Will we ever be together again?

Will we ever be together again?

Attached: Ask_74370c_526425.jpg (595x806, 83K)

Does she also want this?

Will she let me know soon?

Tell me

Do I have a chance with her?

Will I get what I want in my mind?

Do i have a chance


Should I?

I don't have all day you fuckin sphere


will I pass?

Does she it as I do now?

Am I going to commit suicide next year?

Will she soon?

Would you?

Attached: shit.jpg (600x646, 53K)

Will she before its too late for us?


Please tell me


Will she after?

I am going to live voice free again?

I miss her. Does she want us again?

Take your meds, they work wonders

will I make it?

Asking again

Will that change?

Please, tell me


Is it a realistic expectation

Should i contact her?

Will it help?

Is there a chance though

re-roll pls ball

Should I abandon work woman for new woman

Will i get a gf

give me the winning lottery number

Will I be getting the job I wanted?

Are they interested in me?

will i ever be cool?

Will it happen?

Did Hitler do something wrong ?

Without a doubt

If i achieve what i aim to achieve, will i get her back?

will something special happen today?



will holding her hand be emotionally significant

Is she lying to be about our relationship



Will i get her back?

>Will i get her back?

Are they gay

Fuck it

She will come back on her own accord?

I will have to do something to initiate it?


Asking again

Third times the charm i guess

Should I kill myself tomorrow?

will I do better than a C on my exam?

Can we just end it please? Like soon?

Is this it?

Is she happy?

Will i achieve my goals?

give it up it wont happen

Can i make things better?

Will I see coochie tonight?



ask the ball

Am I gonna make it?

Will i be her next adventure?

Asking again. I would like to be

Will i be a future adventure for her?

did epstein kill himself?

does she love me back?

Will i meet someone new soon?

Asking again

Dude- You need to be talking to her rather than asking 70-something questions.


Asking again


is op a faggot

Do I have what I think I have? Should I go to the doctor?

Is my posting on this thread, and even on /b, after over a year of escape from this hell, just for checking how my old stomping grounds was doing, to see if shit got better, if the memes thrived, to return to the land were memes are born, to escape society, to simply satisfy my curiosty. 8 ball, I implore for you to answer me, will I be able to escape again after today?

deep homie

Thank you user, thank you. I hope you too can escape someday.

should i leave?

Did those things really happen?


Do my parents hate me.



Will we be able to love eachother again?

Will she do it?

Should I message her now?

does she?

Is it acceptable that I spent today on nothing but doing laundry, masturbating and watching TV?

Is this the same 8-ball from last night?

That said, is this the same 8-ball from three days ago?