How do you cope with the fact that there are only maybe 100 directors max who are worth watching and they only made on...

How do you cope with the fact that there are only maybe 100 directors max who are worth watching and they only made on average 8 films each that are worth watching so you only have to watch about 800 films to have seen (virtually) everything worth watching?

Fucking fantastic
What would you rather, the existential dread of knowing that if you sat down now and started watching/reading/listening to everything you could ever want to experience you would still die before reaching the end of your list? Feeling each second you aren't working at it ticking away like an awkward silence that become harder to break the longer it drags on?
A few great things to focus on > a plethora of good things to glimpse

its called "reading books" you dumb feelsposter.

>if you sat down now and started watching/reading/listening to everything you could ever want to experience you would still die before reaching the end of your list

>watch a film a day
>it'll take just over a few years to watch them all
>at that point you can just start again
What's the problem here?

>tfw kino will continue being made after you die and wont be able to see any of it

>there are people who died before seeing FOTR
those poor cunts

I think about this very often. It makes me sad and sometimes I freak out.

If anything there's probably far fewer than 800 film's out there that I'd really enjoy.

I don't really like film. Or TV.

Why the fuck i spent so much time on this board i don't know.

that's only until I become a director and share my kino with the world

How come everyone on letterbox'd has seen over 1000 films?

If you're a real film fan that's not hard. It's like one film a day for three and a half years.

I've never seen it or any other LOTR films.

the best shitposting in all the internet

Quantity over quality
Remember when you used to use forums that had post counts, and you found any excuse to post anything because it inflated your e-ego to have a bigger number next to your name?

>tfw you go through all the high rated films to find something to watch but you've already seen them all and all that's left are 6/10s

>when they watch hundreds of shitty genre films from 50+ years ago that they never rate more than 2 stars

Yes, this sounds right
That makes sense but I don't think I love movies... I mean film so much to actually watch that many movies. I struggle to find films that look like they are worth watching before watching them.

you poor cunt

I've seen well over 800 films.

It really fucks me up whenever I think about all of the other things I could do with the time that I spend here.

It doesn't even have to be anything productive or meaningful, I could probably watch like 6 movies a day if I didn't waste every minute in this cesspit.

But you probably only loved 1/3rd of those films.

Same here. Maybe the problem is that you don't know *exactly* what you want to do instead. Find something specific to work on. Sup Forums will still be here when you take a break. It's hard though, I know. I have hobbies to do and I'm still here.

>tfw you realize the trashiest flicks were really the true kino all along

I've watched almost everything Summer has been in and now I feel sad.

>tfw I've gotten more joy out of marathoning TV shows than watching movies overall

Not that I don't like movies, but when you have a great TV show you can watch it for weeks and love every second of it. I have some movies I really love, but they only last about 2 hours.

Does anybody actually do this though? I feel like if the film was worth anything at all then you're going to want to think about it for a couple of days afterward. Two per week is a much better goal unless you're just watching trash genre flicks.

almost all tv shows are fucking trash mate, i doubt you have even gotten deep into cinema

Exactly, the characters begin to feel like family.

Not a fact
1/10 at least you got a rwply.

Better question: why is This allowed on Sup Forums ?

Besides The Young Pope all tv is trash mate

Why are they so skinny?


Look at his t-shirt/her hat



I cope by recognising that that's simply not the case. There are many hundreds of important filmmakers, and many thousands of important films. Now, if you want to have a general overview of the medium, a surface-level knowledge, then about 800 will probably suffice for you. But to know any great film deeply, you need to know about the less great films around it, the great films alongside it, the possibly greater films happening in a completely other context at the same time elsewhere in the world. Also, distribution is so patchy that we still have no idea of the story of cinema in many countries in the world, and a few items that have emerged suggest unexpected and powerful alternative formal languages for the medium. So how can we ever stop discovering?!



>ywn have an entire lifetime for just kino and video games
>tfw you're a failure if you choose to just watch kinos in this life


You're a failure because you'll never contribute anything worthwhile. You're a consumer. You're nothing. You're a speck.

That's a psychotic way of thinking

>Yes, good boy. WORK! WORK!! WORK!!! You're not worth it if you don't work 12 hours a day 6 days a week! Maybe one day you'll make as much as me but only if you put in effort :^]



>what is academia

What are you even babbling about?

>How do you cope with the fact that there are only maybe 100 directors max who are worth watching and they only made on average 8 films each that are worth watching so you only have to watch about 800 films to have seen (virtually) everything worth watching?
which 100 directors? Who has enough time to watch all these movies and even know there's only 100 worthwhile directors.

Same. I simply hope that cinema will die in the next few decades so I'm sure I won't miss anything valuable.

It's not worth talking to /r9k/ refugees. Just ignore it and it will go back to its loser safe space

>muh contribution to (((((((((society))))))))

t. shabbos goy

i have every film i'll ever rewatch and it's not even 500. mostly even only need 200 but i like a big collection.