>Did you hear about that drug that activates the 90% of your brain you don't normally use? Crazy shit man. It was all in this documentary, Jamie pull that shit up. Yeah that's it, Lucy. I bet it was DMT.
Did you hear about that drug that activates the 90% of your brain you don't normally use? Crazy shit man...
>Did you hear about that guy that said he wasn't a fan of Marijuana? Seriously that just irks me, I just can't fathom it. What an awful guy, like where the fuck does this guy come off judging what other people do like that. Man people use that shit to ease their pain! What a terrible person. If I ran into that dude I wouldn't hesitate to knock some sense into him. Like seriously I would fucking murder that guy. Don't talk shit about Mary Jane dude, I'll fuck you up. I will fucking destroy you. I'll pull your fucking teeth out and bash your head in with a shovel... Bet that guy thinks he's hot shit. Unreal. I'll show him what's up. Pull up that old photo of me Jamie. Yeah, that's the one. Check that shit out.
>what do you mean weed doesn't cure cancer? you fuckface. Jamie pull up that article
>see it says here that there is no corro... correlation between weed and cancer cells. don't you know how to read articles dummy?
>you stupid bitch faggot. what's your problem? stop being so defensive we're just having fun. are you gonna cry?
>I'm smoking RIGHT NOW does it look like I'm gonna die any time soon? You fuckface. is bitch baby gonna cry? btw you missed your flight
>newest Sam Harris episode
>guy explaining meditation in detail
>3 minutes of inspiring and educational information
>Joe immediately makes it about him
>DUDE yeah the same thing happens in my $10k isolation tank LMAO
I think this is the last time I'm going download JRE after like 3 years of consistent listening.
>It's a Joe invites a scientist on and talks about fighting for 3 hours with them
>It's a Joe invites a fighter on and talks about science for 3 hours with them
>It's a Joe likes to stroke his own ego episode
Sam Harris is a fucking retard
How is putting a monetary value on human life a strange concept?
We started doing that as soon as we invented money.
Every fucking time.
>Carolla doesn't let people talk
>Maron lets people talk but doesn't listen
>Rogan listens but doesn't understand
Are there any podcasters who aren't self absorbed?
Who else here is jealous of Rogan? Dude's a halfwit and has the charisma of a sack of pebbles but has managed a successful standup career and gets to talk to great, interesting people every day on a podcast which gets 60 million downloads for every ep. Dude's got enough time and money to excel at all the hobbies he loves like hunting, MMA, and psychadelic experimentation, all the while making tons of friends and living very well.
Does anyone have a comfier existence?
I'm more shocked that he's managed to carve a stand up career for himself. There are people in this thread now that are funnier than him, I guarantee it.
It's so bizarre........
fuck i wish people were as smart as us geniuses
We need to take more DMT and smoke more weed.
t. Joe Rogan
It's a strange concept if you were born in the West. Slavery has been the norm for most of human history, but if you were born in a civilized nation in the past 150 years or so it's a very bizarre notion that feels fundamentally wrong.
....you see that video of that Taiwanese guy trying to convert lions to Christianity? Damn, Jamie pull that up.
His standup is genuinely bad. IMO the only reason that ever got of the ground is because he's kind of the opposite of your normal standup comedian. Instead of being a scrawny Jewish man he's a ripped Italian dude who likes hunting and fighting. It's kind of a novelty, like that black scientist guy.
>it's a Joe talks about that one Michael Collins picture from Gemini X episode
>joe: whoa
This is like the "steve buschemi was a firefighter on 9/11" of joe rogan. We get it, you saw this in a joe rogan thread.
>It's a Joe has some fuckwit who nobody ever heard of on his show episode
He's coming on again next month
Am I alone in wanting Sam and Jordan on simultaneously? For some reason I'd like to see them debate with Joe as the moderator with some meathead fight expert sitting in an occasionally making commentary.
Or better yet, a Sam Harris/Alex Jones episode.
He's a good podcast host specifically because he's comfortably stupid, it gives him a kind of tabula rasa quality where people are happy to talk to him, but he is also happy to talk back even if what he says is likely to be retarded
Lots of hosts are terrible because they're smarter or at least more interesting than their guests
>How is putting a monetary value on human life a strange concept?
This is a guy who pushes himself when lifting weights or grappling with another man but reading is to hard for him.
Most the fagnets meming Jre here, would be pinked.
>reading is to hard for him.
Joe struggles to read?
Years ago, he mentioned how he'd rather watch a documentary over reading a book because the former was so much easier. I remember him ranting about reading like it was pulling teeth.
Now he claims that he does read but only to put himself to sleep.
Christ. Just when I thought I'd experienced peak Rogan.
>it's a comedian/mma guest episode
Rogan is not that dumb or self absorbed. He has his faults when it comes to certain pseudo sciences involved with his hobbies and things that he has a passion for, but overall he's pretty good. He lets people talk, he challenges them when he doesn't like what they're saying even if it makes him look stupid, and he's smart enough to hold and continue a conversation with people who are much smarter than him.
At least he's honest, though. The vast majority of people prefer movies and documentaries over reading. That's part of his appeal.
>He lets people talk
He agrees with everybody no matter what they say unless they talk shit about weed.
>it's a Joe, Christopher Ryan, and Duncan Trussell episode
why are these so comfy
Classic pot head behaviour. Too docile and suggestible to disagree with anyone unless they disparage their sacred drug.
Can you guys tell me which episode he gets pissed off about people dismissing weed? I see this meme all the time but I've never seen the video.
Nigger, I'm not going to sit here watching a 4 hour video. Give me a timestamp.
nigga you only asked for the episode
read the comments on the video. There's an arguement around 2:47
nvm, found it
holy fuck this is cringey. I can't even last 2 minutes of this
>but reading is to hard for him.
As hard as writing is for you?
He's a lame guest throughout the episode. He's some big conservative e-celeb, and he started off the episode by making Joe smoke a tobacco pipe with him like an asshole. I don't know why Joe bothered.
wow rude
>dude bonobo's fucking each other lol
They are ok, but Hancock episodes are max comfy
Fuckin kek.
Calm down Jordan and or Ahmed.
>Hey Brendan you're a smart guy, you got out in time, you've got a great future doing all kinds of things. I'd have hated to see you get punchy, its sad man.
>Brendan slurs his words in reply.
>Its the show where everyone pretends Bryan Callen isn't on a massive show at the moment and going to get his own spin-off series.
Because its the 'wrong kind of comedy'.
Bryan is worse than Rogan in his opinion-spewing habits. I just hate the way he talks.
I agree but the level of shame around him finally making it in acting (something he used to complain about a lot) is something to behold.
And I actually quite like the Goldbergs for what it is.
only muslims or commies hate sam harris
i agree with you on that. something about graham going on about how the scientific community calls him a pseudo scientist makes me just feel like he's actually right all along and life is going to get interesting
i really like mike baker episodes too, his accent is great