that their favorite Arrow villain is now a pedophile?
isn't Terra like 17 in this?
How does it feel to be a fucking slowpoke
I'm about to say it
Merlyn > Slade
isn't he black though?
But I mean... it's clear he's been hitting that for a while though no? Long before she was 17?
Stale "joke"
That's just speculation. You're projecting lol.
I like how deadshot missed like 30 shots in this, bravo DC
That's Deathstroke, deadshot wasn't even in it. Bravo Sup Forums
i'm not joking, he was black in Suicide squad
Are you confusing Deathstroke for Deadshot, or are you just baiting?
It's pretty clear he's been cockblocking her for a while. Besides, Lazarus pits make you impotent.
>You're projecting lol.
uh, ok there buddy, lol
aren't they all the one guy? stroke, shot, lol, capeshit is dumb. Do you also have a Deathstrike? or Deathshit? Deadshoke, Deadstrife?
guess we like him even more now
>Those shoulders.
>That nose.
>Whore makeup.
>Short hair.
Looks like a little boy in drag.
theres two deathstrikes acoording to wikias
All the better, she had some serious acne or something though I dont even fucking know.
hormone therapy?
>all the Americans in this thread with learning disabilities that somehow make dead into death and shot into stroke